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Should the Fontenelle Forest Association amend Rules 1 and 2?

Phil2300: Introduction to Environmental Ethics

Dahn Gutierrez

The Fontenelle Forest is home to over 600 unique species of plants and animals.
Because of the growing population among certain species the suggestion to amend
the rules currently in place are in debate. The rules that are in question of being
amended are: Rule #1 All plant and animal like is strictly protected And Rule #2
No hunting, fishing, or weapons. These debate has formed due to the lack of
human involvement allowing growing populations of species and it is taking a toll on
the forest and its animals.

The Purpose of this paper is to discuss the arguments surrounding whether the forest association
should amend rules 1 and two (Rule one: All plant and animal life is strictly protected. Rule
Two: No hunting, fishing, or weapons.) And to discuss whether the rules currently in place
should remain or be amended. The arguments are from two different views and they are: For the
amendment and against the amendment. First, I will provide details regarding the two arguments.
Along with the view I support (Thesis) which is to amend Rules one and two in order to preserve
the forest and the wildlife within it. The opposing view would argue for animal rights and the
rights of the land. Next I will compare key points of those arguments to the view of famous
philosophers. Lastly, I will consider the sections of each argument that share similarities and
discuss how alike some of the arguments key points are.
The dangers that Fontenelle Forest is facing are very troubling. Over population of animal
species is causing a lack of resources for the animals along with damage and deterioration of the
forests ecosystem. The rules that are currently set in place are strict no Hunting or disturbing
animal life, However, these rules alone are inflicting suffering on animals and the land in itself.
The greatest problem with the rules currently in place is that they are allowing the invasion of
The Fontenelle Forest is home to over 600 unique species of plants and animals.
Because of the growing population among certain species the suggestion to amend
the rules currently in place are in debate. The rules that are in question of being
amended are: Rule #1 All plant and animal like is strictly protected And Rule #2
No hunting, fishing, or weapons. These debate has formed due to the lack of
human involvement allowing growing populations of species and it is taking a toll on
the forest and its animals.

species and over population. The animals are then using up all of the resources that the
Fontenelle Forest has to offer. Allowing the over population is based on Animal Rights and
Welfare which in turn is inflicting suffering on the animals that are being protected. The view I
support, I share with the famous philosopher Aldo Leopold.
The View of Aldo Leopold (Supporting For Amending the Rules)
Aldo Leopold view looks at what is best for the community as a whole and his view is supported
by the biotic pyramid. Looking at the pyramid from bottom to top, the first level is the Soil,
second is the plants, third is the insects, fourth is the birds and rodents, fifth is the carnivores and
sixth is humans. Aldo Leopolds stand on the matter of species control can be partially explained
in one paragraph The Key-log which must be moved to release the evolutionary process for
an ethic is simply this: quit thinking about decent land-use as solely an economic problem.
Examine each questions in term of what is ethically and esthetically right, as well as what is
economically expedient. A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and
beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends to do otherwise. (The Upshot, The
Land Ethic, Page 224-225)
The relation that Aldo Leopolds view of the biotic pyramid have to my view on the question of
the rules at Fontenelle Forest is that although animal rights is important, allowing the rules to
remain in effect is not what is the best for the biotic community. The damage that is being caused
by the over population of the animals is inflicting suffering on the animals and is killing the
forest and the resources it has to offer. The main point of this argument is strongly related to the
The Fontenelle Forest is home to over 600 unique species of plants and animals.
Because of the growing population among certain species the suggestion to amend
the rules currently in place are in debate. The rules that are in question of being
amended are: Rule #1 All plant and animal like is strictly protected And Rule #2
No hunting, fishing, or weapons. These debate has formed due to the lack of
human involvement allowing growing populations of species and it is taking a toll on
the forest and its animals.

second order principles. Which are defined as: SOP1- Any obligation generated by membership
in more intimate (personal) communities take precedence over those generated by more
impersonal communities. SOP2- Stronger interests generate duties that take precedence over
those duties generated by weaker interests. (Holistic Environmental Ethics and the Problem of
Ecofacism, Page 75-76) Although animals do have rights and we have an obligation within the
biotic community to protect them, we also have an obligation to ALL animals, the land and
ourselves we must take the necessary steps to protect the community as a whole. The opposing
views however, bring me to the view of another famous philosopher, Tom Regan.
The View of Tom Regan and Peter Singer (Against amending the rules)
Tom Regans view is from an animal rights approach and shares many of the same views as Peter
Singer, this is that all animals have rights and therefor killing them is a violation of those rights,
violating anothers rights is morally wrong. Tom Regan places more focus on the cruel treatment
however, animal rights in general is still the primary concern. The view of these philosophers is
that of a utilitarian principle and what is morally correct and inflicting pain on an animal is
morally wrong. This side of the argument sees population and species control as morally wrong
because you are taking the life of the animal, regardless of the benefits that are involved, the fact
that a life is being taken is the main emphasis. Peter Singer wrote a book about animal liberation
and says within his book, Most human beings are specialists Ordinary human beingsnot a
few exceptionally cruel or heartless humans, but the overwhelming majority of humanstake an
active part in, acquiesce in, and allow their taxes to pay for practices that require the sacrifice of
The Fontenelle Forest is home to over 600 unique species of plants and animals.
Because of the growing population among certain species the suggestion to amend
the rules currently in place are in debate. The rules that are in question of being
amended are: Rule #1 All plant and animal like is strictly protected And Rule #2
No hunting, fishing, or weapons. These debate has formed due to the lack of
human involvement allowing growing populations of species and it is taking a toll on
the forest and its animals.

the most important interests of members of other species in order to promote the most trivial
interests of our own species. (Animal Liberation, Peter Singer 1975)
Similarities between the two arguments
Although the two sides seem to be miles apart from one another, they actually share many
similarities within their views. The main similarity of these views is that both sides want to
preserve animal life. One side may be looking at quality of life while the other is looking at the
life in general, but both are fighting for animals lives and the benefit to the animals relating to
their decision on amending or not amending the current rules in place by the Fontenelle Forest.
In this paper I covered the two opposing views on the argument of amending or not amending the
rules 1 & 2 currently in place in the Fontenelle Forest and went into depth on the different views
of famous philosophers. To conclude this paper, I think that the Fontenelle Forest rules 1 & 2 that
are currently in place should be amended to allow species and population control. Though I do
think that animals have rights, I have stronger interest in that of the Biotic Community as a
whole. Allowing the hunting and fishing will give the animals more resource availability, and
will allow the Fontenelle Forest to thrive in turn creating a better quality of life for animals. The
hunting of the animals will also assist in sustaining human life. Fontenelle Forest is home to
many animals and insects and humans, at times, must interfere with nature to assist with the
quality and the future of it. The concern for animal life is considered as well as the community as
The Fontenelle Forest is home to over 600 unique species of plants and animals.
Because of the growing population among certain species the suggestion to amend
the rules currently in place are in debate. The rules that are in question of being
amended are: Rule #1 All plant and animal like is strictly protected And Rule #2
No hunting, fishing, or weapons. These debate has formed due to the lack of
human involvement allowing growing populations of species and it is taking a toll on
the forest and its animals.

a whole. The park should set regulations and rules along with use accurate calculations to
determine how many permits will be allowed and the animal count should be closely monitored.
This is the best option for the animals, the forest and the biotic community as a whole.

The Fontenelle Forest is home to over 600 unique species of plants and animals.
Because of the growing population among certain species the suggestion to amend
the rules currently in place are in debate. The rules that are in question of being
amended are: Rule #1 All plant and animal like is strictly protected And Rule #2
No hunting, fishing, or weapons. These debate has formed due to the lack of
human involvement allowing growing populations of species and it is taking a toll on
the forest and its animals.


Holistic Environmental Ethics and the Problem of l-Ecofacism, Page 75-76 J.Baird Callicutt
(PHIL2300 Reading Guide)

The Upshot, The Land Ethic, Page 224-225 (PHIL2300 Reading Guide)

Animal Liberation, Peter Singer 1975 (PHIL2300 Reading Guide)

The Fontenelle Forest is home to over 600 unique species of plants and animals.
Because of the growing population among certain species the suggestion to amend
the rules currently in place are in debate. The rules that are in question of being
amended are: Rule #1 All plant and animal like is strictly protected And Rule #2
No hunting, fishing, or weapons. These debate has formed due to the lack of
human involvement allowing growing populations of species and it is taking a toll on
the forest and its animals.

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