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ICUYAHOGA sl HH Asbestos Survey Report Prepared F Cuyahoga County Land Reutilization Corporation 323 W. Lal ide Ave., Suite 160 Cleveland, OH 44113 Phone: 216-368-5658 Fax: 216-698-8972 Project Location: Parcel Number: 3881 W 25th St, Cleveland, OH 44109 009-01-006 Building Description: 5 Story, Former YMCA, Year Built: Approximate SF: Date Assigned: Prepared By: Title: Company Name: Address: Phone, Fax: 1955 48,104 SF. May 22, 2015 by Rosemary Woodruff Kenneth Tyson Executive Director CLB Services, LLC 323 W. Lakeside Ave Suite 180, Cleveland, OH 44113 216-213-0876 cit SERVICES ASBESTOS SURVEY Date: Parcel Number: Project Location: Prepared For: Surveyed By: Table of Contents June 25, 2015 009-01-006 3881 W 25" St Cuyahoga County Land Reutilization Corporation CLB SERVICES 323 W. LAKESIDE AVE. SUITE 180 Cleveland, OH 44113 CONTENT. PAGES Executive Summary 2 Survey Findings* 3 Surfacing Materials Sampled Appendix A Photographs ‘Appendix B. Drawings, Lab Results ‘Appendix C Chain of Custody ‘Appendix D Qualifications ‘Appendix E *RACM Detected: Clean out Needed: 1[Page Cc it SERVICES ASBESTOS SURVEY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Cuyahoga County Land Reutilization Corp has retained CLB Services to conduct a Pre-Demolition Asbestos Survey for the vacant commercial structure located at 3881 W 25" St, Cleveland OH 44109. The purpose of the Pre-Demolition Asbestos Survey was to identify any asbestos containing material (ACM) currently present in the structure. As defined in 40 CFR Part 763.83, ACM means any material or product which contains more than one (1) percent asbestos, The report will determine which ACM requires removal before renovation, demolition or occupancy. The report also identifies "Homogenous Areas”, (HA), which are materials that are uniform in texture, color, date of application, use or system, and appear identical in every other respect. All determinations will be in accordance with the NESHAP 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart M, federal regulations regarding the National Emissions Standards for Asbestos. CURRENT CONDITIONS: The assessor's observed the following at this structure: large sections of ceiling tile and most of the original flooring material have been removed. Although the building has been vacant for some time, | presume this activity occurred during a previous abatement by Alpha-Omega Chemical Co. (see Appendix F - EPA Notification). The notification references pipe insulation having been abated, however there isa significant amount that remains. METHODOLOGY: The samples were taken by the hand “Grab” method, containerized, labeled, and recorded on a “Chain of Custody’ log, Which was submitted along with samples to L&S Lab Consulting, Inc. PO Box 202354, Shaker Hts. OH 44120 a qualified and experienced AIHA laboratory. The samples were analyzed by Polar Light Microscopy (PLM). The accredited test method was EPA/600/M-4-82/020. Procedures described in EPA/600/R-93/1116 have been incorporated where applicable. Sample testing was halted at the “First Positive” for any particular Homogenous Area. ASSUMPTIONS: Certain items are “Assumed” ACM because of two reasons. First, it may be impractical to obtain samples of the same, such as roofing material, and secondly, the material is considered Non-friable. These materials are "Category | Non- friable”, like asphalt shingle roofing and floor tile. If any of these materials are in poor condition, and would likely become friable during the demolition process, then they would be categorized as Friable, and be required to be removed prior to demolition. In any case the demolition contractor must use appropriate “Wet Methods” while taking down the structure. If additional suspect ACM is found during demolition, the contractor should immediately STOP, and call the qualified individual designated by the CCLRC. CONDITION TABLE General Damage AHERA Damage Criteria No Damage Good No Damage {ASTM allows small amount) : Up to 10% overall damage Fair Damage Up to 25% localized damage ‘Over 10% overall damage Poor Significant Damage Over 25% localized damage American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 21Page CLB ‘ASBESTOS SURVEY SERVICES PN 009-01-006 (3881 W 25" ST, Cleveland, OH 46109) June 25", 2015 SURVEY FINDINGS ‘The Following is alist of actual ACM/RACM at the assessed premises. Friable/ sample Material % Non Lumber |H..| Material Description Locations Quantity | Asbestos | RACM | Condition | _Friable Pool, Trophy Case Shed1 & Exterior | Approx. N/A N/A | Transite Paneling ‘Awning/Overhang | 3,300SF_| N/A__| PACM | Fair Friable ‘Approx. N/A N/A | Pipe Wrap Throughout 1,000LF | N/A _| PACM | Fair Friable | ‘Approx. 8 N/A N/A | Pipe Wrap and Debris Mix__| Throughout ov N/A _| PACM | Fair Friable ] ‘Cementitous siding and shingles or transite panels. Y Total Floor Garage _| Basement | First | Second | Third | Windows Windows with Glazing Per Floor N/A 3[Page CLB ASBESTOS SURVEY SERVICES PPN# 009-01-006 (3881 W 25" ST, Cleveland, OH 44109) June 25", 2015 Limitations ‘Sampling, by definition, has some degree of error. Although the inspector established homogeneous sampling areas based on his or her training and experience, and although the inspector collected sufficient samples from each homogeneous area to conclude that a suspect material was not ACM, it is possible that a visually similar, but untested, ‘material may contain asbestos. ‘Sampling and Analysis Subject to the limitations discussed above, CLB Services conducted a Pre-Demolition Asbestos Survey of accessible areas inside the structure. Mr. Kenneth Tyson surveyed and sampled the structure on June 3, 2015. Mr. Tyson is certified by the ODH as an Asbestos Hazard Evaluation Specialist (AHES #ES35791). The inspector's qualifications are included in Appendix E. Photographs of the structure are included in Appendix B. CLB Services established homogeneous areas for sampling of suspect friable ACM and Category Ii non-friable ACM that may become friable during demolition. Sampling of each homogeneous area consisted of the collection of random samples based on the quantity of suspect material in each area. The condition and friability of sampled material was also noted. All samples were properly bagged, labeled, and shipped to the laboratory under standard chain of custody. ‘Awritten description that identifies each sample location is included in the Bulk Asbestos Sampling Form, which is attached to the chain of custody. CLB Services collected a total of 39 samples of suspect ACM, which were analyzed as 50 layers. Point count methods were conducted on friable materials as necessary. Category |, non-friable ACM, such as asphalt roofing products and resilient flooring, when not sampled, are presumed ACM (PACM), All samples were submitted to L&S Lab Consulting, inc. a qualified and experienced independent laboratory, for analysis by Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM). The laboratory's qualifications are included in Appendix E. 4|Page CLB. ASBESTOS SURVEY SERVICES PPN# 009-013-006 (3881 W 25* ST, Cleveland, OH 44109) June 25", 2015 Conclusions and Recommendations Bases on the inspector’s observations, along with the sampling and laboratory analysis conducted for this survey, CLB Services presents this summary: The following material, due to the asbestos content, should be removed prior to demolition of the structure: ‘© Approx. 3,300 SF of Transite Paneling located in Pool, Trophy Case, Shedi & Exterior Awning/Overhang, ‘© Approx. 1,000 LF of Pipe Wrap located throughout (Basement, Ground, First Floor, Second Floor (rooms & underneath gym floor), Third Floor (Storage Closet) * Approx. 8 CY of Pipe Wrap and Debris Mix located throughout The following materials identified at the Property are presumed to contain asbestos and were found to be in fair condition, but do not have to be removed from the structure prior to demolition, as long as they do not become friable ‘+ Approx. 3,100 SF of Blue Vinyl Commercial Tile located in Lobby2 & Trophy Case Area Roofing Material, found to be in Poor condition, is friable and tested Non-Detect for asbestos: ‘+ Approx. 350 SF of Asphalt Roll Roofing (Gray) located Lower level Roof adjacent to Shed structure and Shed 2 & Shed 2 ‘© Approx. 12,000 SF of Felt Paper Tar Mix Roofing (Black) located on Main Structure Roof When less than 50 square feet or 50 linear feet of ACM are encountered, removal is not typically required by the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) per the definition of an Asbestos Hazard Abatement Activity included in the OAC 3701-34- 01. However, if the Cleveland Department of Public Health, Division of Air Quality (DQ) considers this an urban. renewal project where friable ACM and/or non-friable ACM will be rendered friable through demolition activities, the AQ requires notification and removal of the ACM regardless of the amount reported. Every demolition project requires Ohio EPA notification regardless of the type or amount of asbestos present. Ohio EPA notifications must be submitted at least 10 working days prior to planned abatement or demolition. Demolition projects involving amounts of friable asbestos greater than 50 linear feet or 50 square feet also require Ohio Department of Health (ODH) notification at least 10 working days prior to planned abatement, Clean Out Condition © N/A Closing The undersigned Asbestos Hazard Evaluation Specialist has authored this report: Name of Certifying Inspector: Kenneth Tyson License Number: AHES #6535791 aaa Cha 5|Page CLB ASBESTOS SURVEY SERVICES PN 009-01-006 (3881 W 25" ST, Cleveland, OH 44109) June 25%, 2015 APPENDIX A SURFACING MATERIALS 6|Page C ibe ASBESTOS SURVEY SERVICES PPN# 009-01-006 (3882 W 25" ST, Cleveland, OH 44109) SURFACING MATERIALS June 25", 2015 HA. Material Description Quantity: Condition Texture - Stucco Approx. 250 SF Fair 4_| Plaster System — (PS) Approx. 4500 SF Fair 1_| Plaster (P) Approx. 20,000 SF | _ Fair 7|Page cipe ‘ASBESTOS SURVEY SERVICES PPN# 009-01-006 (3881 W 25" ST, Cleveland, OH 44109) APPENDIX B PHOTOGRAPHS June 25", 2015 (ax) amv 0 MoV —9 O70 (com) g 5uzei9 mopiin JO math ~ 5 O04 (vom Buizeg mopuann jo MoI, ~ F 104 hs OMI SUGDC JO NAIA ~¢e10Ue ones od yo mon ~7 ua 15452 M LOBE 10 aN — | OUR (a) 2569 Adon, — Buyouey oysuer, yo MoMA - OF O10Ue (aida Buypoo jo mara ~6 o10Ue (019) 914 Sune9 Jo main ~@ o10U4 (10) V O41 Suen Jo mary — @ o10U ($a) worst sIsejg J0 waIA J 10Ud Bveweno 20ve03 Jo mo oF Cloud Buewano s0van3 0 maIA S| O104e (vain) Buewiong sovep3 ~ Buyouey oySUEHL EL o1OUd zaseg hydous so.ein 21 Cua 4 0380 fydou4 Jo moIA ~ Lof0ud (tin) wooas Anan 40 men 22 o10¥e woRea - yeus Jo1Eneg 19 MON 92 CL owe - 980d J0}eN913 0-mOIN Gz O1OUE 04 - Bee srensr3 jo maIA Fe O10Ud 2004 J018n@13 J0 math EZ cou (6u) S1yood roy Jo a1 € C10Ud any wouaregy 21 snoMaLG Jo MEIN LZ C10Ue un Kus Z1XZL Oma 10 meIA HE COU (al arsed 0 mo EF o10¥e CLB ASBESTOS SURVEY SERVICES PPN# 003-01-006 (3881 W 25* ST, Cleveland, OH 44109) June 25%, 2015 APPENDIX C FLOOR PLAN AND LAB RESULTS 9[Page \eY = alae we : Cee exe | / — Wn H | Agge7 te mune Zz E : Zl _ 2 ema lll teal ‘ - : Shea ; PET 9 BRNO | AaRYS IMWID | enc 7anvd Lied 2dHe ? 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P.O. BOX 202354 SHAKER BTS., OHIO 44120 OFFICE PHONE # (216) 496.7272 FAX PHONE ¢ (216) 373.1495 _ E-Mail thain of Custod (Cert Name: Mc : as Chest nasres: ' Tiling Adress (ofaitterend Prone Number: Gewlomd oe cus — (-6 73: Poe "p04 6(.006 Fax Nomber rect Name ZB4) _w.260r Seiten ga Clbsecs at Conia x Via: Em: FAX__Verbat “Total # Samples Submitted: | Total # Samples to be Analyzed: ‘Majerfol Matri Ain Bul) Water Poche reese indicat appropriate turn around time Ha Asbestos ease call shed for availabilty ofall rh andlor afer hours samples TEM TA Time PLM ™ eT ‘Optical TAQ. TAT al Seer] Phar] PEM: NIOSH 7200 | Now TAT EPA Level Il hour Shoor | apebutkiwab 2aays Dainking Water 16 ho iéhour | Cycles-deasenes 3 dass Wipe 2a hoor | AHERA [Airo-ellcasenes | Says Microsc Daays 7s) | Anderson cures Specify NIOSH 7402 | 34ys | Point Count Bulldswah caliores Mold or Chatfcks Bolk [Sais | iNesHars) Sdays | Baceeri eulures bectera Les tips nds Te ‘Mairi Paint Chips Soil Air Wipes Wastewater TA Time: ‘B hour i day 2 days 3 days 3 days Sample information: ‘Sample Number: | __ Sample Locati ‘Sample Date/Time: | Sample Volume (1): Custody Information: Defers rscives cet SERVICES Total samples #__Z*f CLB Services Bulk Asbestos Sampling Form Project Name: 36) W 25 Project Number:_/ S12 ant pair /3)15 inspector: MATTBOBEL ‘Sample ID | HAR | Building Floor Room Location Description | _F/NF 3e8-woa-t| | 2 ZB He SW Exreriqen F fi Z } Nw } { 4 |v NW I ag -wos-|| 2 \ Zz | Gym ww INTERIOR 2 | 1 \ 3 | va v a pen x -1| 3 i He c Stucco z i | 4 — 3 ] Vv Vv ye t zZ Sc 8 | 3 = WW Vv see-ps-1| * | He 4 ww Gray fvobre Ni 2 I Z He Ew 3 a Ht Ew ) | 4 Ground | Cel Nw S ee He Ew 3a -CM] S 4 Eun a Hores| FE z i 1 [cet | 388 -C18-1| G cee ZK zZ 4 [338 -Cre-)| 7 i Cre Tei zi a 28-CD|_ & + 2 laym THick a et z Gym Vv wv reo ke vate:_6/ 3/15 time:_Co 3 Samy received, LCL YI Wa wre LBS te 23204 L& 8 LAB CONSULTING, INC. Microecopist /Micrabiologist P.O, BOX 202354 ABES 035133 / AIHAZ09001 SHAKER BT@., OHIO 44120 OFFICE PHOME 6 (216) 496.7272 FAX PHONE 6 (216) 373.1498 E-lail Qa oe semegs [| ——————————, =. a Sieesbe Fe yaa ae 374 — Pot — Of- 5a, enn a sages CLizemigzoeanome Tape eS ‘Report Results: 2 Comact,_ KEN SON Via: Email FAX, Verbal Tea Fle Ses | Taare SRG Te Mate Ma IL 4 Air/Bak Wace : wt Postive Please indicate appropriate urn around time. Ca ee a mes Tag Tae en pag sto oreo) ‘tow | Atoger Paar Fre tra toe Stowe Shout | petaunens = je i fl Mew |Gmcreename [a0 ve ier |e fae [aeecteeme ieee Set a > saceme ieee MOSH fro Se lecow tabi [are Seimei [RR | Poet roe (eres eae Ie ecancilpmamenetite Matrix Paint Chips Soil Air ‘Wipes ‘Wastewater TA Time Sour fay ga ee ay Sample Information, Sample Number: Sample Date/Time: | Sample Volome @): Custody information opis Fon Sap iid Sunples reeves SRP mare Sipaioe ba Tae seers eteaenee fi ont Total samples ai CLB Services Bulk Asbestos Sampling Form S Project Name: = l Ww 2 Project Number: I3(e coe pate: G/4/15 inspector, MAM BOREL Sample 1D Ha# | Building Floor Room Location Description | _F/NF [sea-e-1| \ | test \ cre 7 SW @eay | NE 2 Zz esc ¢ 2 ( " ee Be t H coLumN Ss H kW. 6 Ground | Cie Wow ET. 4 H c I 333 -cre | 2 GRovN)| UR $ Buick Tile Zz i Z 388-es-}| 3 7 ' Exiseor | & yaep ROU RoOF FE Zs 7 zi = : Relinquished:, =— Date: 1s” Time: Poe Received: FP UV / vb) date f¢//-5— Soho Z 1L & § LAB CONSULTING, INC. Microscopist/Microbiologist P.O. BOX 202354 AES #35133 / ATHA€209001 SHAKER HTS., OHIO 44120 OFFICE PHONE # (216) 496.7272 FAX PHONE ¢ (216) 373.1495 _ E-Mail LSEnviroConsult a Chain of Custody pull a : Sate “Eogaaaama ee Report Rest: conser Kennet. Tyson WietEinsil Fax ves Total Samples Submited: Total ¥ Samples o he Awa Moigig Matrie ee Ty Poesdive resins eproprine um even tne, sep Aste ee cal had for eval of al hand er hoar sample rt mee ci Ta ge amos Te Fore ante stow [Ga e005) ‘voor [Agen Parte | 3 EPA Level IT Shou oo Shour tepeloulk/swab 2 days ritisg Wome | Soe ieee |ieitomms feat Wipe | 26hoor | ANERA 2shour | Airo-celleasetes 54a Mowe | 2une ‘Andenen cates Tey MOSH 2 ine fcc Cy |taecen ae Ca a [3sms__[eesnnts sein _[Busercurues™ | cr Paint Chips Soil Air Wipes | Wastewater Thou iy Tdaye Sdays_[ Saye Sample Information: E ha z Sample Number: | Sample Location: Sample Date/Time: | Sample Volume (Ly: sovernannins LUE) Boy Gop bid. Samper raced Spa BATT CLE SERVICES at Total Somples #. YY CLB Services Bulk Asbestos Sampling Form rok Name: zs LW. 2 ProjectNumber: / 3/2 opeeaye Date: CHOMLS specter penne TGsex Sample | aw | Building | Floor Room Location Description | _F/NF we-Rena| [3651 1 vya N/b. Gtocsl Floor | PalleR nel F Zz i t i { | 3x5-Rebr| 2 | | i Fac heRrs|_| 2 Y ou v v receivea:_ LEM Miva vate L205 me, € FY L& § LAB CONSULTING, INC. Microscopist/Microbiologist P.O. BOX 202354 AHES #35133 / ATHA#209001 SHAKER HTS., OHIO 44120 OFFICE PHONE # (216) 496.7272 FAX PHONE ¢ (216) 373.1495 _ E-Mail LSEnviroConsult Chain of Custody (Ghent Nae: Senices eee sees] (Cent Address: . ‘Biling Adare freien) | Phone Number: Wz SGe Pom es Fas Number: Proje Name 2x81 -wW25 Send Repoasto Tra Clipse Dee Coan Pest Number: a2 et Report Results Contac, Kenn Gon ‘Via: Email FAX Verba ‘Total # Samples Sybmitted: ‘Total # Samples to be Analyzes “Mategial Matrix: C Aug bulk) Water 17 Poc.ive Pisese indicate appropriate turn around time isis il hs orci ose ers sc Tem fre FLAT Tatee | Optical TAQ] a Out 1a anh ee Kime [Altres arias —[attor fect oe the | eee Ee poses | ete tee reece aa oe co ee Mie |(cecieees dau oe Saye’ hnisersinees —[Saehy Motion ee a | pum coee tae erat eee (eases petremmerecns |Our ‘Soil ‘Ain | __ Wipes Wastewater co Tay Saas Sie Suu e Information EF COC: Sample Number: | __ Sample Location: ‘Sample Date/Time: | Sample Volume (L): Custody Informatio CLB SERVICES Total samples #__(@ CLB Services Bulk Asbestos Sampling Form ProjectName: 2H 25h Project number. [3] ae vwe:_ (2205 inspeewr: Ke nn esevr ‘Sample iO | HA# | Building Floor Room Location Deseription | _F/NF | 2s Bad) | (| Nip. Nike [Exterior Oxclaup| tune | 2 | 2e6-7RB| Z. Gram! NIA | Traply Case 4 | zecethe-(| 2 Grasud| feat | oiling VTY a WZ Date: @ (2205 Time:, Relinguished: AL ft receiv Lf A time: 5 300 Cc wa ASBESTOS SURVEY SERVICES PPN# 009-01-006 (3881 W 25" ST, Cleveland, OH 44109) June 25%, 2015 APPENDIX E INSPECTOR’S QUALIFICATIONS & LABORATORY QUALIFICATIONS 11| Page % Lp8ss ISL ST aig voneuuesy, sano Jo ae HO “puepras[g $1/9/S St/9/$ O06V9-XX-XXX uosk], YUU ynsao 01 st SL aqwoynjaD Joysarjay Joyodsuy Surpying soisoqsy sevuojjeusajzuy sazinsag Burusess d 898-999-9981 jdur 1488s) = ISL ST ‘pea PUMRoWTOSIEE ISL wonwoe7] 9sin07) avg vonwurunessy dv neSeuyyy Surrey HO ‘puryaaa|y $1/9/S 91/9/8 pk 00V9 XX XXX uosd]T, auUay Sqque9 01 st st aqeoynqa_ FIYSIIFOY JOUUL[ quoWNSvuLy solsogqsy Jeuoveusaju] SsaoiAiag buries [L & S LAB CONSULTING, INC. Microscopist/Microbiologist | P.O. BOX 202384 AHES #35133 / AIHA¥209001 SHAKER HTS., OHIO 44120 OFFICE PHONE # (216) 496.7272 FAX PHONE # (216) 373.1495 _ E-Mail L & S$ Consultants has over 35 years experience in microscopic analysis, microbiological and chemical testing of water, food products, dairy products, cosmetics and many other products for consumer use. The following ts a listing of our laboratory credentials and equipment which involves EPA test methods for % asbestos in bulk samples and PCM NIOSH test methods for total fibers on personals and final air clearance after asbestos removal activities. On site environmental surveys in commercial buildings and homes for the presence of asbestos containing building materials prior to renovations or demolition per EPA and NESHAP rules and regulations. Laboratory Credentials American Industrial Hygiene Association since 1989 to present AIHA Bulk Program Laboratory I.D. #209001 Certified Asbestos Hazard Evaluation Specialist on staff (ODH) Microscopist - Microbiologist Engineer on staff Equipment MJI Olympus Stereo Microscope Bausch & Lomb Phase Contrast Microscope Olympus BH? Polarized Microscope American Optical Phase Contrast Microscope Calibrator- Primary Standard for Air Pumps High Volume Air Sampling Pumps Low Volume Air Sampling Pumps - For Personal Monitoring PCM- Polarized Light Microscopy on bulk samples for % asbestos EPA interim test methods (600/R-93/116) (600/M2-82-020) PCM- Phase Contrast Microscopy for total fibers- NIOSH 7400 methods Cc Lb ASBESTOS SURVEY SERVICES PPN# 009-01-006 (3881 W 25" ST, Cleveland, OH 44109) June 25%, 2015 APPENDIX F EPA NOTIFICATION FOR PREVIOUS ABATEMENT 12|Page A-296-09 Do Mor We w Tes See Para Da Ha CREW Ohio Department of Health Prior Notification of Asbestos Hazard Abatement Project Read caceully all the instructions and questions prio to completing the notification form. | Notiizatons including check shal be typed and sent to the Ohio Deparment ol Heath, Att: Revenve Processing, PO Box 15278, Columbus, Ohio <8215 2 Checks sha be made payable to Treasure, State of Ohi, fr the amount of sixty fv dors (65.00 3 Any eased asbestos hazard abatement contractor who perlorms any asbestos hazard abatoment projects within the State of Ono shal submit pier rtifeations tothe Drector at ees en business days before begining eock planned esbestox hazard astement project as vequied by Choptey 3701 94 ofthe Oho Adminsivowe Code oun, 4 Type of rottcation Corina! — revision number_/_rewsedinets) number 2 PF Clemergency C1] blanket CDleanceliation 5 Tipe of astement volving at lose 50 roa foe! oF $0 squre feet RECEIVED Wemova repair Cleneapsutetion Clenciosure [renovation [Rar Vacloommat Core. — “Bl yer 2s st “Claclaad — seanpaPPun ig Polar He GL Ce) ZC G33 € TObS “Tena Cg. 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