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Jaime Hoonsan

ECE 250
Age Group: 3-4 years
Section 1. Physical Environment
A. Equipment
1. Indoors: 4 child height round tables, 24 child sized chairs, long shelves, 24 cubbies, teacher
desk which was attached to the wall, easel, sink, library shelf
2. Outdoors: A large play structure, wood chips
B. Room arrangement: (See included drawing)
C. Centers:
Creation Station: Paint, colored pencils, glue, magazines, magazines, Construction paper cut
out letters, paper,chalk, scissors, play dough, dough cutters
Discovery Station: Dinosaurs, insects, magnifying glasses
Story Station: Cozy corner, books
Exploration Station: Puzzles, bristle blocks, counting bears, unifix cubes, geo builders, floor
puzzles, pattern blocks, peg boards
Construction Station: Large wooden blocks, multi-cultural people, differing abilities people,
barn, cars
Writing Station: Pencils, notebooks, magazines
Imagination Station: Play food, dishes, dolls, puppets, musical instruments, empty pizza boxes,
cash register, shopping baskets and real, empty food boxes
Sensory Station: Sand, seashells, measuring utensils, spoons, dough cutters
Easel: (empty)
D. EVALUATION: (DAP pg 153) Teachers create a learning environment that fosters childrens
initiative, active exploration of materials, and sustained engagement with other children, adults,
and activities. In choosing materials and equipment, teachers consider childrens developmental
levels, interests, and established social/cultural contexts (e.g., providing items and experiences
familiar in their homes).
(DAP pg 154) To engage children actively, in a variety of learning experiences, teachers create
interest areas and furnish these with materials based on program goals and childrens varying
interests and abilities. Materials include blocks, books, writing materials, math related games and

manipulatives, dramatic play props, equipment for physical movement,art and modeling
materials,sand and water, and tools for science investigations.
(DAP pg 163) Physical activity areas have very limited equipment, so children lack variety of
choices and/or must often wait quite a while to get a turn.
(DAP pg 174) Teachers avoid use of computers and other technology in the classroom.
(Pearson Custom Education pg 282 Table 2) Gives reference to items such as a listening
center, all types of paper, envelopes, blank note cards, letter stamps, plants, a classroom pet,
wood scraps etc. that would have added another dimension of learning through real life items to
this classroom.
The overall indoor environment was esthetically appealing. The equipment was child size and
appropriate. Each center had many developmentally appropriate materials, which the children
were free to use at any time. There were a few books that showed different cultures, but I did not
notice any books or other visual items that show differing abilities. I noticed that there were no
items in the classroom that indicated any use of technology. The art easel was clean and empty,
but not brand new. There were different types of art hanging throughout the classroom. Some,
but not all of the center items were labeled, but only on the container the items were in.
In the outdoor environment, there was a large play structure surrounded by wood chips. There
were no other items available for the children to choose from. During playground time, there
were no games or other activities planned.

Section 2. Curriculum
A. Philosophy:
1. Teacher's Philosophy: Ms. Nicole is a 30 year old mom of 1. She has worked at this center
for 6 years. 6 months ago, Ms. Nicole changed age groups and is now working with children who
are aged 3-4 years. Ms. Nicoles teaching philosophy is: I believe that children learn best
through playing. They learn through hands on activities where they can manipulate items and
have real life experiences.
2. Center/School philosophy: ( See included copy of center philosophy)
B. Goals: The children are expected to have the opportunity to have experiences that will help
them develop physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually by playing, exploring,and
learning with others in a fun, safe environment.

1. Program goals:

TWO through THREE

Two and three year olds are naturally curious. At Kids R Kids, Children are given the
opportunity to explore their world safely. Children are encouraged to develop their personal
skills such as feeding themselves and potty training. Each child is treated as an individual during
this important time to help develop their independence and self-esteem.
FOUR through FIVE
The concept that children learn best through play is reflected in the setup of each classroom. This
environment encourages experimentation and provides comfort in freedom of choice. The
atmosphere encourages independence and the building of self-esteem. In addition, the use of a
daily schedule helps children feel secure and independent as they anticipate activities and the
opportunity of making choices on an individual basis.

2. Classroom goals: Ms. Nicole says: My goal for the classroom is for each child to learn and
grow. I enjoy getting to know each child, and by doing that, I can cater to each child to meet
them on their level and help them learn so that they will do good next year in pre-k.
C. Lesson Plans: (See included copy of lesson plans)
D. Individualization: Regarding individualization, Ms. Nicole says: We have one child with
downs syndrome. He keeps up just fine. He does what the rest of the children do.

E. EVALUATION: (Pearson Custom Education pg 49) Constructivism- Learning theory

derived from the work of Jean Piaget which assumes that children actively build their knowledge
from firsthand experiences in stimulating environments.
(Pearson Custom Education pg 48) Pestalozzi (1894/2007) described his philosophy in a book
titled How Gertrude Teaches Her Children. He believed that teachers must study child
development. He thought that learning proceeds through stages, with children needing to master
skills and knowledge before moving on to the next stage (Wolfe, 2000). Pestalozzi promoted
what came to be called the whole child point of view- that childrens physical, emotional,
social, moral, and intellectual development are integrated. He called these the hand, heart, and
(Pearson Custom Education pg 48)John Amos Comenius believed that children learn through
their senses, and they need to be active,and he felt that childrens interests and first hand
experiences promote learning and memory.

(Pearson Custom Education pg 49) Other important ideas of Johann Pestalozzi included the
notion that children need to discover ideas for themselves through their own activity- a precursor
of Piagets theory of constructivism.
(Pearson Custom Education pg 49)Friedrich Frobels metaphor of the childrens garden was
more that poetry. He strongly believed that childrens learning is a process of unfolding from
(DAP pg 160) The curriculum addresses key goals in all areas of development
(physical,social,emotional,cognitive) and in the domains of physical education and health,
language and literacy, mathematics, science, social studies and creative arts.
(DAP pg 161) Teachers rigidly follow a prescribed curriculum plan without attention to
individual childrens interests and needs or the specific and changing context (e.g., studying
snow with children in January, regardless of where the program is located or the local weather
conditions). Teachers use previously planned topics without attention to circumstances or events
(e.g., an egg in the incubator beginning to hatch, first snowfall in November).
(DAP pg 161) The curriculum, which is in written form, provides teachers with a useful and
flexible frame-work for planning learning experiences and materials and for seeing how those
experiences can fit together to accomplish the programs stated goals.
The programs stated philosophy seems to line up with its goals. The center provides a canned
curriculum but allows teachers to make accommodations to include emergent learning and
differing abilities.

Section 3. Guidance
A. Routines
1. After coming in from the playground, each child went to the sink, washed their hands and sang
the alphabet song while washing. Each child then sat down on their individual names which were
taped to the carpet. With the exception of one child (who has downs syndrome, who was rolling
back and forth on the floor), each child sat very quietly during story time. After story time was
over. The children raised their hands and asked questions about the story.
2. During the transition between center time and circle time (center time was 60 minutes), most
children cleaned up their centers and then sat on their individual names which were taped on the
carpet. Ms. Nicole conducted circle time and talked with the children about their letter of the
week Y. After circle time was finished, Ms. Nicole asked the children What do we do now?
Some of the children shouted out MUSIC! and jumped up and ran over to the musical
instruments. The children then started their own line and began a marching band around the
classroom as the teacher stood and looked on.

B. Classroom rules
1. Clean-up your toys- During transition from center time to circle time, one child refused to
clean up the puzzle area. She began wandering around the classroom, talking to other children.
Ms. Nicole went over and told her it was time to clean up and then walked away. The child then
began taking toys from the block center which were already put away, off of the shelves and
dumping them out on the floor. Ms. Nicole went back over and said clean up! The child then
began laughing and ran away from Ms. Nicole who turned her back on the child and went in a
different direction to thank another group of children who had began cleaning up the toys that
had just been dumped from the shelf. After thanking the children who were cleaning up, Ms.
Nicole went over to the wandering child and said I want puzzles cleaned up right now! Ms.
Nicole is going to ask you one more time to clean up. At this point, the child complied, and
began cleaning up the puzzle area.
2. No running- During center time, the teacher was calling individual children over to a table to
work on making art pieces for the classroom bulletin board. There was loud music playing in the
classroom. A few of the children became excited and began running around. The teacher ignored
the running and continued making the art pieces with individual children. As she was leaving the
restroom, one little girl seemed concerned with the running childrens safety and told them: You
arent supposed to run in the classroom. The children who were running were slightly
compliant and began walking very fast as opposed to running.
C. Teacher Interactions:
1. The children had French toast sticks and water for snack. After serving the children snack, Ms.
Nicole sat down with the children and ate snack with them. She engaged the children in
discussion about different types of snacks and How some snacks are healthier than others, and
why water is important for our bodies.
2. After snack, the children returned to their classroom and went back into center play. Ms. Erika
sat down with a group of children who were art. She began engaging the children in conversation
about what they were doing asking them questions: Are you cutting? one girl answered: Yes.
Ms. Erika asked:What are you making? The girl answered: Im making a city. Ms. Erika
replied: Are you using scissors? Youre really using a lot of colors. The girl replied: Yes, and
Im using crayons too. Then Ms. Erika and the girl giggled.
D. Guidance Techniques:
1. While on the playground, a boy became upset with one of his classmates and began to cry. He
went to the corner of the playground behind a tree, crossed his arms over his chest, made a face
that indicated he was angry and continued to cry. At this point, it was time to line up and go
inside. Ms. Nicole helped Ms. Erika get the children lined up, and Ms. Erika took the children
(except the boy who was standing behind the tree crying) inside. Ms. Nicole, came back over to
the boy behind the tree and began talking to him. She told him: We dont cry when we get
upset. We use words and tell our friends what is wrong. It is time to go inside. Now go. She
pointed at the door when she said Now go.
2. During center time, one child sat down at a table and appeared disengaged. Ms. Erika noticed
this and commented to Ms. Nicole about it. Ms. Erika went to the child and sat down at the table

with her. She began talking to the child and asked her Why arent you playing? The child
answered: They wont let me play in Imagination with them. Ms. Erika answered: Is there an
open spot in Imagination? The child answered: No. Ms. Erika answered: There isnt anyone
in the library. The child answered: I guess I can go to Library. Then the child stood up and
went to the cozy corner in the library, picked up a book and started to look at it.
E. EVALUATION: (DAP pg 153) Teachers organize the daily schedule to allow for periods of
alternating active and quiet time, adequate nutrition, and nap time (for younger children in fullday programs).
(DAP pg 153) Teachers allocate extended time periods in learning centers (at least 60 minutes) so
that children are able to get deeply involved in an activity and sustain dramatic play,
construction, and other activities at a complex level. Children have ample time and opportunity
to investigate what sparks their curiosity.
(DAP pg 150) When children do not readily find a place in the group, teachers do not take active
measures to facilitate their full inclusion, so they tend to remain socially isolated. They are also
likely to be marginalized in learning activities that involve group participation.
(DAP pg 159) Teachers set clear limits regarding unacceptable behaviors and enforce these limits
with explanations in a climate of mutual respect and caring. They attend to children consistently,
not principally when they are engaging in problematic behaviors.
(DAP pg 158) Not knowing what children of this age are capable of, teachers do not involve
children in thinking through how to solve problems and learning how to solve their own
(DAP pg 158) Teachers use verbal encouragement in ways that are genuine and related to what
the child is doing. They acknowledge the childs effort and work with specific, objective
comments such as, You really put a lot of detail in your drawing, and I see you drew your
older sister bigger than your brother.
(DAP pg 163) The program serves foods with low nutrition value and with high sugar or fat
The children seemed to thrive off of a routine. They knew their classroom procedures, they knew
what was coming next, and they reminded each other of the rules. Although the rules were
posted, they were located up high on the parent board which was far away from circle time.
Running in the classroom was ignored multiple times. While playing in centers, the children
were not given any type of warning that a transition was coming soon. I feel that some type of
indicator that the activity was about to change may have helped ease at least one of the struggles
that I witnessed (the girl with the puzzles.) A few of the interactions that I witnessed seemed to
lack genuine warmth and caring for the childrens social emotional development (the boy outside
by the tree).
The teachers served snack to the children. This group of late 3 and early 4 year olds was capable
of serving snack to themselves, family-style, and it would have helped to further develop their
hand-eye coordination and fine motor development. This center has an accommodations form
and freely gives teachers the support they need to help special needs children, but for reasons

that Ms. Nicole was not able to verbalize (perhaps parental ?), she was not using any of the
resources that are avaliable to her.

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