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Organizing Needs & Strategies for Intervention Purposes

Complete the graphic organizer to match needs to strategies so your book character can
be successful in school.
1. Name the disability (1 point)
2. List strengths that YOUR character will have in the story. (2 points)
3. List a minimum of 6 different characteristics (2 in each category) for the disability your
character exhibits. (6 points)
4. Align each disability characteristic to two research-based strategies to overcome or
manage struggles directly related to the disability. (12 points) (+ 3 points for details)
Disability: Autism
Possibly / Common Strengths: High skills in some areas, great memory in some areas.
Common Disability Characteristic
Choose 6 characteristics for YOUR CHARACTER
1. Difficult in transitioning from one activity to

Evidence-based Instructional or Behavioral Strategies

the student can learn to find school success
a) Class wide peer tutoring


b) Foldable/ visual schedule

2. Short attention span

a) Choral responding
b) Graphic Organizers

1. Little to no eye contact

Social / School (Skills)

b) Class wide peer tutoring

2. Limited understanding of non-verbal

communication; facial expressions/gestures
Behavior / Organization
1. Repetitive use of objects/body movement

a) Scaffolding
b) Visual schedule

a) Movement music/rhythm
b) Good behavior game

2. Obsessions with objects, desires, ideas

a) Movement music/rhythm
b) Good behavior game

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