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Lucas L McVea

Professor Joseph Larkin

01 May 2016
Comm 1020
Reflection on Comm. 1020
Ive always had a huge fear of public speaking. I took a risk by signing up for this class.
I faced my fear and I am glad that I did. I learned a lot. For starters, my lack of confidence,
while apparent in all of my speeches, is unfounded. I can do well at anything I set my mind to. I
forget that sometimes. This class and the speeches that I gave helped me remember.
In English 1010 we learned about employing the rhetorical strategies of ethos, logos and
pathos in our writing and in Comm 1020 I was given the opportunity to employ the same
strategies in public speaking. There was no forethought in taking these two classes in the same
semester but I would recommend it to everyone. The combination of the two classes helped be
more connected to what I was learning and it will help me with written and oral communication
in my future. I live a life in which the opportunity to speak shows itself often and the
opportunity to write is something I have always welcomed. I am now more well equipped with
the tools to accomplish each, in my career and as a hobby respectively.

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