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How much is broccoli???? ( acc. to web )

Broccoli - y=1.80
1 - 1.80
2- 3.60
3- 5.40
4- 7.20
5- 9.00
6- 10.80

Carrot seeds tend to cost atleast $1.50 to $2.50, coming in small packages. For
the gardening process, you will need a specific gardening tool such as a hoe. You
might also need a shovel. You will also need fertilizier. In total, the price will be
around $70. For a pack of carrots, the price should be around $5.

y= 5.00x
The five dollars represents the amount earned for each pack of carrots sold. For
each pack of carrots sold, y represents the amount earned in total.

Gross Profits
The total amount of all the supplies will be around $75 dollars. If you charge $5 for
a pound of carrots, you will eventually overcome your cost for supplies. For
example, if you buy 100 pounds of carrots for a various reason, your income in
total would be $425. My gross profit tells me that my business is going to go well.

For germination to occur in carrots, the temperature must be around 45-85 F.

Today, I sold my grown crops at the
local farmers market. It was a good
experience, and everyone, including
the vendors were very polite.
Setting up my booth, I decided to
make carrots be the price of $5 a
pound. Surprisingly, my business
did really good. My profit can be
represented by this function
y = 5x + .85

Using functions, it can be alot easier to find

large amounts, relating to business. It is alot
quicker to find certain quantities, like the cost
of something.
By using functions, I was able to generate the
gross profit of the crops ( potatoes and carrots
) It also helped me by allowing me to generate
the profit I would recieve by the sale of these

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