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E Medium Term Plan

Gymnastic activities

Summer Term 1: 14/04/08-23/05/08

Year 5&6


Focus/ title of




Cross-curricular links


Explore ways of balancing using large

and small parts of their bodies.
Be able to use different parts of their
bodies to move at different speeds.
Be able to move in and out of balances
in different directions.
Be able to create a short sequence using
balance and change of direction.

To work co-operatively with another

Be able to work in pairs to create a
sequence in which children move away
from and towards their partner.

Slide, pull, sideways roll, inverted,

contrasting, flow, combinations, halfturn, sustained, explosive

8a, 8b

Science- studying
skeletons, muscles and



Effects of

Find ways of balancing on large and

small parts of their bodies.
To use two balances, a rock and leap [or
bounce] to make a short sequence.
To teach their sequence to a friend, then
combine their sequences matching each
other's movements.

To move confidently & safely in their

own & general space
Perform movements using a range of
body actions and parts.
To recognise how their body feels when
still and exercising.
Watch, copy and evaluate others.

PSHE- Understanding
the need for selfdiscipline and practice

Jump, land, rock, roll, grip, hang, push,

pull bounce hop, skip, step, spring,
crawl, slide, stop, still, slowly, tall,
long, wide, narrow, up, down, forward,
level, high, low, zigzag, feet, hands,
toes, heels, knees, head, elbows,
bottom, back, tummies, along, around,
across, on, off, over, under, through,
tension, extension, relaxation., inverted,
contrasting, flow, combinations, halfturn, sustained, explosive
Jump, land, rock, roll, grip, hang, push,
pull bounce hop, skip, step, spring,
crawl, slide, stop, still, slowly, tall,
long, wide, narrow, up, down, forward,
level, high, low, zigzag, feet, hands,
toes, heels, knees, head, elbows,
bottom, back, tummies, along, around,
across, on, off, over, under, through,
tension, extension, relaxation., inverted,
contrasting, flow, combinations, halfturn, sustained, explosive
Jump, land, rock, roll, grip, hang, push,
pull bounce hop, skip, step, spring,
crawl, slide, stop, still, slowly, tall,
long, wide, narrow, up, down, forward,
level, high, low, zigzag, feet, hands,
toes, heels, knees, head, elbows,
bottom, back, tummies, along, around,
across, on, off, over, under, through,
tension, extension, relaxation.

Numeracy- Sequences;
8a, 8b
Science- studying
skeletons, muscles and
PSHE- Understanding
the need for selfdiscipline and practice

8a, 8b

Science- studying
skeletons, muscles and
PSHE- Understanding
the need for selfdiscipline and practice

8a, 8b

Science- studying
skeletons, muscles and
PSHE- Understanding
the need for selfdiscipline and practice


Explore combinations of floor, mats and

apparatus, and find different ways of using a shape,
balance or travel

Practice an action or short sequence of

movements, and improve the quality of the actions
and transitions
Show control, accuracy and fluency of movement
when performing actions on their own and with a

Devise and perform a gymnastic sequence,

showing a clear beginning, middle and end

Adapt a sequence to include different levels,

speeds or directions
Work well on their own and contribute to pair

Explore combinations of floor, mats and

apparatus, and find different ways of using a shape,
balance or travel

Practice an action or short sequence of

movements, and improve the quality of the actions
and transitions

Show control, accuracy and fluency of

movement when performing actions on their own
and with a partner

Understand the importance of warming up

Identify when their body is warm and
stretched ready for gymnastic activity

Understand that strength and suppleness are

important parts of fitness

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