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Subject P.

E - Gymnastics

Term Autumn

Year Group: 3/4/5

NC Objectives:

4 Pupils should be taught:
a how exercise affects the body in the short term
b to warm up and prepare appropriately for different activities
c why physical activity is good for their health and well-being
d why wearing appropriate clothing and being hygienic is good for their health and safety.
Class PE
1 Pupils should be taught to:
a consolidate their existing skills and gain new ones
b perform actions and skills with more consistent control and quality.
3 Pupils should be taught to:
a identify what makes a performance effective
b suggest improvements based on this information.
8 Pupils should be taught to:
a create and perform fluent sequences on the floor and using apparatus
b include variations in level, speed and direction in their sequences.

Week 1: Learning Objective:



(incl. IWB/ICT)

(incl. Key Vocab)

Today we are learning to find different method of travelling within a given space.

Warm Up:
Volcanoes and craters warm up. Chn to play in two teams, chn to turn the volcanoes
into craters and craters into volcanoes. Chn to compete within a two minute time
limit. Team with the most volcanoes or craters wins. Model stretches to the class.
Explain that todays focus is on travelling.
Demonstrate a range of travelling movements for chn to copy.
Chn to explore different ways of travelling in pairs.
How many different ways of travelling can you find?
Split the class into four groups in pairs chn to demonstrate two methods of
Cool Down:
Chn to run around the perimeter of the hall, slowly decreasing speed to a gentle walk.
Stop the chn periodically to stretch out muscles.

Week 2: Learning Objective:

Success Criteria

Must: be able to travel in

different ways.

Should: be able to travel

in different ways using a

variety of heights and body

Could: travel with fluency

and control.

EAL: Use visual

demonstrations to support
understanding of task. Pair
with another child if required
to model different methods
of travelling.
LA: To rehearse and practice
modelled travelling
HA: To consider how
different parts of the body
could allow us to move.

Body Parts
Small Points
Large Points

Today we are learning to create sequences involving symmetrical and asymmetrical balances, jumps and rolls.

Warm Up:
Traffic lights. Chn to move around the hall and listen to teach. Instructions, Green

Must: be able to perform a

balance, jump and roll.

EAL/LA: Use mixed ability

groups to ensure the children


*Apparatus Task
Cards in A3

(verde) Sprint, Amber (naranja) Jog, Red (rojo) Stop. Model stretches to the
Introduce the children to the terms symmetrical, asymmetrical, jump and roll.
Discuss the meaning of each, may want to demonstrate with this also.
Set up four stations following the A3 task cards. (No mats as they are not a safety
Split the class into four groups. Children to remember their group. Place one group on
each station and they rotate round over the next four weeks, completing each
1. Symmetrical Balances, 2. Asymmetrical Balances, 3. Jumps, 4. Rolls.
Cool Down:
Chn to share their performances of sequences.
Discuss with chn how we could now move our performances on adding balances and
jumps to enhance them.
Chn to run around the perimeter of the hall, slowly decreasing speed to a gentle walk.
Stop the chn periodically to stretch out muscles.

Week 3: Learning Objective:

a short sequence, including a

balance, roll or jump.

Could: perform a sequence,

following given criteria with
fluency and control.

are supported visually by

HA: Ensure they consider
the control of their
performance. Are they
fluent? Landing their
performance correctly etc.

Body Parts
Small Parts
Large Parts

Today we are learning to create sequences involving symmetrical and asymmetrical balances, jumps and rolls.

Warm Up:
Four Corners Bean Bag. Split the class into four teams. Children to compete against
each other to collect as many bean bags as possible into their hoop within the given
time limit. G N T to model stretches to the class.
Recap with the children to the terms symmetrical, asymmetrical, jump and roll.
Discuss the meaning of each, may want to demonstrate with this also.
Set up four stations following the A3 task cards. (No mats as they are not a safety
Children to divide into their four groups. They move onto the station after the one
they completed in the previous week.
1. Symmetrical Balances, 2. Asymmetrical Balances, 3. Jumps, 4. Rolls.
Cool Down:
Chn to share their performances of sequences.
Discuss with chn how we could now move our performances on adding balances and
jumps to enhance them.
Chn to run around the perimeter of the hall, slowly decreasing speed to a gentle walk.
Stop the chn periodically to stretch out muscles.

Week 4: Learning Objective:

Should: be able to perform

Must: be able to perform a

balance, jump and roll.

Should: be able to perform

a short sequence, including a
balance, roll or jump.

Could: perform a sequence,

following given criteria with
fluency and control.

EAL/LA: Use mixed ability

groups to ensure the children
are supported visually by
HA: Ensure they consider
the control of their
performance. Are they
fluent? Landing their
performance correctly etc.


*Apparatus Task
Cards in A3

Body Parts
Small Parts
Large Parts

Today we are learning to create sequences involving symmetrical and asymmetrical balances, jumps and rolls.

Warm Up:
Simon Says. Children to follow the teachers instructions whilst travelling across the

Must: be able to perform a

balance, jump and roll.

EAL/LA: Use mixed ability

groups to ensure the children


*Apparatus Task
Cards in A3

floor. Actions to be carried out, jump, reach high, reach low, balance on one leg,
balance on one hand and one foot, balance on two hands and one foot, balance on two
feet and one hand. G N T to model stretches to the class.
Recap with the children to the terms symmetrical, asymmetrical, jump and roll.
Discuss the meaning of each, may want to demonstrate with this also.
Set up four stations following the A3 task cards. (No mats as they are not a safety
Children to divide into their four groups. They move onto the station after the one
they completed in the previous week.
1. Symmetrical Balances, 2. Asymmetrical Balances, 3. Jumps, 4. Rolls.
Cool Down:
Chn to share their performances of sequences.
Discuss with chn how we could now move our performances on adding balances and
jumps to enhance them.
Chn to run around the perimeter of the hall, slowly decreasing speed to a gentle walk.
Stop the chn periodically to stretch out muscles.

Week 5: Learning Objective:

a short sequence, including a

balance, roll or jump.

Could: perform a sequence,

following given criteria with
fluency and control.

are supported visually by

HA: Ensure they consider
the control of their
performance. Are they
fluent? Landing their
performance correctly etc.

Body Parts
Small Parts
Large Parts

Today, we are learning to create sequences involving symmetrical and asymmetrical balances, jumps and rolls.

Warm Up:
Dodge ball. Children to move around the slow (Could adapt to specifying how they
travel.) They have to avoid being hit by the ball which is only allowed to be rolled
along the floor. Once they are hit they are out. Ensure this is a soft ball. G N T to
model stretches to the class.
Recap with the children to the terms symmetrical, asymmetrical, jump and roll.
Discuss the meaning of each, may want to demonstrate with this also.
Set up four stations following the A3 task cards. (No mats as they are not a safety
Children to divide into their four groups. They move onto the station after the one
they completed in the previous week.
1. Symmetrical Balances, 2. Asymmetrical Balances, 3. Jumps, 4. Rolls.
Cool Down:
Chn to share their performances of sequences.
Discuss with chn how we could now move our performances on adding balances and
jumps to enhance them.
Chn to run around the perimeter of the hall, slowly decreasing speed to a gentle walk.
Stop the chn periodically to stretch out muscles.

Week 6: Learning Objective:

Should: be able to perform

Must: be able to perform a

balance, jump and roll.

Should: be able to perform

a short sequence, including a
balance, roll or jump.

Could: perform a sequence,

following given criteria with
fluency and control.

EAL/LA: Use mixed ability

groups to ensure the children
are supported visually by
HA: Ensure they consider
the control of their
performance. Are they
fluent? Landing their
performance correctly etc.


*Apparatus Task
Cards in A3

Body Parts
Small Parts
Large Parts

Today, we are learning to find different ways of travelling along a bench.

Warm Up:
Four corners Bean bag. In teams, chn to compete against each other to collect as

Must: be able to travel

safely across a bench.

EAL/LA: Ensure modelling of

the task. Stop and choose

*Bean Bags

many bean bags for their team under a time limit. Groups of chn to lead the
stretches on a rotation basis.
Main Activity:
In the hall set up rows of benches, with mats on both sides and an equal distance
in between.
Pupils to be split into groups and designated a bench. Pupils to explore different
ways of travelling across the bench.
Use mini plenarys to choose chn to demonstrate. All pupils to try the methods
Ensure chn wait until the person in front of them is of the way down the bench
before they go.
Cool Down:
Chn to run around the perimeter of the hall, slowly decreasing speed to a gentle walk.
Stop the chn periodically to stretch out muscles.

Week 7: Learning Objective:

different heights along a

bench safely.

Could: find a variety of

safe methods for travelling

across a bench ensuring
control and fluency.

children performing
particularly well to support
their ideas.
HA: Extend to using
different body parts to
travel across the benches.
Different ways of entering
and exiting from the




*High Bench
*Spring Board

Today, we are learning to land safely from a box or bench and perform a series of jumps.

Warm Up:
Traffic lights. Chn to move around the hall and listen to teach. Instructions, Green
(verde) Sprint, Amber (naranja) Jog, Red (rojo) Stop. Groups of chn to lead the
stretches on a rotation basis.
Main Activity:
Set up vaulting boxes evenly spread out within the hall. Place landings mats on the
opposite of the box.
Discuss with children the safety rules of using vaulting boxes.
Vary the heights of the boxes dependent upon ability.
Discuss with children how to land safely from the vaulting box when jumping, make
sure they bend their knees.
Children to explore different jumps from the boxes, including step, jump, tucks,
Cool Down:
Chn to run around the perimeter of the hall, slowly decreasing speed to a gentle walk.
Stop the chn periodically to stretch out muscles.

Week 8: Learning Objective:

Should: be able to travel at

Must: be able to jump

safely down from a high

bench/vaulting box.

Should: be able to

perform a variety of jumps

safely down from a high
bench/vaulting box.

Could: travel safely onto

EAL: Visual demonstrations.

LA: Focus on safely
executing a straight jump
and star jump from the high
bench. Alter the height of
the bench as required.
HA: Look at more complex
jumps e.g. straddle, tuck and
star. Introduce a spring

a high bench/vaulting box

and land jumps in a variety
of ways.

Vaulting Box
High Bench

Today, we are learning to safely travel across wall bars and ropes and safely land from the apparatus.

Warm Up:
Dodge ball. Chn to move around the hall dodging the ball. Chn to be knocked out of the
tournament if the ball hits them below the hips. Groups of chn to lead the stretches
on a rotation basis.
Main Activity:
Class to be split into groups. This lesson is to be performed on a rotation basis
over two lessons.
Half of the class are to execute safely travelling on the wall bars and the ropes.
The other half the class are to practice using hoops in their gymnastic floor work.

Must: be able to land

safely from wall bars and


Should: be able to travel

safely across wall bars and


Could: include balances in

EAL: Demonstrate use of

wall bars and ropes to ensure
the chn use them safely and
follow instructions.
LA: Children to focus on
travelling across the bars
and up and down the ropes
and landing safely.
HA: Extend the children

Wall Bars

*Soft Ball
*Wall Bars
*Trolley of Mats

Travelling whilst throwing and catching a hoop. Jumping whilst catching a hoop. Can
also work in pairs during this activity.
Cool Down:
Washing machine game. Children are to create a shape in a small space. Each time the
whistle is blown they have to change shape.

Week 9: Learning Objective:

Must: be able to land safely

from wall bars and ropes.

Should: be able to travel

safely across wall bars and


Could: include balances in

their performance.

EAL: Demonstrate use of

wall bars and ropes to ensure
the chn use them safely and
follow instructions.
LA: Children to focus on
travelling across the bars
and up and down the ropes
and landing safely.
HA: Extend the children
when working to include
balances in their

Wall Bars

*Wall Bars
*Trolley of Mats

Today, we are learning to use our skills across a series of gymnastics equipment.

Warm Up:
Volcanoes and craters warm up. Chn to play in two teams, chn to turn the volcanoes
into craters and craters into volcanoes. Chn to compete within a two minute time
limit. Groups of chn to lead the stretches on a rotation basis.
Main Activity:
Choice of equipment at teachers discretion to extend skills from previous 12
weeks of gymnastics.
Cool Down:
Chn to run around the perimeter of the hall, slowly decreasing speed to a gentle walk.
Stop the chn periodically to stretch out muscles.

Week 11: Learning Objective:

when working to include

balances in their

Today, we are learning to safely travel across wall bars and ropes and safely land from the apparatus.

Warm Up:
Scarecrow tig. Chn to run around a coned area. One child acts as the nominated
chaser. Once the chn have been caught they must wait until another child frees them
by crawling through their legs. Groups of chn to lead the stretches on a rotation
Main Activity:
Class to be split into groups. This lesson is to be performed on a rotation basis
over two lessons.
Half of the class are to execute safely travelling on the wall bars and the ropes.
The other half the class are to practice using hoops in their gymnastic floor
Travelling whilst throwing and catching a hoop. Jumping whilst catching a hoop.
Can also work in pairs during this activity.
Cool Down:
Chn to run around the perimeter of the hall, slowly decreasing speed to a gentle walk.
Stop the chn periodically to stretch out muscles.

Week 10: Learning Objective:

their performance.

Must, Should, Could:

demonstrate how their

gymnastics skills have
developed throughout the
unit of work.

EAL/LA: Demonstrate using

choice of equipment one
thing they have learnt during
the unit of work.
HA: Use a variety of skills
across floor and apparatus to
demonstrate what they have
learnt throughout this unit.

Today, we are learning to perform gymnastic skills such as forward rolls.

balancing, body
parts, small points,
large points,
pathways, space,
symmetry, height,
levels, apparatus,
step, jump, hop,
spring, routine,
tuck, straddle,
vaulting box,
springboard, bench,
wall bars, ropes,
execution, finish.

*Teachers Choice of

Warm Up:
Volcanoes and craters warm up. Chn to play in two teams, chn to turn the volcanoes
into craters and craters into volcanoes. Chn to compete within a two minute time
limit. Groups of chn to lead the stretches on a rotation basis.
Main Activity:
Explain to children that today we are going to look at specific gymnastic skills.
On the IWB display a video of somebody performing a forward roll. Discuss the
different stages in order to perform this skill.
Chn to practice on mats in the hall how to perform this skill. Use a child to
demonstrate this skill when they have mastered it.
Class teacher to choose other skills depending on ability and age of class.
Cool Down:
Chn to run around the perimeter of the hall, slowly decreasing speed to a gentle walk.
Stop the chn periodically to stretch out muscles.
Chn to perform stretch and relax in order to stretch muscles in the opposite
direction after forward rolls.

Week 12: Learning Objective:

log roll.

Should: be able to perform

a forward roll.

Could: perform a range of

gymnastic skills, carefully
and accurately.

EAL: Demonstrate the skill

slowly for them to copy.
LA: Support in breaking the
skill down into the
components required.
Consider starting with log
HA: Extend the more able to
perform cartwheels and

Forward Roll

*Video of a Forward
*Trolley of Mats

Today, we are learning to perform gymnastic skills such as forward rolls.

Warm Up:
Volcanoes and craters warm up. Chn to play in two teams, chn to turn the volcanoes
into craters and craters into volcanoes. Chn to compete within a two minute time
limit. Groups of chn to lead the stretches on a rotation basis.
Main Activity:
Explain to children that today we are going to look at specific gymnastic skills.
On the IWB display a video of somebody performing a forward roll. Discuss the
different stages in order to perform this skill.
Chn to practice on mats in the hall how to perform this skill. Use a child to
demonstrate this skill when they have mastered it.
Class teacher to choose other skills depending on ability and age of class.
Cool Down:
Chn to run around the perimeter of the hall, slowly decreasing speed to a gentle walk.
Stop the chn periodically to stretch out muscles.
Chn to perform stretch and relax in order to stretch muscles in the opposite
direction after forward rolls.

Week 13: Learning Objective:

Must: be able to perform a

Must: be able to perform a

log roll.

Should: be able to perform

a forward roll.

Could: perform a range of

gymnastic skills, carefully
and accurately.

EAL: Demonstrate the skill

slowly for them to copy.
LA: Support in breaking the
skill down into the
components required.
Consider starting with log
HA: Extend the more able to
perform cartwheels and

Forward Roll

*Video of a Forward
*Trolley of Mats

Today, we are learning to showcase our performances.

Warm Up:
Scarecrow tig. Chn to run around a coned area. One child acts as the nominated
chaser. Once the chn have been caught they must wait until another child frees them
by crawling through their legs. Groups of chn to lead the stretches on a rotation
Children to choose and rehearse a chosen skill they have developed throughout this

Must: be able to perform

Differentiation by outcome.

one chosen skill.

Should: be able to perform

one chosen skill with control
and fluency.

balancing, body
parts, small points,
large points,
pathways, space,


unit work. Showcase the performances.

Cool Down:
Chn to run around the perimeter of the hall, slowly decreasing speed to a gentle walk.
Stop the chn periodically to stretch out muscles.

Could: evaluate the

performance of others skills,

suggesting constructive

symmetry, height,
levels, apparatus,
step, jump, hop,
spring, routine,
tuck, straddle,
vaulting box,
springboard, bench,
wall bars, ropes,
execution, finish.

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