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Teacher: Mr Hunter/ Miss Smith

Class: 5H / 5S

Date from wb: Sept 2009

Subject: Physical Education

Unit/Area: Gymnastics - Bridges

To wb: Oct 2009

Statement of Aims:

Balance on
different body
parts to make

Steps to Success


Produce a high bridge

Starter: Cones and dishes warm up. Chn to play in two teams, chn to turn

with good body tension

the dishes into cones and cones into dishes. Chn to compete within a two

and extension.

minute time limit.

Talk about the steps to success for a balance Chn to move around the
floor and then listen to teacher instructions, e.g. produce a balance that
has one foot and one hand on the floor. Show and demonstrate WAGOLL.
Children to watch a good-quality performance demonstration on video.
Chn to travel across the hall as close as possible to the floor. When
asked to stop and push a bridge shape on the floor. Show and
demonstrate a WAGOLL.
Using apparatus, chn to travel under a piece of apparatus and then move
on. When you come to a clear piece of apparatus make a bridge shape.
Mini plenaries to discuss balances and bridge. Discuss the need for good
body tension and extension.

Make bridges
to show
relationships to
the floor and

Produce a high bridge

Starter Four corners Bean bag. In teams children to compete against

against a piece of

each other to collect as many bean bags for their team under a time


limit. G+T talented chn to lead the stretches. Recap last lessons work,
chn to travel low across the floor, when signaled chn to push up into a
bridge shape. Discuss what a low bridge would look like. Demonstrate

Produce a low bridge

close to the floor.

using one foot and one knee WAGOLL.

Set out the apparatus using the apparatus cards. Groups leaders to
lead their groups provision set up. Teach the children to move from
the floor to apparatus, and to move safely from apparatus to the floor.
Produce low and high bridges. Look at how a roll can then turn into a
bridge. Within their group, each child to perform a sequence that
includes a clear beginning, high bridge, roll, low bridge, and a clear end.



Teacher: Mr Hunter/ Miss Smith

Class: 5H / 5S

Date from wb: Sept 2009

Subject: Physical Education

Unit/Area: Gymnastics - Bridges

Statement of Aims:
Mini plenaries to discuss balances. Discuss the need for good body
tension and extension.

with a partner
to create a

Travel towards the

Starter - Traffic lights. Chn to move around the hall and listen to

apparatus in a bridge

teacher instructions. Green Run, Amber Jog, Red Stop and make a


bridge. G+T talented chn to lead the stretches Ask the chn to make a

High bridge, move to

their hands and feet still and begin to walk with their legs. Reverse the

the floor using a roll or

task. TA to assist. Try maintaining bridge using motions such as walking,

a turn and a low bridge.

bridge position on their hands and feet and front facing the floor. Keep

sliding or jumping.
Practise sequences from last lesson. Incorporate travelling in a bridge to
a piece of apparatus. Demonstrations of WAGOLLS. The children to use
a digital video camera to record sequences and combinations of actions.
Show the sequences on the smartboard.
Chn to warm down by mirroring their partner moving across the hall

Move into and

out of bridges
with a jump.

Travel towards the

Starter- Simon Says. Chn to follow the teacher instructions whist

apparatus in a bridge

travelling across the floor. Actions to be carried out, jump, reach high

High bridge, move to
the floor using a roll or
a turn and a low bridge.
Jump and sink into a

and low and bridge. G+T talented chn to lead the stretches.
Show chn a WAGOLL of jumping off a piece of apparatus safely. Using
apparatus chn to select a jump and then sink down slowly and with
control into a bridge. Chn to show WAGOLLS evaluate and discuss the
quality of slowly moving into a bridge.
Using sequences from last lesson: Can you add a jump and sink into a
bridge shape? Use apparatus to practise their new sequences,
Show and evaluate WAGOLLS.

To wb: Oct 2009

Teacher: Mr Hunter/ Miss Smith

Class: 5H / 5S

Date from wb: Sept 2009

Subject: Physical Education

Unit/Area: Gymnastics - Bridges

Statement of Aims:

Make bridges in
contact with a

Mirror a bridge with

Starter- Cones and dishes warm up. Chn to play in two teams, chn to turn

your partner both

the dishes into cones and cones into dishes. Chn to compete within a two

showing matching
shapes and then link
them into a sequence.

minute time limit. G+T talented chn to lead the stretches.

Follow my leader. Chn to mirror partners actions. Chn to carry out wide
and narrow movements and shapes. Practise and experiment on mats. In
partners chn to pick two shapes and link them together with a roll.
Chn to travel in and out of the apparatus. Chn to use the apparatus to
make a matching bridge with their partner. Look at WAGOLLS and
evaluate the bridges: are they narrow/wide, high/low? Chn to carry out a
sequence that has one narrow and one wide bridge and join them
together by rolling. Video a good WAGOLL.

with a partner
to create a

Starter: Dodge ball. Chn to move around the hall dodging the ball. Chn to
be knocked out of the tournament if the ball hits them beneath the hips.
G+T talented chn to lead the stretches.
Review and evaluate the WAGOLL from last lesson. Discuss the need for
good shape. Discuss what makes a good sequence. There should be some
travelling, jumping, turning and balancing.
Practise sequence from last lesson, and then ask the chn to include a
Jump into it.

with a partner
to create a

Starter: Scarecrow tig. Chn to run around a coned area. One child acts
as the nominated chaser. Once the chn have been caught they must wait
until another child frees them by crawling through their legs. G+T

To wb: Oct 2009

Teacher: Mr Hunter/ Miss Smith

Class: 5H / 5S

Date from wb: Sept 2009

Subject: Physical Education

Unit/Area: Gymnastics - Bridges

Statement of Aims:

talented chn to lead the stretches.

To wb: Oct 2009

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