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Morgan Mancini

Professor Padgett
English 102
24 March 2016
Trophy Hunting Annotated Bibliography
Inquiry: In What Ways Does Trophy Hunting Affect the Host Countrys Economy and the
Population of the Animals Being Hunted?
Thesis: Trophy hunting brings in large amounts of money, but the money is not used in a way
that benefits the populations of the animals being hunted nor does it benefit the local
people and therefore should be outlawed.
Big Game Hunting. Issues & Controversies. Infobase Learning, 2 Oct. 2015. Web. 27 Jan.
2016. <>.
Big Game Hunting was published quite recently and is from a reliable database through
which many controversies are discussed. In this particular article, two separate sides of
the debate are shown, and support is given for both. On the side supporting trophy
hunting, it is pointed out that the money made from the fees to hunt is used for further
conservation efforts, but on the opposing side, it is brought up that much of this money
does not even go towards conservation but rather into individual pockets. In addition, this
article speaks to the decline in certain animal population due to legal hunting practices.
Although I see this article as a bit biased towards outlawing trophy hunting, the main

points for both arguments are strong and I feel as though it will be a good source to use as
support for either side.
Cruise, Adam. "Is Trophy Hunting Helping Save African Elephants?" National Geographic.
National Geographic Society, 17 Nov. 2015. Web. 27 Jan. 2016.
Although this article is not from a database, it is from National Geographic which is a
very credible and reliable source. It is a periodical that has a name not only in the United
States but all over the globe. The article is very up to date, and National Geographic is
known for being up to date and current on their information. The article is certainly in
support of banning trophy hunting, as the article begins with the sentence African
elephants are in trouble. A lot of numbers, facts and statistics are used in order to support
their stance on the negative aspects of big game hunting. These statistics can be

helpful in my

essay when I need to support a claim that I am making. There were many references to certain
organizations that supposedly help the local community, but often do not. It was stated that
when CBS interviewed local villagers, they said they havent
council which speaks to the corruption in many of these

received a cent from the


Di Minin, Enrico, Nigel Leader-Williams, and Corey J.A. Bradshaw. "Banning Trophy Hunting
Will Exacerbate Biodiversity Loss." Trends In Ecology & Evolution 31.2 (2016): 99102. Academic Search Complete. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.
This article is from a peer-reviewed academic journal that I found on Academic Search
Complete. Trends In Ecology & Evolution is a reputable textbook in which all of the
articles published in it are peer-reviewed scholarly articles. As this textbook is merely
focused on ecology and evolutionary science it is certainly a credible and reliable

source for the topic of trophy hunting. It is a very up-to-date source, and the information
in it is accurate. In this article it speaks of how banning all legal trophy hunting could
result in less than preferable results, especially financially. They claim that if trophy
hunting was controlled correctly, it would be very beneficial to not only the host country,
but the local community as well as the animal population. I thought this article was very
interesting because it was one of the only articles I came across that recommended a
possible solution to the problem at hand. They consider all aspects of the issue and
address each one. I could certainly use this in my essay for multiple aspects, for instance
for future solutions, or for support for why hunting shouldnt be banned completely, but
rather with restrictions.
Fischer, A., Tibebe Weldesemaet, Y., Czajkowski, M., Tadie, D. and Hanley, N. (2015), Trophy
hunters willingness to pay for wildlife conservation and community benefits.
Conservation Biology, 29: 11111121.
This source is from a peer-reviewed scientific journal. The Conservation Biology is a bimonthly journal that is focused on science, specifically conserving the earths biological
diversity. That being said, it is a very reliable source that contains accurate and credible
information. This article was published in 2015 which supports the fact that the
information is updated and likely most current. In this particular article the focus is on
Ethiopia and the effects that trophy hunting could have on the economic and therefore the
conservation impacts in the host country. They claim that since hunters are willing to pay
more money in order to hunt these animals when the animals are in good shape and when
the money goes to locals, trophy hunting could be beneficial to the countries that decide
to keep big game hunting legal. The article provides an abundance of information based

on the study they conducted and defines necessary words, but I would not use this source
outside of referencing the study.
LINDSEY, PETER A., et al. "Trophy Hunting And Conservation In Africa: Problems And One
Potential Solution." Conservation Biology 21.3 (2007): 880-883. Academic Search
Complete. Web. 26 Mar. 2016.
Marin, Diana, et al. "Consumer Profile Of Hunting Tourism." Scientific Papers: Animal Science
& Biotechnologies / Lucrari Stiintifice: Zootehnie Si Biotehnologii 48.2 (2015): 191-194.
Academic Search Complete. Web. 31 Mar. 2016.
PACKER, C., BRINK, H., KISSUI, B. M., MALITI, H., KUSHNIR, H. and CARO, T. (2011),
Effects of Trophy Hunting on Lion and Leopard Populations in Tanzania. Conservation
Biology, 25: 142153.
This source is also a peer-reviewed scientific journal from Conservation Biology. The
.gov domain supports that it is a very reliable, accurate and credible source. The
downfall of this article is the fact that it was published in 2011, which although not too
long ago, it is a tad bit outdated. The populations of the animals, monetary values and
laws could have since changed. Focused on Tanzania, this article looks into the
alternative reasons behind population decline in regards to lions and leopards. They
recommend that there be limits put on many aspects of trophy hunting and it could be
remedied, but otherwise it has a negative on animal population and wellbeing. In my
paper this will be a very good source to reference in regards to the big five (lions,
elephants, buffalo, leopard, and rhinos) which are my main focus as well as possible
solutions to the issues at hand.

"The truth about Trophy hunting." Sports & Recreation Examiner (USA) 3 Aug. 2015, Hunting
& Fishing. NewsBank. Web. 7 Feb. 2016.
This article was found on a database I was introduced to in high school which I have
since used numerous times for different research papers. Although I am not certain that
the article is a peer-reviewed article, it is a credible source, and through experience I
know that the information published on this database is accurate and useable. The article
was recently published, towards the end of 2015, and it focuses on observations of trophy
hunting instead of supplying a concrete bias towards the subject matter. I liked this article
due to the fact that it gave a good amount of background on the topic of trophy hunting,
such as defining what constitutes a trophy animal. According to the article, To be
classified as a "Trophy" animal, which means it would have to have impressive tusks, it
would have to be approximately 35 years of age or older. I could use this article in
reference to background information and more general material regarding the topic of
trophy hunting.

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