Thepilgrimagetoelectronicefficacy 1 - James Churchhill

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The Pilgrimage to Electronic Efficacy

James Churchill

Problem Behavior:
Students abuse their ability to use their devices for research purposes. Students using their phones to watch videos,
facetime, text, shop online, making videos, listening to music, or playing games has become a huge problem. Inclass research time is supposed to be time to work with peers or the teacher to do in-class assignments or prepares
for out-of-class projects, and abusing this time has both wasted time in class, and negatively impacted scores on
Abuse is:
Watching videos unrelated to class
Making videos unrelated to class
Listening to music
Playing games
Shopping online
Surfing the net on web pages unrelated to class
Expected Behavior:
Students use their devices to view approved websites for research material
Use is:
Using the device only during approved research time
Using the device to only view approved research websites related to this course
Placing your device back into your bag when research time is complete
Positive reinforcements
Immediate Reinforcement
Each time I see that the majority of the class is on-task and using their devices for research, Ill provide a sticker to
a random student (preferably one who had previously been notorious for being off-task) to put onto the board at the
end of class.
On-going Reinforcement
Students will have the stickers to remind them of their positive progress, as well as the listed approved research
websites to help steer them in the right direction.
Novel Interactive Learning Activity
The class will split into small groups, each picking a Pilgrim from the canterbury tales. The class has two workdays
(and any time they decide to spend outside of class) to construct a cardboard cutout bust of their chosen pilgrim.
They will present their pilgrim to the class, discussing the characters appearance, job, clothing, and attitude (and
how the tale they tell relates to these, for bonus points) reflect their inner self, and why Chaucer may have made
written them this way.
Easily Administer R+
Stickers will be distributed to students who are particularly on-task based on the expectations. Though the whole
class needs to be on-task to earn a sticker, the sticker itself will be given to a random student of the teachers
choosing, ideally someone who had previously struggled to stay on-task. Also, stickers will be given at the end of
class while students are writing their exit tickets.
Interactive Learning Activity: English IV TEKS:
(25) Listening and Speaking/Speaking. Students speak clearly and to the point, using the conventions of language. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity.
Students are expected to formulate sound arguments by using elements of classical speeches (e.g., introduction, first and second transitions, body, and conclusion), the art of persuasion, rhetorical
devices, eye contact, speaking rate (e.g., pauses for effect), volume, enunciation, purposeful gestures, and conventions of language to communicate ideas effectively.
(26) Listening and Speaking/Teamwork. Students work productively with others in teams. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to
participate productively in teams, offering ideas or judgments that are purposeful in moving the team towards goals, asking relevant and insightful questions, tolerating a range of positions and
ambiguity in decision-making, and evaluating the work of the group based on agreed-upon criteria.
(23) Research/Organizing and Presenting Ideas. Students organize and present their ideas and information according to the purpose of the research and their audience. Students are expected to
synthesize the research into an extended written or oral presentation

Once a
Teach Desired Behaviors:
Since this plan is intended for high school seniors, Ill try to not give the same dont use your phones in class
speech. I honestly think that devices *can* be used to support classroom learning, and Ill try to focus more on how
to properly use the device during class time, rather than potentially appear condescending by spending a large
portion of the time modelling the undesired behavior. Instead, Ill model good research techniques that will facilitate
easier research and make research-based assignments much less of a hassle. Halfway through the lecture Ill
abruptly stop and model wasting class time by putting the research on halt and browsing for hats on Amazon. Ill
pose the question of is buying a hat right now at 11 a.m. really the best use of my time? Hopefully the class
discussion will agree that, no its not, and if I need to steer the conversation towards that answer Ill remind
students that, had I waited until I was home or eating lunch to buy that hat, I could have finished my assignment
and not had to have failed it, or take it home for homework.
Teach the Plan:
After modelling proper device use, Ill ask the class to do a quick webquest assignment. Assuming that the class
uses their devices properly, Ill bust out the Plan. Since were doing the Chaucer block in a few weeks, Id like us to
make a pilgrimage to classroom electronic efficacy before we learn about Chaucers Tales and the pilgrimage to
Canterbury. Each time were doing research in class and I catch the class using their devices for research purposes

instead of a distraction, youll earn a sticker. As you can see, all of the pilgrims are missing their faces. You can draw
whatever sort of face you want, and stick it on a body. Once all fifteen pilgrims have their heads firmly stuck to their
torsos, well do a hands-on activity based around the pilgrims, instead of the essay I had initially planned for us to
Options: Though the title would need to be changed, this CBP could be slightly modified for literally any sort of
classroom behavioral problem such as excessive off-task discussions.

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