Edc 273 Signature Assignment Part 1

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EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage

Unit Outline
Unit Title: Civics/Government
Grade Level: 3

O2.S3.C2.PO1. Discuss the three branches of government: a. Executive; b. Legislative; c. Judicial

O2.S3.C2.PO2. Recognize that there are different levels of government (e.g., local, state, national)

O2.S3.C3.PO1. Identify the basic concept of how laws are made (e.g., law proposed, discussed,
amended, voted on).

O5.S3.C1.PO1. Describe national symbols and monuments that represent American democracy and
values: d. U.S. Capitol

O6.S3.C1.PO4. Describe the significance of national holidays: a. Presidents Day; e. Constitution Day

O8.S3.C1.PO3. Describe how people in the community and state work together to achieve common

O8.S3.C4.PO2. Describe the importance of students contributing to a community (e.g., service projects,
cooperating, volunteering)

Key Terms: local, state, federal, executive branch, legislative branch, judicial branch, senate, house of
representatives, checks and balances, judge, jurisdiction, Constitution, president, congress, mayor,
commissioner, draft, bill, debate, 2/3 majority, veto, impeach, cabinet, volunteer, cooperation, participation
Requisite Knowledge: Students should have a general understanding of who makes up our government, and
how laws are enforced. They should have an understanding of the overall purpose of a government, and the
laws they create. Students should know about the White House, the current president, and some of the jobs of
the President. Students should have a general idea of voting, and responsibilities of being a citizen. Students
should be able to identify examples of good teamwork theyve experience and/or witnessed.
Knowledge Gained from Unit

EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage
Understand the major levels of government
o Describe reasons for having different levels
o Relate structure of school to local government

Know the three branches of government

o Know who belongs to each branch/what their primary role is
o Describe checks and balances

Understand the process of how a bill becomes a law

o Identify the major steps taken in the process
o Know who is involved in the process
o Understand the difficulty level of passing a law

Explain the significant the U.S. Capitol and Presidents Day

Describe steps that can be taken to make the community a better place

What will students gain from this unit?

Students will have a clearer picture of how the government is broken down into roles. They will
understand the significance of playing a role in the government. Through checks and balances, they will be able
to see why it is important that each person take their role seriously, and work with others to ensure a fair system
is in place. Students will understand how difficult it is for a bill to become a law. They will be able to state why
this is important for them and their community. Students will be able to relate their school structure, to the
levels of government in the community. They will be able to understand the responsibilities at each level, and
how they contribute to a proper functioning society. Students will be able to understand the importance of their
role in the community. They will be able to use their knowledge to develop a plan, and encourage/inspire others
to make a positive different in their community.

EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage

Instructional Sequence
Day one and two: Levels of Government (see lesson plan page 5-6)
Day three: Branches of Government (see lesson plan page 7-8)
Day four: How Laws are made (see lesson plan page 9-11)
Day five: National Symbols

Standard: O5.S3.C1.PO1. Describe national symbols and monuments that represent American
democracy and values: d. U.S. Capitol

Objective: Students will be able to explain the importance of the U.S. Capitol.

Summary: Students will work with a partner to take a virtual field trip to the U.S. Capitol. Afterwards,
they will complete a brief webquest about specific functions and interesting facts about the US Capitol.

Webquest materials: See appendix

Day six and seven: Rights, Responsibilities, and Roles of Citizenship


O8.S3.C1.PO3. Describe how people in the community and state work together to achieve
common goals

o O8.S3.C4.PO2. Describe the importance of students contributing to a community (e.g., service

projects, cooperating, volunteering)

o Students will be able to apply their knowledge of the government, and describe how officials
work together to achieve a common goal.
o Students will be able to develop and propose a plan that involves helping the community.


EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage
o Students will write a creative, fictional story using the following prompt: Imagine you are an
alien living on another planet. On your planet, there is one leader who tells everyone what to do.
However, this is no longer working well because the aliens do not always agree with the
demands of one person. Because of this, there is a lot of fighting and protests that are happening.
The alien planet is falling apart. You are elected to travel to Earth to research ways to help your
alien planets survival. After touching down on Earth, you quickly meet some friends from the
United States of American. Write about an adventure you have with your new friends. Describe
some things you learn about the country that you can teach to your alien country to help
everyone improve their teamwork, and chance for survival.

They will create a plan, rough draft, and final draft of their story

o With a partner, develop a public service announcement for the school, city, state, or country. In
your announcement, describe what it is people need to get involved with (e.g., service projects,
volunteering, etc.) Explain why they need to get involved, and how it will make a difference.

Students will use a graphic organizer to help outline their plan

They will make a final draft of their script for the PSA to be recorded

Materials: Lined paper, story graphic organizer, video camera, campaign graphic organizer

EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage

Day one and two

Title: Levels of Government


Grade Level: 3

Estimated Duration of Lesson: 2 Days

Description of Plan

# of mins

1. Content Standards
Choose ONE standard. Be sure to
write out the entire standard, not just
the number.

O2.S3.C2.PO2. Recognize that there are different levels of

government (e.g., local, state, national)


2. Learning Objectives
Choose ONE objective that leads
toward mastery of the standard
Must be specific, measurable, and
Must have at least two parts:
learning and behavior

Day one: Students will be able to compare and contrast the levels of
government, to the structure of their school.


3. Anticipatory Set:
Sometimes called a "hook" to grab
the student's attention
Focuses student attention on the
objective and the purpose of the
Activates prior knowledge
from ALL learners

Day one: Introduce objective to students

-Ask students to describe people they know that are important to helping the
school run
-Ask students to describe people they know/have heard of that are important to
helping the community and country run smoothly

4. Teaching-Input:
Using effective and varied strategies,
provide information for students to
gain the knowledge, strategy, or skill.

Day one: Draw two columns on the board

-Label one column School and the other Government
-Have students work with a partner to come up with all the types of people that
make up the school, and all types of people that make up our government
(write there answers on a shared chart)
-Have students raise their hands, and offer some answers (write acceptable
answers on 5X7 notes cards)
-After students have offered all answers, ask them to arrange the cards on the
board, from lowest level to highest level
-For the government side, identify who belongs in the local, county, state, and
national level

Day one:
10 minutes

Day two: Call on students to write each level on the board horizontally
-Have different students fill in people and responsibilities of each level of
-Students at their seats will be filling in a graphic organizer to take notes

Day two:
5 minutes

Day one: Have students compare and contrast the structure of their
school to the structure of the government
-What are some similarities?
-What are some differences?
-What works well, what could work better?

Day one: 5

5. Teaching-Modeling:
Demonstrate and show examples of
what students are expected to do
(how to solve the problem, answer
the question, do the activity etc.).

Day two: Students will be able to define the levels of government, name
who is responsible at each level, and describe their duties

Day two: Introduce objective to students

-Ask students to recall the levels they learned about on the previous day
-Inform students they will be participating in a class mock election

Day one:
5 minutes

Day two:
5 minutes

EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage
Day two: Have students fill in their graphic organizers to assign the
levels of government with peoples duties at each level

Day two:

6. Check for Understanding:

Various strategies that are ongoing
throughout the entire lesson.
Enables teacher to determine
whether ALL students have "gotten

-Students will now receive a Venn diagram of their own where they will
compare and contrast the structure of the school to the structure of the

Day one:
10 minutes

-Students will divide the classroom into each level of government

-They will choose a position in government which theyd like to run for in
the classroom election, and stand at the level they belong

Day two:
5 minutes

7. Guided Practice:
An opportunity for each student to
demonstrate new learning by
working through an activity or
exercise with the teachers

Day one: Guided practice is completed while filling in chart

Day one:
5 minutes

8. Closure:
Actions or statements made by
teachers AND students that
summarize lesson objectives.
Essential for helping students
integrate ideas, make sense out of
what has just been taught, and to
improve their chances of retention
and transfer.

-Ask students to make connections between what it might be like to become President of the
U.S. versus becoming the principal of the school
-Ask students to take a stand on whether one position is more important than the other, and
defend their answer

9. Independent Practice:
AFTER proper closure, it is important
to provide time for additional practice.
It may be group or individual work in
class or it might be homework.

Homework: After day two, students will write a brief paragraph answering the closing question
from class. They will list at least 3 reasons why they believe their answer is right.


10. Assessment:
The formative and/or summative
assessments that are aligned with the

Summative assessment will occur at the end of the government unit. Students will be expected
to define key terms and recall information about the levels of government.
Formative assessment will take place during class while observing student discussions. They
will also be graded on the thoughtfulness of their


11. Differentiation:
How you will reach diverse learners
by varying the:

Students have the opportunity to access all knowledge presented in this lesson through online
activities, and in class discussion. They will receive graphic organizers to assist in quality note
taking. They have the opportunity to learn from interactions with the teacher, and interactions
with their peers.


12. 21st Century Learning:

Includes technology as well as the 4
Cs: Critical Thinking, Creativity,
Collaboration, and Communication.

Students are expected to think critically about what makes a good leader at
each level of government. They must apply that knowledge to writing a
campaign that will persuade their peers to vote for them. They must
demonstration effective communication when delivering their campaign


Day two: Hold a class mock election

-Students must prepare a mini campaign stating why they would be a great candidate for their
position, how they will fulfill the duties at their level
-Students will give their presentations, and cast their votes!

Day two:
40 minutes

EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage
Title: Branches of Government

Grade Level 3

Estimated Duration of Lesson: 55 Minutes

In small groups, students will spend a week reading the book Flat Stanley Worldwide Adventures: The US Capitol
Commotion prior to beginning this lesson. They will follow guided reading questions that will introduce various parts of
our government from the book. The branches of government are introduced in chapter 4. Prior to this lesson, students will
complete reading chapters 1-3. They will read chapter 4 for this lesson, and complete the book on the following days.
1. Content Standards
Choose ONE standard. Be sure to
write out the entire standard, not just
the number.

Description of Plan
Reading: Strand 1. PO 1: Predict events and actions, based
upon prior knowledge and text features
PO 4. Answer clarifying questions in order to comprehend text.

# of mins


Government: Outcome 2. Strand 3. PO1. Discuss the three

branches of state and national government: a. Executive; b.
Legislative; c. Judicial
2. Learning Objectives
Choose ONE objective that leads
toward mastery of the standard
Must be specific, measurable, and
Must have at least two parts: learning
and behavior

Reading Objective: Students will be able to summarize the three

branches of government from the required text.

3. Anticipatory Set:
Sometimes called a "hook" to grab
the student's attention
Focuses student attention on the
objective and the purpose of the
Activates prior knowledge
from ALL learners

-Ask students a few warm up comprehension questions to recall information

from the first 3 chapters
-Ask students to discuss their favorite parts of Flat Stanleys adventure so far
from chapters 1-3
-Ask students to share any personal stories that relate to what Flat Stanley
has done so far
-Ask students to make predictions for chapter 4 (write on board)
-Regroup after completing chapter 4
-Check to see if predictions came true
-Introduce the government objective for the lesson

5 minutes

4. Teaching-Input:
Using effective and varied strategies,
provide information for students to gain
the knowledge, strategy, or skill.

-Students will learn about the branches of government through a fictional

story, and apply their knowledge on a virtual field trip of the white house
-Students work in groups to discuss the importance of the branches working

5 minutes

5. Teaching-Modeling:
Demonstrate and show examples of
what students are expected to do (how
to solve the problem, answer the
question, do the activity etc.).

-Students will receive guided reading questions to take notes on

important information from their book, and spark discussion among
their group

5 minutes

6. Check for Understanding:

Various strategies that are ongoing
throughout the entire lesson.

-Understanding is assessed as students complete guided reading questions,

and while they read aloud in their groups
-The quality of their notes will help contribute to their understanding when



Government: Students will be able to define the purpose of the three

branches of government, and construct a tree with specific information
about each branch.

5 minutes

EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage
Enables teacher to determine
whether ALL students have "gotten

creating the government tree

7. Guided Practice:
An opportunity for each student to
demonstrate new learning by working
through an activity or exercise with
the teachers guidance.

-In groups based on reading level, students will complete chapter 4. They will take turns
reading, one page at a time. While they read, they will complete a guided comprehension
question check that will later serve as notes for their lesson.
-Connect the three branches of government from the book
-Take a virtual field trip to the White House: https://www.whitehouse.gov/about/inside-whitehouse/interactive-tour

10 minutes

8. Closure:
Actions or statements made by
teachers AND students that
summarize lesson objectives.
Essential for helping students
integrate ideas, make sense out of
what has just been taught, and to
improve their chances of retention
and transfer.

-Ask students to share their favorite part of the chapter

-Ask students to share a prediction for an upcoming chapter
-Review all three branches, and major points of each
-Ask students to share what checks and balances means to them
-Ask students to share some strategies for good teamwork that the government would benefit
from following, when making decisions for the country

5 minutes

9. Independent Practice:
AFTER proper closure, it is important
to provide time for additional practice.
It may be group or individual work in
class or it might be homework.

-Students will work independently to construct a tree with three branches. Each branch will
represent a branch of the government, and the leaves above them will be important information
about that branch of government. For example, what their duties are, and who belongs to the
branch. They can use notes from the book, and information from the lesson to fill out what they
feel is most important.
-Students will begin constructing their tree in class, while I check for understanding of the
assignment. What is not complete will be taken home for homework.

10 minutes

10. Assessment:
The formative and/or summative
assessments that are aligned with the

-Government Formative Assessment occurs when checking students understanding of how the
government is formed, and their final product of the tree branches of government.
-Reading Formative Assessment occurs while reading the book, and completing
comprehension checks along the way.
-Government Summative assessment will occur at the end of the Government unit. Some
questions on their test will cover material from the whole unit.
-Reading Summative assessment: Accelerated Reader Quiz on Flat Stanley when book is


11. Differentiation:
How you will reach diverse learners by
varying the:

-The class is required to read the same book, which introduces the government themed unit.
There are no variations of this book, so students will work in groups to complete the book with
others of similar reading abilities. ELL or students with a learning disability will receive more
one on one reading time with their group and the instructor. Students whose abilities exceed
the level of the book will be given an opportunity to create an enrichment project after finishing
the book.


12. 21st Century Learning:

Includes technology as well as the 4
Cs: Critical Thinking, Creativity,
Collaboration, and Communication.

Students are required to use critical thinking skills when analyzing their
reading. They need to be able to relate to the text, demonstrate understanding
through comprehension checks, and use knowledge about events in the book
to make possible predications for the future. They demonstrate creativity when
constructing their government tree, artistically and through summarizing
important information. Students work together to complete and understand
the major events in a chapter from their book. They must effectively
communicate their understanding of the text, and how it relates to the study of
our government.

10 minutes

EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage
Title: How Laws are Made


Grade Level 3

Estimated Duration of Lesson: 55 Minutes

Description of Plan

# of mins

1. Content Standards
Choose ONE standard. Be sure to
write out the entire standard, not just
the number.

Outcome 2. Concept 3. PO1. Identify the basic concept of how laws are
made (law proposed, discussed, amended, voted on)


2. Learning Objectives
Choose ONE objective that leads
toward mastery of the standard
Must be specific, measurable, and
Must have at least two parts:
learning and behavior

Students will be able to model the steps the government uses when
creating new laws, by participating in a various roles of government


3. Anticipatory Set:
Sometimes called a "hook" to grab
the student's attention
Focuses student attention on the
objective and the purpose of the
Activates prior knowledge
from ALL learners

-Introduce the class to the objective

-Share a few silly laws rumored to still be in effect in Arizona today
-Students will share a few laws they specifically follow every day.
-Students will share a few laws their parents specifically follow every day.
-Students will share laws that are important for the community as a whole to
-Students will share any prior knowledge about who writes our laws, and how
they become something we all must follow.

5 minutes

4. Teaching-Input:
Using effective and varied strategies,
provide information for students to
gain the knowledge, strategy, or skill.

-Begin Presentation: http://kids.clerk.house.gov/gradeschool/lesson.html?intID=17

-Presentation will cover each step of how a bill becomes a law, and who is in
charge at each step
-After the presentation show: Schoolhouse Rock How a bill becomes a law
-Pass out a piece of scratch paper. Have students write down an example of a
law theyd like to see passed for the classroom or school

5 minutes

5. Teaching-Modeling:
Demonstrate and show examples of
what students are expected to do
(how to solve the problem, answer
the question, do the activity etc.).

-Select a few students to participate in a quick run through of what they

will be doing (steps in guided practice), in order to give the rest of the
class a clear example to follow.
-Remind students, prior to entering group debates, what being a
respectful listener is.
-Remind students that everyone must participate, and no one student
should be doing most of the talking.

5 minutes

6. Check for Understanding:

Various strategies that are ongoing
throughout the entire lesson.
Enables teacher to determine
whether ALL students have "gotten

-Break students into groups.

-Have students raise their hands individually to offer the steps in their
upcoming activity.

5 minutes

7. Guided Practice:
An opportunity for each student to

-Students will form groups of 3 or 5 (dependent upon class size, try for an odd number in each
-Students will have the opportunity to act as a participant in each group: Congressmen then

25 minutes

EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage
demonstrate new learning by
working through an activity or
exercise with the teachers

House of Representatives then the Senate

-To start, all students will begin as congressmen (step one of becoming a law)
-All proposed bills will be placed in a bag labeled Congressmen and one will be chosen at
random per group. Each group will have a different proposed bill.
-Students discuss a minimum of 2 positives and 2 negatives to the bill. Then they will vote if it
should move onto the House of Representatives or not. If not, it dies. If they vote yes, it will be
placed into a new bag labeled House of Representatives. This will continue until all bills have
been debated.
-In their same groups, students will now act as the House of Representatives. They will receive a
random bill from the new bag (in case they choose the one they had, pick a new one), and
repeat the same process in the previous step. When a bill passes, place it in a bag labeled
-Students will then become the senate, and debate the bills that have made it thus far. If a bill is
further approved by the senate they will pass it on to the teacher, acting as president for the
*Note: Bills should die out in the process. As the number of bills up for debate decreases, groups
may need to combine to make larger groups. If only 1 or 2 makes it to the end, the class as a
whole can have a discussion and vote. Debates on each bill should be limited to 3 minutes.

8. Closure:
Actions or statements made by
teachers AND students that
summarize lesson objectives.
Essential for helping students
integrate ideas, make sense out of
what has just been taught, and to
improve their chances of retention
and transfer.

-Review all steps the bills took to get to the final step.
-Discuss how many bills made it to the end versus how many were originally presented.
-Ask students if they think this process is easy or difficult, and explain why they feel that way.
-Once students have come to the conclusion that the bills process to becoming a law is long and
difficult, ask them why they think it should be long and difficult. Ex. Why cant one group be in
charge of passing the bill? Why cant the President make these decisions on his own?
(Integrate with previous lesson on the branches of government, and how it relates to checks and

5 minutes

9. Independent Practice:
AFTER proper closure, it is important
to provide time for additional practice.
It may be group or individual work in
class or it might be homework.

Assign Homework: Choose one of the two assignments

5 minutes

-Choose any bill that made it through all steps in the class activity. Write a formal letter to the
teacher or principle (depending on whether the bill is for the classroom or school as a whole)
explaining why you feel the bill should become a law. Discuss why it is important, and how it will
help students/the school. In your letter, describe the steps the bill took to get to the final decision
maker (the President). *Optional: Revise the bill to incorporate any better ideas
-On a piece of plain white paper, draw a diagram of the steps a bill takes to become a law. Label
each step appropriately. On the back, choose a bill that made it through all 3 steps in the class
activity. Draw a Venn diagram and fill in pros, cons, and similarities of the bill. *Optional: Revise
the bill to incorporate any better ideas
-Give students prompts. Answer any questions about guidelines.

10. Assessment:
The formative and/or summative
assessments that are aligned with the

-Assessment will occur during the guided practice phase to ensure all students are actively
participating in the discussion, and that no one student is dominating.
-Students writing will be based on accuracy of information, and thought when weighing positives
and negatives of a bill.
- Summative assessment will occur at the end of the Government unit. Some questions on their
test will cover material from the whole unit.


11. Differentiation:
How you will reach diverse learners
by varying the:

Content: All students will be required to understand the basic concept of how a bill becomes a
law. Other students may take this further in their homework assignment to make amendment
Process: Students will receive instruction through a very brief Prezi that explains how a bill
moves through each step to become a law. They will also see what happens when a group
disagrees with the bill. Students will view a brief video that reiterates the same general ideas.
Students will then practice each step in their groups.
Product: The student must demonstrate their understand of the steps by choosing one of the
appropriate homework assignments.



EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage
12. 21st Century Learning:
Includes technology as well as the 4
Cs: Critical Thinking, Creativity,
Collaboration, and Communication.

Students must be able to demonstrate critical thinking by giving relating to each

bill, and showing what legitimate positives and negatives are of the bill. For
example, say a student proposes a bill that allows students to go to recess
whenever they want. This sounds fun and positive, but students must find the
negatives as well (less class time to cover content leading to an increase in
homework or longer school day). Students must demonstrate creativity by
developing plans that will benefit the classroom and/or school. Students will
work collaboratively in groups to achieve a common goal. They must effectively
communicate positives and negatives, in order to persuade group members to
agree with their vote.


(A) Lesson title: Levels of Government
(A1) Government versus School Structure
(A2) Levels of government flow chart
(A3) Campaign outline
(A4) Grading Rubrics
(A5) Venn Diagram
(B) Lesson title: Branches of Government
(B1 B2) Tree cutouts page
Flat Stanley Worldwide Adventures: The US Capitol Commotion
Accelerated Reader Quiz: Use Student Log in
Virtual Field Trip to the White House: https://www.whitehouse.gov/about/inside-white-house/interactive-tour
(C) Lesson title: How Laws are made
Steps to becoming a law: http://kids.clerk.house.gov/grade-school/lesson.html?intID=17
YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/tyeJ55o3El0
Writing prompt in lesson plan
Grading rubric (C1)
(D) Lesson title: National Symbols
Webquest: A tour of the Capitol: http://kids.clerk.house.gov/grade-school/lesson.html?intID=33
(D1) Webquest questionnaire
(E) Lesson title: Rights, Responsibilities, and Roles of Citizenship
(E1) Story graphic organizer
(E2) Short story rubric
(E3) PSA graphic organizer
(E4) PSA rubric


EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage
Appendix A1

School Structure

Structure of Government










EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage
Appendix A2


EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage
Appendix A3

What position are you running for? __________________

What level of government do they work at? ________________
List reasons why you would make a good candidate. (Personality Traits)
1. _________________________________________
2. _________________________________________
3. _________________________________________
4. _________________________________________
5. _________________________________________
List some of your responsibilities, and how you will accomplish them.
1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________
Using all of the reasons you came up with, write a speech that you will
deliver to the class, convincing them why are you are the best candidate
for the position.
_______________________________________________________________________ 14

EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage
Appendix A4


Student's campaign
is easy to follow,
their reasons for
voting are clear and
easy to understand.

The student
organizes most of
their campaign,
however some
supporting details
are out of order.

Student does not

have any order to
their presentation, it
is confusing to follow
their campaign



Student speaks
The student speaks
clearly, but stumbles
slowly and clearly to
on some parts of
their classmates. It's
their campaign. They
obvious they
need to adjust their
practiced what they
speed (slow
down/speed up).

Student speaks to
quickly, and
stumbles on a lot of
their campaign. It is
not clear that they
read through their
final draft.


Student understands
demonstrates an
most of the duties of
understanding of the their role, however
responsibilities of
some duties are
the role they are
missing or mixed up
campaigning for.
with a different role.

Student did not

research the duties
of their role in
government, and
may have mixed
duties with several
different roles.

Student Name: ____________________________________

Position campaigning for: __________________________
Percentage of votes received: _______________________
Overall Presentation Grade: ________________________

EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage
Appendix A5


EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage
Appendix B1


EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage
Appendix B2


EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage
Appendix C1



Student's letter is
correctly organized
using all parts of a
formal letter
(heading, body,
closing, etc.)

Student's letter has

most of the parts of
a formal letter. Some
are either missing or
incorrectly placed.

Student's letter does

not follow the
proper format of a
formal letter. They
are missing parts
and/or they are out
of order.


Student uses
knowledge about the
government or
school to write a
thorough and
convincing argument
for their bill.

Student uses some

knowledge to
support their bill.
Some ideas need to
be developed

Student does not use

any prior knowledge
to support the
proposed bill.

Student has good

punctuation, correct
spelling, and word

Student has some

errors in any of the
following areas:
spelling, word

Student has a large

number of errors in
more than one of
the following areas:
spelling, word


Student Name: ____________________________________

Bill they would like passed: __________________________
Overall Grade: ________________________


EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage
Appendix D1
Visit to the U.S. Capitol
What is the difference between the words Capitol and Capital?
Click on House Floor Tour
Explore the various parts of the U.S. Capitol by clicking on the magnifying glasses. Use the
information to answer the following questions.
Voting boards: What are the voting boards used for?
Rostrum: The ______________________ presides from atop the rostrum.
Bill Hopper: How do representatives introduce bills?
Leadership tables: Why do you think leadership tables are important?
Where is the U.S. flag located?
Mace: The made is a symbol of ______________________________. What is it used for?
After youve explored all magnifying glasses, choose your spot in the house chamber. Why is it
your favorite? What is an interesting fact that wasnt covered on this worksheet?

EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage
Appendix E1

Imagine you are an alien living on another planet. On your planet, there is one leader who tells
everyone what to do. However, this is no longer working well because the aliens do not always agree
with the demands of one person. Because of this, there is a lot of fighting and protests that are
happening. The alien planet is falling apart. You are elected to travel to Earth to research ways to help
your alien planets survival. After touching down on Earth, you quickly meet some friends from the
United States of America. Write about an adventure you have with your new friends. Describe some
things you learn about the country that you can teach to your alien country to help everyone improve
their teamwork, and chance for survival.

List your characters and use some descriptive adjectives to describe them.





EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage
Appendix E2


Good flow of
ideas from topic
sentence and
details or

Most of the story

is in order

The sequence of
Parts of the story
the story does not
are out of order
make sense


No sentence
errors; There is
variety in length
and type of

Mostly complete
sentences, some
variety in length
and type

Several run-on
sentences, and
shows little
variety in length
and type

There are a large

number of
fragments and
run-ons, there is
no variety in
sentence type
and length


Uses new key

words, highly
vocabulary, paints
a clear picture for
the reader

Uses some new

key words, some

Uses one or two

new key words,
very little

Does not use any

new key words,
vocabulary is very


No errors in
number, tense

Few errors in
number, tense

Some errors in
number, tense

Many errors in
number, tense


Uses correct
throughout the
story, uses a
variety of

Many errors in


No spelling errors

Many spelling

Some errors in
Few errors in
punctuation, does
punctuation, uses
not use a wide
a variety of
variety of
Few spelling

Some spelling


Student Name: ____________________________________

Overall Grade: ________________________


EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage
Appendix E3

With a partner, develop a public service announcement for the school, city, state, or
country. In your announcement, describe what it is people need to get involved with (e.g.,
service projects, volunteering, etc.) Convince them why they need to get involved, and how
it will make a difference.
Name of Project or Service: ___________________________________________
Where will the project or service take place: ______________________________
Who will this project benefit most? _____________________________________
Fill the cloud with strong
convincing words you will use
wit h persuasive language.

Brainstorm ways your project/service will be carried

out. Think about how many people are needed, what
materials are needed. Is it something that happens
every day, once per week, or once per year?

How will this benefit people? Convince your viewers

why they must get involved, and how their help is the
key to your projects success!






















EDC 273 M7A1

Sabrina Savage
Appendix E4


Student presents
information, and
service project is
very beneficial to
their cause

information is
Student needs more
accurate, the project
research to fully
is somewhat
understand the
beneficial to their
needs of their cause


Student presents
information that is
neatly organized,
and easy to follow

information is mostly
organized, most
viewers can follow
the announcement

Student needs to
revisit their graphic
organizer, and
rewrite information
in a way that their
audience can easily


Student speaks
clearly, slowly, and
at an appropriate

Student would
benefit from slightly
adjusting their
delivery speed or
voice level

Student speaks too

fast, and or too

Student uses highly

Student uses some
effective persuasive
persuasive language
language to convince
to convince their
their audience to
join their cause

Student did not use

persuasive language
to convince their



Presenters Name: _______________________________________

Name of Service Project: _______________________________________
Tally persuasive language words used: _______________________________________
Overall grade: ___________

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