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Lesson Plan

Name: Laura Berkeley

Focus Area: Sensory
Title of Lesson: Matching By Your Senses

Key: Head Start Early

Learning Framework s
= Domain

Date: Nov. 3, 2015

Grade Level: Pre- K
Total Time: 30 minutes

I. Objectives:

The children will develop fine motor skills by placing the Velcro animal card
on the box with the correct food during this Matching by your senses

The children will gain an understanding of teamwork by working together as

a group to match the correct animal and their food during the Match by your
senses activity.

Domain: Social & Emotional Development

Element: Social Relationships

The children will enhance their language skills by communicating with their
group members to complete the task of identifying and matching each animal
with their food during the Match by your senses activity.

Domain: Physical Development & Health

Element: Fine Motor Skills

Domain: Language Development

Element: Expressive Language

The children will enhance sensory awareness by identifying the contents in

each feely box by using their senses (Touch, Smell, Hear) to complete the
Match by your senses activity.

Domain: Science Knowledge & Skills

Element: Scientific Skills & Method

II. Materials:

Laminated Pictures of: Cat, Dog, Guinea pig, Bunny, Turtle, Bird, Lizard
14 Velcro Squares
Can of Cat food
Small Bag of Dog food (Circular)
Small Plastic tank full of Crickets
Rabbit Pellets (Picture included on the last page)
Guinea Pig Food (Picture included on the last page)
Lettuce leaves
Bird food
7 Feely boxes
7 1 inch Labels (1-Smell, 1-Listen, 5-Feel)
5 Small bowls
Slide show with human food and animals

* Prior to this activity:

The children will already have a clear understanding of what animals can be
pets, what they eat and where they live.
The Pet pictures will already be laminated.
The boxes will have taped signs indicating whether to Smell, Listen or Feel
its contents
Laminated Pictures and Boxes will have Velcro on them.
The slide show will be projected on the white board.

III. Procedure:
A. Motivation
1. I will have a slide show with the pictures of human food and animals.
2. I will ask the children questions about food that we eat.
3. I will ask the children questions about types of food animals eat.
B. Steps
1. I will ask the children the following probing questions about food:
Name a type of food we eat
What is your favorite food to eat?
Where do we get our food?
2. I will ask the children the following probing questions about the pictured
animals (Cat, Dog, Guinea pig, Bunny, Turtle, Bird, Lizard):
What animal is this?
Which animal makes this sound?
Where does this animal live?
What does this animal eat?
3. I will separate the class in 2 groups of 7.
I will give each child a group animal. (Dog or Cat) (7-Dog, 7-Cat)
4. I will inform the class for the following:
The Cat group will be at free play while the Dog group works on the
Once the Dog group is finished, we will switch stations
5. I will give each child an animal picture. (Cat, Dog, Guinea pig, Bunny, Turtle,
Bird, Lizard)
6. I will ask each child to tell me what animal they have.
7. I will introduce the Feely boxes to the children.
8. I will inform the children of the following:
There are 5 boxes that you can Touch whats inside
There is 1 box that you can Hear whats inside
There is 1 box that you can Smell whats inside
You have to work together with your group to match each animal
with their food.
9. I will monitor the children while they are collaborating with each other to
complete the task.
10. I will go over the matches with the children.
If the children made all the correct matches, they can move on to
free play.

If the children did not get all the matches correct, I will instruct them
to rethink the ones they got wrong.
11. I will repeat steps 5-10 with the next group.

IV. Conclusion:
After each group has matched the animal to their food, I will go over the answers
with the children. I will show them what was in each box and tell the children
whether their choices were correct or incorrect. If the choice was incorrect, I will
not reveal the contents of the box and let the children try again to match the ones
they got wrong.
V. Transition:
1. I will have the children answer a series of questions regarding pets and their
food. (The children will already know what the food looks like)
What animal eats pellets?
What shape is the dog food?
What color are the crickets?
VI. Follow-Up Activities/Learning Centers:
1. Show and Tell (Pets, what they eat; Pictures only)
2. Visit to an animal shelter
3. Select and Introduce a class pet
VII. Evaluation/Assessment:

A. Evaluation:
Were the children able to place their animal card on the Velcro Square?
Were the children able to work together as a team during this activity?
Were the children able to communicate with their group members efficiently to
identify the animals food?
Were the children able to use their senses (Hear, Touch, Smell) to help figure
out what was in each feely box?

B. Self-Reflection Assessment:
1. What did the children most enjoy?
2. What did the children least enjoy?
3. If I implemented this lesson again, what would I do differently?
VIII. Early Learning Standards Met:
Domain/Element: Physical Development Health/ Fine Motor
Domain/Element: Social & Emotional Development/ Social Relationships
Domain/Element: Language Development/ Expressive Language
Domain/Element: Science Knowledge & Skills/ Scientific Skills & Method
Supplemental Materials:

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