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Patel 1

Henil P Patel
Professor Jessica Morton
UWRT 1102
25 February 2016
My Journey so far..
Initially when I took this class, I thought that I would be writing essays on a lot of topics,
well it turned out to be completely opposite. I had to choose my own topic for the inquiry project
for the rest of the semester. Our instructor chose the theme of violence. I think that the theme of
violence offers a very wide area range of topics to choose from. When I read the commonplace
book entries yesterday to recollect what we have done so far, I was amazed to know that we had
covered almost all types of violences in such a short time. I recalled almost everything about all
the topics we covered in class. I have always liked Ms. Mortons teaching methods as she allows
the students to work on their interest rather than giving topics on which the student may not be
personally fascinated.

After reading the commonplace book entries all the readings seemed very fresh in mind,
because I had written about them in my own words along with the possible inquiry questions. I
think that keeping commonplace book is a very good way to revise the work done for this class. I
even liked the jigsaw method which she used because it helped to know what the other articles
were about and kind of listen to other students questions and their thoughts on different

categories of violences. So if anyone was interested on any of those topics, they could further
look into that article and inquire more.

I believe we are constantly learning new things daily in our life. As for my growth so far
in this class, I learn new things in every class from Ms. Morton and peers. Our textbook
Portfolio Keeping by Nedra Reynolds and Elizabeth Davis has also been very helpful as it
explains the requirements for a good portfolio like even the color of the text which we choose
also plays a vital role as it affects the readability and even the background images should be
related to the theme of the topic and other factors like the navigation and the layout. You should
also be familiar to the platform you are using to create your online portfolio. Particularly chapter
2 from pages 14 to 19 taught me this. I even used the MLA guide on the purdue owl website for
editing and composing process for this assignment.

I have increased my writing capabilities but to be a successful writer, I still need to work
on the presentation and visual appearance of the portfolio to mark a solid impact on the readers
mind. The visual presentation is a very important part for the portfolio. My other goal is to start
working early on the assignments rather than waiting for the last day. But I have observed from
my working habits that I work well when I am under pressure thats the time when I am able to
come up with fantastic ideas, these ideas have helped me write a better paper. Though I tend to
come up with good research ideas but somehow when I start late I kind of think that I am not
able to transform all of my thoughts to writing. The other problem I need to work on is to revise
my work, which I am not able to do so due to shortage of time. I still need to figure out what is

better for me for my future writings. The SLOs have been a lot of help not just for my writing
class but for all other classes too. I use them all the time.

Our team Flower Power wrote a poem about the last moments of the characters before
their death from movie final destination 3. We each wrote one stanza for our genre remix
assignment, I particularly wrote the one on Wendys death. The team project worked out pretty
good between our team Flower power. I think that our team is evenly matched as we all have
same interests and get along well with each other. We were able to produce a good poem. I even
wrote how working within a team is beneficial as compared to working alone. Working in a
group is always fun as you learn new ideas and new ways to solve a problem. As per your
feedback to our poem, we still need to work on our presentation skills like the links issues,
formatting and the header pictures and all other presentation related things. I am sure our team
will solve this issues before the next team project. I am excited to work with my team for the
next group project.

The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, 2010. WEB. 25 February 2016.

Reynolds, Nedra and Davis Elizabeth. Portfolio keeping a guide for students.
Boston: New York, 2014.Print

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