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JM Hill Class of 2016


1 February 2016

Hi Everybody,
My name is Mason Henning, and I am very
excited to work with the students this year! I
have attended Northampton Community
College for two years and then attended the
Disney College Program for a
semester, followed by a
semester off to travel.
Now I am currently at
East Stroudsburg
University where I
plan to graduate and
become an elementary school teacher. I
believe knowledge is the best gift you can
give yourself. I always loved to learn and I
want to bring that excitement back into the
classroom. I am an avid reader; so when Im
not in school I enjoy to relax and read, go to
concerts, and travel to new places.

Favorite Quote

A favorite quote of mine is from a show

called Doctor Who, You want weapons?
Were in the library. Books are the best
weapons in the world. This rooms the
greatest arsenal we could have. Arm
yourself! The reason why this is one of my
favorite quotes is because it basically sums
up my reason for being a teacher. He is
saying that books are the best things to
prepare ones self with. There is so much to
learn from books and knowledge to be

Goals For Students

My goal for the students is for them to enjoy

learning in new and creative ways. I want

students be curious and ask lots of questions.

I want them to feel comfortable in the
classroom and learn new techniques in how
to be successful down the road.

Educational Websites
Some educational sites that I thought would
be helpful are:

Favorite Subject
My favorite subject is science. I enjoy
learning about the environment around us. I
am very curious about outer space as well,
so anytime I have the opportunity to read or
incorporate space into any learning
opportunity, I will do so.

Helpful Advice
A professor once told me that it is okay to
make mistakes, if anything she encouraged
them, but she said you must always be
honest about your mistakes. I think in the
classroom, people are intimidated because
they believe they have to be perfect when it
comes to doing projects or anything really.
Perfection isnt real. Youll never learn if
you dont make mistakes, and that is applied
to anything. So I would say make mistakes,
mess up a little, itll teach you a lot down
the road.

Mason Henning
Desktop Publishing Newsletter Project
14 February 2016
Summary Sheet
1. Purpose: The purpose of this assignment was to create an esthetically pleasing newsletter for
me to formally give to the parents of the students I was interacting with. I was to use the skills
taught from the Word Processing assignment, and put it into action while creating this
newsletter. This newsletter should give the parents of the students a general synopsis on who I
am and my overall goal for not only my future, but their sons and daughters as well.

2. Audience: The audience consists of the students of J.M. Hill and their guardians.

3. Type faces: Calibri (sans serif) for the headings; Times New Roman (serif) for the font used for
the paragraphs.

4. Design Principles: The dominant elements of the newsletter are clip art in the first paragraph of
the newsletter. Also, the colored header is an eye catching dominant element.

5. Legibility: The font used in this newsletter is consistent in size and fonts (using one sans serif
and one serif). Therefore, there isnt too much going on that the readers attention is veered off
from distractions.

6. Alignment: The newsletter is aligned in to two columns, the spacing is even, and the clip art isnt
disrupting the text.

7. Grouping: Everything that I felt to be important for the guardians of the students to know is
under bold headings. The headings are general descriptions as to what I am talking about in that
paragraph; such as my favorite quotes, helpful advice and goals I have for the students.

8. Balance: The spacing of the entire newsletter is symmetrical, causing little to none unintentional

9. Unity: The overall description of the newsletter is esthetically pleasing and accomplishes the
goal of getting the guardians and the students to get to know me a little bit. Everything is
spaced evenly, color coordinated and the fonts are appropriate according to prior instruction.

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