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EDUC 5312/3315-Curriculum and Instructional Design

Classroom Observation Assignment

Observation Form 1
Observation Date: 03/09/2016

Observation Time: 1:00pm -1:45pm

Teacher Observed: Sharon Morgan

Subject/Grade Level: 3rd grade /Reading

School Observed: Dove Science Academy Elementary Observer: Kanuni Yilmaz

1-What was/were the learning objectives/outcomes of the lesson? (Add state objectives if
known, for example, TEKS 111.4. Grade 2.b.)
PASS 4.4.b Analysis and Evaluation: Distinguish between fact and opinion in nonfiction text.
2-How did the teacher begin and end the lesson?
She began with questioning what students know about fact and opinion and asked students to
write what they know about fact and opinion on their graphic organizer.
3-What did the teacher use for teaching materials or instructional aids/equipment?

4-Which instructional methods and strategies did the teacher use? (Lecture, inquiry,
discovery learning, discussions, games or simulations, demonstrations, cooperative learning,
integration of technology, socrative questioning, etc)
She used several strategies such as
-game end of lesson for feedback,
-Cooperative learning she let students work with elbow partner to paste 5 fact and 5 opinion on
their graphic organizer from given small statements.
-Questioning- great leading open ended questions
-Game-this game was kind of informal assessment which each student participate. After she read
a statement students raise their fact or opinion card for their answer. What I like after students
raise their fact or opinion card she randomly pick a student ask further question reading his or
her answer.

5-How did the teacher assess learning? (informal, formal, formative, summative, oral, openended, quiz, feedback etc) See Chapter 8 for more information on assessment methods
She used the game to assess what students learned from her class informally. After she read a
statement students raise their fact or opinion card for their answer. Then she randomly pick a
student ask further question about his or her answer. For example; why do you think it is fact?
6- What can you say about the teachers philosophy/beliefs and style?
(Traditional/progressive, behaviorist, student-centered vs. teacher centered, authoritative etc)
Her style is student- centered. In her lesson I observed little direct instruction to students the rest
of time students were engaged and part of activities.
7-How does the teacher manage classroom? Can you identify classroom management
techniques used?
She used a couple of very critical classroom techniques during her lesson. One of them was
redirecting students verbally and nonverbally. Second one was using positive language to
encourage students
8-Observe in the classroom setting and determine types of behavior students play when offtask. What do they do when they are not paying attention? How does the teacher re-direct
them or get them back on task?
As I stated previous question she was very strong questioning. According to students attention
she was picking random students to answer her questions. That pulled most of students attention
and keep them engage throughout lesson.

9-How does the teacher communicate with students (verbal, vocal, meta-verbal or non-verbal
communication such as facial, body language, use of space, motion and time?)
She used mostly verbal communication. She might use more body language to explain some of
statement for fact and opinion.
10-Who were the students in the class? What did you notice about them? (Background,
diversity, attitude, motivation, interaction, participation, etc)
There were around 10 students from 3rd grade who need extra intensive reading tutoring. The
group of students was very diverse. There were a few special need student, bilingual students and
unmotivated students. To be honest the group was pretty diverse and challenging.

11-What did you see that is effective in engaging students? What do you see that is
ineffective in keeping students engaged?
Her open ended questions were very effective in engaging students and the game end of her
lesson. Also the graphic organizers were very engaging.
She should use more visual tool to enrich her instruction like smart board, chart paper and etc.
She mostly used verbal tools. Also she needs to have better planning for order of activities
throughout her lesson.
12-What are the two instructional strategies you observed and would like to apply in your
-Open ended questioning
-Graphic organizers
13-What are two important classroom management strategies that you observed and would
like to apply in your classroom?
-constant and instant positive redirection
- using positive language to encourage students

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