Standard 2 Done

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Standard 2

During my professional experience III, I acknowledged that students are different

and their differences matter in terms of how they engage with content and
learning activities. Knowing this is an important starting point for planning and
delivering effective teaching and learning for all students. I studied and assisted
in developing a full term overview which provided me knowledge and
understanding of how teachers organise the curriculum content, assessment and
reporting (2.1, 2.2, and 2.3). I was also able to recognise how to successfully
organise and apply literacy and numeracy strategies to support full participation
and learning of all students. I was able to do this by ensuring that my knowledge
of content was concise and included strategies to support and extend students
literacy and numeracy skills and understanding (2.5). I acknowledged that each
child comes from a culture, as well as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

people when I planned and delivered my lessons (2.4). I used effective

teaching strategies that included integrating ICT (Weebly, PowerPoint, Interactive
Whiteboard, Computer, IPads) into my lessons to ensure content was relevant
and engaging for all students (2.6).

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