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Word Forms Exercise

1. It is ____________ (advice, advisable) to book the air tickets early.

2. There is a general ______________ (belief, believable) that things will soon get better.
3. I have a bad ___________ (memory, memories) for names.
4. The book provides ____________ (value, valuable) information on recent trends.
5. Theres no __________ (excuse, excusable) for such behaviour.
6. Please pay ___________ (attention, attentive) to what I am saying.
7. He was born in France but his parents are ___________ (Britain, British).
8. The government must take ____________ (decision, decisive) action on gun control.
9. I would like to have _____________ (England, English) breakfast.
10. Please give me a detailed ____________ (description, descriptive) of the procedure.
11.He knew I was ___________ (energy, energetic) and would get things done.
12. Opencast coal mining is among the most environmentally ____________
(destruction, destructive) activities carried out in Wales.
13. He was arrested on charges of corruption and __________ (abuse, abusive) of power.
14. Eric and his friends like to play ___________ (child, childish) games.
15. Woody Allen is a _____________ (comedy, comic) genius.

Word Forms Exercise

1. It is ____________ (advice, advisable) to book the air tickets early.
2. There is a general ______________ (belief, believable) that things will soon get better.
3. I have a bad ___________ (memory, memories) for names.
4. The book provides ____________ (value, valuable) information on recent trends.
5. Theres no __________ (excuse, excusable) for such behaviour.
6. Please pay ___________ (attention, attentive) to what I am saying.
7. He was born in France but his parents are ___________ (Britain, British).
8. The government must take ____________ (decision, decisive) action on gun control.
9. I would like to have _____________ (England, English) breakfast.
10. Please give me a detailed ____________ (description, descriptive) of the procedure.
11.He knew I was ___________ (energy, energetic) and would get things done.
12. Opencast coal mining is among the most environmentally ____________
(destruction, destructive) activities carried out in Wales.
13. He was arrested on charges of corruption and __________ (abuse, abusive) of power.
14. Eric and his friends like to play ___________ (child, childish) games.
15. Woody Allen is a _____________ (comedy, comic) genius.

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