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Touch Football WAs

School Coaching Guide, Skills and Game


Developed by Touch Football WA

Community Coach Guide and Session Plans

The community coach role at Touch Football WA is vital to the growth of our sport as well as
making sure our sport is played correctly and well responded too across the board in Perth.
To achieve this having fun while developing good players is our main goal.
Warm Ups:
Bulldog (15mins) A very simple game to run also know as British Bulldog. Two defenders in
the middle and everyone else in the group on the attacking line on one side of the grid. On
coaches whistle attackers have to attempt to reach the other side without being tagged by
defenders. If tagged join the defenders in the middle. As more defenders get tagged ask them
to sit down etc
Second game of bulldog with this group so start to mix things up! If you feel the group is at a
reasonable level dont be afraid to add balls into the mix. If youre a defender then take a ball
and when all the balls are in the game they must pass them about to corner attackers and tag
them with the ball etc.
Ball Tag (5-10mins)
Make a grid about 30 x 30 with plenty of space for everyone to move and run around without
the risk of hitting each other. Select 3 people to be in the middle with one ball between them.
Their goal is to tag someone out with the ball. However they cannot
run with it so they must work to pass and catch. As they tag people
they become helpers on their team until there are 3 people left. Add
more balls as more people get touched.
Skills/Drills and Activities:
Scoop and dump relays (10mins) Simple activity that teaches kids
both the scoop and roll ball skills. Important to do a slow
demonstration of the activity and explain that the ball needs to be
placed between our legs and must stay still. Not like Rugby league
where the foot moves the ball backwards. Emphasise with scoop
spoon hands, not fork fingers to pick up the ball.
Set up three teams so they can have races against each other. Kids start with the ball and roll
ball on the first cone, scoop on the next cone as a ball is waiting for them, around the end
cone and then repeat a roll ball and scoop until they pass the ball to a team mate. Each person
through two times and winning team wins!

Zig Zag passing (10mins) Another simple game for

the kids to get a hold of there passing skills. Just like
basketball pass which most of them already do at
school just with a touch ball. Pass the ball all the way
to the end, and back to the start position. As the kids
get better make them all face the front so that they
then must pass the ball backwards in order for them to
reach the target. Coaching points are making sure
hands are up and ready for a catch and that they swing
the pass across their chests. Progressions for this
game are to include two balls and also set up to teams
that have races. Also ask the kids to loop onto the
back of the group and work their way across the field.
Round the cone chase downs (10mins) I always like to finish
with a fun game and sometimes use the same one next session
if the kids enjoy it. This one is very simple. One score line with
an attacking side and a defending side. On the coaches whistle
players run around there cones and into the grid. The ain being
for the defenders to chase the attackers and make a touch
before they reach the score line. Progressions for this are
making scoring zones along the score line to make it more
difficult and changing the cone distances which defenders have
to go around.
Tunnel Ball (10min) A game most kids at primary level are familiar with tunnel ball is
simply where two teams line up and stand behind each other bout one metre apart. The
person at the front is going to have the ball. On the coaches whistle they throw the ball above
there head, spin once and then commence a roll ball (touch football roll ball). The next person
then repeats until the ball is at the back of the tunnel. Important when coaching and taking
this drill that the class dont start using their hands and feet to
push the ball between their legs. They must step over the ball
and move forward so the next person can play it.
Line passing (10mins) Running passing is something younger
kids tend to struggle with so in this activity dont worry about
the pace the kids are going. Encourage them to be as fast as
possible but dont worry to much. Same type of pass as last
session when then did zig zag passes only this time we will all
be moving forward like in a game. Refer to game and watch
their ears prick up! Set up some cones in two attacking lines
opposite each other and get the kids to line up behind each
cone. All they are doing is moving forward and passing the ball
down the line and popping it to the next group once the ball makes it down the line. Key
teaching point would be to emphasise the tik-tok motion when passing.

One v Ones (15mins) This is a good game to finish with as

a fun game but also needs to be allowed to have a good 1015mins to run it so the kids get plenty of chances to run
about and have a turn. Does have kids standing around that
need to be encouraged to watch and support their class
mates competing. Very simple grid set up where there is an
attacking side and defensive side. Attacking side goes
around one side and enters the grid and defenders the other facing the attackers and defending
a line. Attackers win if they score whereas defenders win if they make a touch. Teaching
points- where defenders try to make a tag, closing space and the importance of speed! Similar
to chase down game but defenders go around other side of the grid.
Line Attack (15mins) A fantastic fun game for both attacking and defending. Use the 5m line
and score line for this game. Have a third of the class on the score line as defenders and the
rest on the 5m line as attackers. E.g. class of 30- 10 defenders 20 attackers. The aim of the
game is for our attackers to get through the defensive line and score. Start without a ball and
everyone goes at once- everyone involved. The defenders are not allowed off there lines so
can only move side to side- like crabs. If attackers are tagged without scoring they return to
the line and go again- if get across the line
without being tagged that counts as one
point. After 2mins non stop see who has
most points and they are winner. Play 4-5
rounds and give everyone a chance to attack
and defend. Set up grid with plenty of space
so plenty of scores!
Flying V (5-10mins) A very simple and fun game for all ages! Use in warm ups or as a skill.
Teams of 3-10 all lined up in a diagonal line. Passing the ball down the line and then around
the cone in front of them and back to the other end of the line. Everyone else shuffles down
and then the ball is passed down again and the next person goes. Drop balls whole team starts

Circle Dodge Ball (5-10mins) Very basic game mainly used to

have fun but also to improve awareness and passing skills.
Using touch passes only! Create a circle with cones and have the
class group evenly spread around it then select three students to
go in the middle. The aim of the game is for the outside players
to pass the ball and hit the people in the middle to get them out.
Try and avoid high throws! Players in the middle can do
whatever they like to dodge!
Crows and Cranes (5mins) two teams face each other in lines about one metre apart. One
team is crows and the other team is cranes. A line is drawn 5m behind each team. The coach
stands at one end and shouts crrrrrrr.ows or crrrrrr.anes! Whoevers team is called has to
turn and dash back to the safety line without being tagged by someone on the other team
chasing them! Play until three people left!


Warm ups:
British Bulldog (10mins) same as the primary school version. Great game for all ages!
Incorporate more of the interactive and passing side of the game when working with older
groups. See primary school diagram.
Rugby Netball (10-15mins) this is a fun game and gets everyone running around if done well.
Only use this in the second or more sessions with a
class as we dont want to confuse them by saying its
okay to pass forward like in this game! Split the
group into two teams and put a score box at each
end of an area about the size of half a pitch. The
team with the ball can run in any direction for as
long as they want and pass the ball to teammates to
try and score by passing to a team mate stood in the
score box. If the ball carrier is tagged with the ball
or if the ball hits the ground its a turnover. Only
allow one player on each team at once.

Line Attack (10mins) same game as the primary version. Start without the ball but build into
including it more quickly and try to create some pace to the game- back and forward fast just
to keep the feeling of a warm up. See primary school diagram.

Auckland grid (10mins)
The Auckland grid is a very simple grid used for learning the lateral and spiral pass. Basically
its a rectangle in which you as the coach stand in the middle and as the kids/class pass the
ball around you explain the difference between the lateral and spiral passes. Slow it down to a
walking pace and explain hand position and when each pass should be used. Usually used in
first or second basic sessions.

Two v Ones (15mins)

This game/ grid is best used after the class have had a run through the running pass and the
Auckland grid. The reason for this is to use the passes
they have just learnt into a game like grid in which
they must bet a defender. Building up towards game
play. Start an attacking side on one side of the grid and
a defensive side on the other. On the coaches whistle
two attackers must run around a corner cone while the
defender goes around the opposite as in the image
below. Both go around the cone and enter the grid
which forms a 2 v 1 situation making the aim for the
attackers to beat the defender and score on the line
behind them. Teach lateral pass and draw and pass.

Out of line Touch (20mins)

This is a great game to play after you have been through some rucking work with the class or
towards sessions 3 and above to get the feel of a proper game but also with a lot of freedom
and space. Its exactly the same as a normal game of touch the only difference being that one a
defender makes a touch they must touch there own score line before they can make another
touch. Encourages kids to use touches to create space and to ruck the ball forward.

Scoop and Dump Relays (5-10mins)

See primary school section- same game!
Line Passing (5mins)
See primary school section. Same game!

Game play (20mins)

Exactly what the name implies! Best way to learn the game is by playing it so take the class
through a game. Good way to end a session and make sure that while they are playing that
you keep stopping and coaching points. Use after 3rd session.
Rucking pattern- Arrow (10mins)
Teaching and coaching at least one basic rucking pattern is important but at the same time
can be quite challenging with a group that is not as progressed as others. Explain that rucking
the ball helps us get down the ground and move forward quickly etc and then lay out cones so
the kids can understand how the formation is meant to look. Use the four man arrow and have
them working down the ground without defenders to start. As they grasp the concept of it add
a defender to make a touch on and then remove the cones. If they are still good with this play
a game of outer-line touch or game play and make it a rule that the first four touches must be
using the arrow rucking pattern.
Team Mirrors (5mins)
This game is to work on a teams defending and man marking skills. Select two groups and
have them face each other about 5 metres apart in two lines. You as the coach then stand
behind one of the lines. The skill is for the team that can see you do the movements which
you gesture or point to and the opposite team that cant see you must shadow and move with
the attackers. For example if you point left, then all the attacking team move left and the
defensive team must move with the players as well. Lines must stay 5m apart no matter what.
Change over and stand behind the other line after a minute or so.
Copy Cat Defence (5mins)
Similar to the team mirrors game only this time the class splits into defensive lines of six just
like a team would be. Line them up and get them to shadow what you do but must keep their
5m. On your whistle they come out and make a tag. For added fun and game like sense get
the waiting kids to shout distractions etc.
Static 2 v 1 (10mins)
This game is nearly the same as a 2 v 1 as described previously however the defenders are not
allowed off their lines. So they must move from side to side and there are two defenders one
behind each other. So it works out to be a 2 v 1 followed by another 2 v 1 in the same grid.
See diagram!

One v One (10mins)

Good for learning defense and where to make a touch. As well as great fun and work on the
sidestep! Use primary school diagram for set up.
Switch (10mins)
The switch is a very common move in touch football. Explain when we are likely to use it
and how we do so. To teach the switch it is important that the groups passing and handling
skills are up to scratch before we get into moves and more advanced stuff. Set up three cones
and split the class across them. Then mark a 5m cone and a 30m cone as on the diagram. The
first rule to explain is that nobody can pass the ball until everyone has reached the 5m cone
and the move must be finished before the 30m cone. As the group of three come out the first
passes to the middle person who then gathers speed and calls the switch. Make sure both the
ball carrier and switching
player step sharply and
cross. The receiver must be
behind to receive the pop
behind and then straightens
up to pass the ball back to
the person who started with
the ball. As in the diagram.
As the kids progress change
roles between cones for
starter, switcher etc.

Wraps (10mins)
Exactly the same set up as the switch grid. Only the first person with the ball is the person
who wraps around the middle man and the ball is popped to them. Make sure that they
understand the difference between a pass for a switch and wrap. E.g. wrap is out in front
across the chest and switch is behind the body popped up.

Pairs Rucking (10mins)

Another rucking pattern that you will find most kids find
simple and easier to understand than arrows. However they
may struggle to adapt this to game play unless they
understand when to use it so be clear when explaining what
its for. Set up two groups and get the class to work in
groups of four. Two people per cone and next to each other
and move forward, one person on roll ball and the other at
dummy half, then popping it off to the next pair running
onto it. See diagram for help!

Three v Twos (10-15mins)

Line Attack with ball (10mins)

Same game as in Primry School version. See diagram. However add a ball and give it to the
attacking team so instead of working individually the ball brings everyone together as a
attacking team. If I score or touch is made everyone goes back to the line together.

Diamond 3 v 1 (10mins)
All this grid is, is a modified 3 v 1 game. Best used to work on initiating a touch and half
pass. Two players start at the top of the diamond cones, one with the ball. There is also a
defender on the score line and a player at first receiver cone. On your whistle the attacking
players run around the diamond cones and the defender cones up and makes the touch. A roll
ball happens and then the dummy half delivers a pass out wide to the first receiver. While that
is happening the defensive player must push back onside to his score line and then move
across to try and make a touch on the player attempting to score.

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