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Date: April 16, 2016

Teacher Name: Mrs. Wu
Lesson Plan Type: Concept Attainment
Grade: 11, Algebra 1
Topic: The Concept of Function
Content Area: MathematicsAlgebra
Timeline of Lesson: 15 minutes

Lesson Objectives:
1. Given several examples from the elementary schools, the students will be able to recognize
that the function is a type of corresponding from a non-empty set to another non-empty set
with no errors.
2. Given some graphs, the student will can identify a function is a specific relation that is
defined as a directional corresponding clearly.
3. Given some expressions of functions, the student will be able to use a procedure that
instructs them to find the domain and range of a function and will be able to state the three
elements of function correctly.
4. Given two functions, the student will can point out if two functions are the same one
5. Given a practical assignment, the student will be able to put the three elements of a function
into a whole through looking for a relation defined a function from their own lives

PowerPoint, Handout with students quiz

Description/Abstract of Lesson:
Through some examples, the teacher lets students remind the concept of function in
elementary schools again. And the teacher makes students focus not on variables but on set and
correspondence relation, so the students get the concept of function in high schools. Next, the
teacher leads student s to learn the structure of a function (the three factors of a function). At last,
the teacher enhances the students understanding to domain and correspondence by the definition
of two equal functions.
1. Set Induction/Anticipator Set
Why do we study the concept of function in high schools again when we have studied it
in elementary schools? The teacher provides a suspense that brings out the attention of
the students.
2. Specific Content
Q1. How many functions did you learn in elementary schools?
y kx b(k 0)
A1. (1) Linear function

(2) Inverse function

(k 0)

y ax 2 bx c(a 0)
(3) Quadratic function

Q2. What is the concept of function in elementary school?

A2. During a varying process of two variables and , if every value of

to the only one value of ,Thus is called as a function of .

Instructional Activities and Procedures

Q3. Please judge if is a function of in the following graphs and sheets

is corresponding


is a function of in the following graphs and sheets.

Q4. What differences are there between these three function and that three functions before?
A4. It is difficult to express these three functions by using formulas. And these three
functions are focused on the results of correspondence rather than the process of correspondence.
The teacher concludes: a function is a relationship between two sets where for each value in
the first set, there is exactly one corresponding value in the second set. This is the concept of
function in high schools.

1. Definition: a function is a relationship between two sets where for each value in the first
set A, there is exactly one corresponding value in the second set B. And we use to show a
function. :AB.

Example1. A={012}B={12}how many functions


2. Which factors form a function?

f ( x) | x A

:ABset A is called as the domain of the function. set

range of the function.

is called as the

f ( x) | x A
is a part of set B.
The two functions are equal, if their domain, range , and correspondence are same.

The three factors of a function are domain, range , and correspondence.

Example 2. Justify if the two functions are equal in every question.

y x2

y ( x )2

y 3 x3

y x 2 , x {0,1}

y x, x {0,1}

Modifications/Differentiated Instruction
Modification: When the students dont answer example 2 (3), the teacher lets the students draw
out the graph to help students understanding.
Evaluation(Formative and/or Summative Assessment)
The most of students can under the new definition about function. But facing some
specific difficult questions, the students have seldom thoughts to solve.

1. What is the concept of function?
2. What are the factors of a function?
1. Textbook P15-16
2. Look for an example that shows a functional relationship from life, and draw the graph of the
function in reasonable domain.

Worksheet (quiz)

1. Is

2. Is

a function? If it is, please point out its domain.

3x 1

a function? If it is, please point out its domain and range.

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