Control Valve Handbook

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Contents Foreword Flow Costiciont C, (Operating Conditions Sposifc Gravity Pressure Drop Across The Valve owing Quanity Control Valve Sizing Formulas * 1 Liquid Service 11 Thermodynamic Ceical Contants II Gas and Vepor Senice Gitical Fow Factor CF.) ‘Cavitation ln Control Valves Efoct of Pipe Reducers High Viscosity, Laminar Flow of Liquids Two-Phase Flow Compressibity aie Computerized Va S29 von Engineering Data Flow in Commercial Wrought Steet Pipe Liguid Velocity... Steam or Gas Flow Commerciel Wrought Stoel Pipe Data. Properties of Steam ie ‘Temperature Conversion Table ISA Basic Foirnlas... Se etic Conversion Tables Rofecen ces an nnsnsnnnnnnnnnnnnn Foreword This Randbook on control valve sizing brings together the. formulas which wil give the most accurate calculation of the control valve sizing coefficient C, that is possible under the present stato of the art. The use of graphical solutions has, ‘purposely been held to @ minimum, Fl Coefficient C, The use of the flow coefficient, C,, first introduced by Masoneian in 1944, quickly became accepted as the univer- sal yardstick of valve cepacily. So useful has C, become that practically all discussions of valve design and charac: teristics, or flow behavior now employ this coeticient By definition, the valve flow coetfcient, C,, is “the number ‘of U.S. gallons perminute of water which wil pass through a Operating Conditions ‘The selection of a correct valve size as determined by formula ‘or slide rule is always premised on the assumption of full knowledge of the actual flowing conditions. Frequently, one Cor more of these conditions is arbitrarily assumed. It is the evaluation of these arbitrary data that really determines the final valve size, No formulas — only good common sense combined with experience ~ can solve this problem. There Anes Aline Pees) a seevenece 18,19 18,20 24.22 2828 = 229 nnnnennne OO, BL 1 pt 31 ‘The formulasin he early section are setup to simplify manual ‘calculation for the more common sizing problems. in the last section, comprehensive formulas are presented to permit direct solution by computer, taking all factors into eccount in every case. given flow restriction with a pressure drop of 1 psi". For ‘example, a control valve which has a maximum flow coeti- cient, Cy of 12 has an effective por area in the full open position such that it passes 12 gpm of water with 1 psi pres- sure drop. Basically It is @ capacity index with which the engineer is able rapidly and accurately to estimate the re- quired size of a restriction in any fluid system. is no substitute for good engineering judgment. Most errors in sizing are due toincorrect assumptions as to actual lowing ‘conditions. Generally speaking, the tendency is to make the | valve tco large to be on the “safo" side. A combination of several of these “safety factors" can result ina valve so much, oversize as [0 be troublesome. Specific Gravity i In the flow formulas, the specific gravity is a square root function; therefore small differences in gravity have @ minor effect on vaive capacity. If the specific gravity is not known Pressure Drop Across the Valve ‘Ona simple back-presure or pressure reducing application, the drop across the valve may be known quite accurately. ‘This may also be vue on a fiquid level control installation where the liquid Is passing from one vessel at 2 constant pressure to another vessel at a lower constant pressure. tf the pressure difference is relatively email, some allowance may be necessary fo line friction. On the other hand, in a large percentage of all control applications, the pressure drop across the valve must be chosen arbitrarily, Any attempt to state a specific numerical ruie for such & choice becomes too complex to be practical. The design Crop across the valve is sometimes expressed as a percen- tage of the friction drop in the system, exclusive of the valve. ‘A good working rule is that 60% of this friction drop should bbe available as crop across the valve. In other words, one- third of the total system drop, including all heat exchangers, mixing nozzles, etc., as well as piping, is assumed to be absorbed by the control valve. This may sound excessive, but ifthe control valve were completely eliminated from such ‘a system, the flow increase would only be in the ratio of V% ‘or about 23%. In pump discharge systems, the head charac teristic of the pump becomes a major factor. For valves instal- {ed in extremely long or high-pressure drop lines, the percen- tage of drop across the valve may be somewhat lower, but at least 15% — up to 25% where possible — of the system drop should be taken. Flowing Quantity ‘The selection of a control valve Is based on the required flowing quantiy of the process. The control valve must be ‘selected to operate under several different conditions. The maximum quantity that a valve should be required to pass: ig 10 to 15% above the specified maximum flow. The normal flow and maximum flow used in size calculations should be based on actual operating conditions whenever possible, without any factors having been applied. (On many systems, a reduction in flow means an increase in pressure drop and the ©, ratio may be much greater than ‘would be suspected. If for example, the maximum operating contitions for a valve are 200 gpm at 25 psi drop. and the accurately, a reasonable assumption wil suffice. The use of 9 specific gravity, for example, instead of 8 would cause {an error of less than 5% in valve capacity. ‘Remember one important fact. The pressure differential ab- sorbed by the control valve in actual operation wii be the difference between the total available head and that required Tomaintain the desired flaw through the valve. Itis determined by the eystem characteristics rather than by the theoretical assumptions of the engineer. n the interest of economy, the fengineet tries to keep the contol valve pressure drop 2s tow as possible, However, a valve can only reguiate flow by absorbing and giving up pressure drop to the system. AS the proportion ofthe system drop across the velveis reduced, its abilly further to increase tlow rapidly disappears. In some cases, it may be necessary to make an arbitrary choice of the pressure drop across the valve because meager process data are available. If the valve is in a pump discharge line having a discharge pressure of 100 psi, for instance, a dtop of 10 t0 25 psi may be assumed to be ‘sufficient if the pump discharge line is not extremely long oF Complicated by large drops through heat exchangers or other equipment. The tendency should be to use the higher figure. (On more complicated systems, consideration should be tqlven fo botn maximum and minimum operating conditions. Masonellan Engineering assistance is available in analysis of such applications (Ret. 8). minimum conditions are 25 gom @ 100 psi drop, the C, ratio fs 16 to 1, not 8 to 1 as would appear a first glance, The Tequired change in valve G, Is the product of the ratio of maximum to minimum flow and the square coot of the ratio fof maximum to minimurn pressure drop. In this example 200x105 _ 16 28x V5 “There are many systeme where the increase in pressure drop {or this same change in flow is proportionally much greater than in this case. >- strol Valve Sizing Formulas For Liquid Service ENGLISH UNITS. METRIC UNITS A, Suberitical Flow B. Critical Flow A, Suberitical Flow B. Critical Fiow cavitation cavitation or or flashing flashing OP < OMAP) AP=CA (OP) OP < CF (AP) oP = CF (OP) Volumetric Flow Volumetric Flow rot om tte sf 5 e Fowby Weight Fon by Weight oe wo 116 ww 500 VG, AP ‘500 C,- VG AP, VG,AP- C.VG, AP, ~an,=P1~ (036-028, FB), fie sare ri-(0 os 028 fF) P. ‘or for simplicity, fP, <0.5P,,4P,= Py ‘or for simplicity, fP, <0.5P,,AP,=P,— Py Where: Where: (G,= Valve flow coetticient (©, = Valve flow coefficient Critical flow factor (page 7) = 17. C,= Critica flow factor (page 7) = TF. Specific gravity at fowing temperatura G.= Specific gravity a flowing temperature (water = 1 @ 60°F) (water = 1 @ 15°C) P, = Upstream pressure, psia , = Upstream pressure, bars absolute P, = Downstream pressure, psla P, = Downstream prassure, bars absolute Plz Pressure at thermodynamic critical point, Pix pressure et thermodynamic critical point, peta (see table, page 4) Vapor pressure of liquid at lowing tempera: ture, psia Actual pressure drop P, ~ P,, pst bars absolute (see table, page 4) Vapor pressure of liquid at flowing tempers: ture, bars absolute AP = Actual pressure drop P, ~ P, bars Liquid flow rate, U.S. apm q. = Liquid flow rate, m'shr Liquid flow rate, pounds per hour W = Liquid flow rate, 1000 kg per hr Note: 1 bar = 1.02 kq/em* ‘Special considerations (see following pages) ‘a. cavitation in control valves (page 10) b. high viscosity, laminar tlow (page 14) ©. effect of pipe reducers (page 11) . two-phase flow (page 14) ISA Formulas: The working equations on this page re entirely compatioie with the general formulas shown In ANSIASA $75.01, "Flow Equations for Sizing Control Valves.” “NOTE: C/AP, is the maximum AP for sizing purposes. ‘A valve is. not limited In application to this pressure drop, but at higher pressure differential, choked flow ‘occur without increase in flow rate. ‘This formula for AP, is sufficiently accurate for general ‘se on liquids. —EEE——————————————— Control Valve Sizing Formulas ¢ THERMODYNAMIC CRITICAL CONSTANTS AND DENSITY OF ELEMENTS, INORGANIC AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS 2 Etement or Compound ST 4 s/eutt z ¢ psia= | bars (abs) |: oF eC | SOF ‘Acetic Acid, GH,-CO-OH eat 580 612 322 657 ‘Acetone, CH,-CO-CH, eat a8 455 235 49.4 Acetylene, CH, on 629 7 36 0.069 Air, O;+ Na 87 378 202 14 ores ‘Ammonia, NH, 1638 113.0 270 182 0.045 | ‘Argon. A 705 488 188 122 0.108 Benzene, CH, 71 44 552 289 546 | Butane, CuH, 528 388 307 153 0.184 c Carbon Dioxide, CO; 1072 740 88 at on ‘ Carbon Monoxide, CO 514 355 218 139 0.078 ' Carbon Tetrachioride, CCl, 661 458 sat 289 995 Chlorine, Ch, 118 m9 201 144 0.190 Ethane, CH, 17 495 90 32 6.080 Ethyl Alcohol, C:H,OH sar eo 489 243 49.52 Ethylene, CH, = CH: 142 si 50 10 oo7s Ethyl Ether, C}Hs-O-C:Hs 522 360 383 195 449 Fluorine, Fy 387 258 27 155 0.097 @ Helium, He 33.2 2.28 =480 268 aon Heptane, His 394 272 518 287 426 | Hydrogen, H, 188 13.0 400 —240 0,005 | Hydrogen Chloride, HCl 1199 826 104 5 0.087 Isobutane, (CH); CH-CH, 54d 375 273. 194 0.184 | Isopropyl Alcohol, CH,-CHOH-CH, 779 sa 485 235 49.28, @ Methane, CH, 678 464 -7 83 0.042 Methyl Alcohol, H-CH,OH 1186 796 464 240 49.66 Nitrogen, Ny 492 340 233 —147 0.078 Nitrous Oxide, NO 1054 raz 9 37 on17 Octane, CH,={CH,)e-CHs 362 250 585 296 438 ‘oxygen, O, 730 50.4 182 -i19 0.084 Pentene, C+Hn 485 335 387 197 36.9 | Phenol, C,HOH 288 613 188 48 «65 | Phosgene, COC 828 587 360 182 0.108 Propane, Hs 67 428 207 97 oat Propylene, CH,= CH-CH, 661 458 198 2 oan | Refrigerant 12, CLF, 582 40.4 284 112 0.520 Refrigerant 22, CHCIF, 713 492 207 7 0.228 Sulfur Dioxide, SO, 1142 738 ais 187 0.173 @ ite HO tae | ate | ms | ome | eo Control Valve Sizing Formulas For Gas and Vapor Service ENGLISH UNITS. 7 4, Suberitical Flow B. Critical Flow METRIC UNITS A. Suberitical Flow B. Critical Flow ap <05C?P, AP 205 CFP, ap <0scrr, APE OSCR, Volumetric Flow Volumetric Flow | Pures ‘erz a-2 Gz | ava = 965 BPR TPS 205 V OPP, + Pa 257 GP Flow” Neight Flow by Weight pee wyz o = woe o = ATW 5a5WvZ wy B22NaP Pr + Pa) Gr 28C,P, VG, AP (P, + PG GPG For Saturated Steam For Saturated Steam w RAW _ aa7W BA OPP FP.) H GP, For Superheated Steam Wt 40.0007 7) Wit + 0.0007 Ta) For Superheated Steam * are =P) | TAA (1 + 0,00826 To) W 887 (1 + 0.00128 T,) W «, BAV APR +P TCP, falve flow coefficient Critical flow factor (page 7) as specific gravity (air = 1.0) specif gravy @ flowing temperature Ae 1 jowing temperature, °R, (460+ °F) Ty = Steam superheat, °F low rate, pounds per hour Z = Compressibility factor (page 18) ‘Special considerations e GP, VaR RFPS lve flow coefficient C= Critical low factor (page 7) G =Gas specific gravity (air = 1.0) Gy ifie gravity @ Howing temperature =6 x ipstream pressure, bars absolute jownstream pressure, bars absolute Py, bars as flow rate at 15°C & 1018 millibars abs. mesh jowing temperature, *K, (273 + °C) team superheat, °C |W = Flow rate, 1000 kg per hour Z = Compressibiity factor (page 15) ‘a. effect of pipe reducers (page 11) 'b. compressibility (page 15) (ecco Control Valve Sizing Formulas ese se eo ioe ENGLISH UNITS: For Gas Volumetric Flow (Ret) Flow by Weight > pall wz “= 28 0,P, VEi(y — 0.1489") For Saturated Steam =e w Garey CP ly cD) For Superheated Steam W(t 4-0.0007 Ta) Ss C-= THBO VP Ty OY Where: _ 140 HEC condition. For more precise determination of Cy, espe Cially within the transition zone from suboritical to critical flow end for computerized valve sizing, the following unified gas sizing formula should be used. METRIC UNITS: For Gas Volumetric Flow a Vaz C= TEP. y — O.14By) Flow by Weight te s4swsZ = CP Vly — 0.18897) For Saturated Steam ‘i 7 837 W EB ly — 0.1) For Superheated Steam 9.7 (1 + 0.00125 To) W + GP fy = OFBy') (jor 77000, LO-DB cartridges and expansion plates and two-stage 41000 and 72000) 2 yo VR (for al ther vaives) With a maximum value of y At this value, y~ 0.148" = 1.0 50 See previous page for nomenclature ISA Formulas: The working formulas on this page are consistent in calculated result with the general formulas shown in ANSIISA $75.01 “Flow Equations for Sizing Control Valves.” See Table 1, pages 7 and 6, for values . ot x. See page 27 for ISA formulas. A Critical Flow Factor-C; Li¢’"4 Pressure Recovery Factor — F,) The critical flow factor, C,, isadimensioniess expression ENGLISH. of the pressure recovery ratio in a control valve. Cis equivalent to F, in ISA nomenclature. Critical low factors for various valve types at full lift are shown in Table |. For simplicity in valve sizing, one value Is shown for each control valve style rather than a listing of all sizes of each valve type with small vari- ations in C,, These values are determined by flowtest. ‘The variation of critical flow factor at lower valve lifts is shown graphically in Figure 1 (page 9). It shows Crvs. pere “tof rated valve Cy ‘The critical flow factor for valve-teducer combinations, Gr, for line size to vaive size ratios of 1.5 or greater is C, Where: Cy UNITS [e+(e) (- Gy = Valve eiitical flow factor = Fy alve-reducer critical flow factor = Fup Cy = Valve flow coefficient Valve size, inches D = Line size, inches Pressure at vena contract d METRIC UNITS Cy also shown in Table |. Cy is equivalent to Fip in ISA Where nomenclature, Cy for other ratios may be calculated from the formula. Table | Critical Flow Factor At Full Oper G cy ¢ ° lz Valve critical flow factor = Valve-reducer critical flow factor C, = Valve flow coefficient Valve size, mm = Line size, mm. Z as 7 , Fu) Trim . fe 3 Ke" Did =1.5 % a Sus. or greater a {Contoured} 0.90 070 08s 088 2 V-Port 0.98 0.80 ost oat al | Contoured] 0.80 0.50 0.80 084 2 V-Port 0.95 073 024 076 10000 Series i - Grose os oss ost ost Open 0.90 05 08s 068 B Close 0.80 0.52 0.80 0.54 Open 0.80 06s oso 088 A Close 0.80 0.51 077 0.54 Open 0.75 048 a7 a7 8 Close 020 ost 0.80 054 Open 2000 and 2£000 Gero — Cay Fal cpa in, aon a = ag oe “eer Ween nemee (Bhp Sicedcopacny nim 80% ot) ora Blow. eee -. Critical Flow Factor-Cr Table | (Continued) Critical Flow Factor At Full Opening Flow = x Tenia sf Tee | S| pa=ts |x a or greater = 4 open | 087 oso | sa | ose i Giose 068 0.8 os 039 Open oss 0.60 089 oat A Giese 070 039 070 oat Open oe 062 087 05, A ‘Open 0.60 024 058 030 Flow A in os 032 0.60 0.35 Either Direction A en 065, 033 0.60 025 Either Direction ql Giese rw"16" | Open 0.90 03 0.86 08 wars | Close : 004 80 087 om 41000 Sevles oo pen A ort oa 083 0.99 ora 72000 Sates (By Fal conacy win ites = 8 vows Te a Om? (By negaced copacny wim som ot) wna bow. Proter t specinention bata 4500 for waaonal C, fen 1,00 0.90 Variation of Cy (F,) With Valve Opening Conventional Valves 0.80 0.70 On 0.50 @ 10130 & 11130 Series, Reduced Area @4r0tt & 41021 Series, FTC & FTO @ 10170 & 11170 Series, Full Area © 10170 & 11170 Series, Reduced Area @ 21110 & 21120 Series, FTO @ 35002 Series, FTO @ 2600 & 26000 Series, FTC ‘@ 2600 & 26000 Series, FTO feace 1,00 shoe Ni a 8 0.90 PIS © J oe © | TEEN ® 0.80 ® Cr ® 0.70 U © sf ye 7\ I @ / Tiss} @ 0.60 - ee / ® 7 [ b- { 0.50 0 20 40 60 80 100 oO 20 40 60 80 100 % Ot Rated Cy % 04 Rated Cy @ 10120 8.11180 Series, Full Awa @ 25000 Series (© 29002 Series © 35002 Sefies, FTC 37002 Series 26002 Series 0002 Series e - (F,) Values At Full Open Low Noise And Anti-Cavitation Valves™ Valve & Trim Type cei) —| Valve & Trim Type oF) 21700 41097 VAT Type S 092 2600 & 2600 LO-O8 ae en ea 1012/19 Type 18, 1H, 78 77000 Type A 0.98 72002 Type 18 Type B 0.88 Type & 0.85 41012 Type 28, 2H ie 72002 Type 25 78000 Type A 099 Type B 099 441017 VAT Type S 0.99 Type B+ 098 79000 VAT Type S 78200 Type A sro oar beet oo |@ Type B+ "See Appropriate Bolen For Comiste Ole Cavitation in Control Valves Cavitation, a detrimental process long associated with ‘pumps, gains importance on control valves with use of higher pressure drops for liquids and increased em- ployment of high capacity vaives (such as Buttertly Val- ves, Ball Valves, etc.) Cavitation, briefly, is the transformation of 2 portion of Fiquid into the vapor phase during rapid acceleration ‘of the fluid inside the valve orifice, and the subsequent collapse of these vapor bubbles downstream. These collapsing vapor bubbles cause localized pressures of Up to 100,000 psi and are more than any other single factor responsible for the rapid wear of vaive trim under high pressure drop conditions. Not only does cavitation lead to rapid deterioration of-valve plug and valve seat materials or the valve body, but also to annoying noise and vibration problems. It is therefore necessary to understand and preferably to prevent this phenomenon, particularly when high pressure drop conditions are encountered. Cavitation in @ control valve handling a pure liquid may ‘occur if the static pressure of the flowing liquid de- creases 10 @ value less than the fluid vapor pressure. At this point continuity of flow is broken by the formation of vapor bubbles. Since all control valves exhibit some pressure recovery, the final downstream pressure Is Generally higher than the orifice throat static pressure (pressure recovery). When downstream pressure is higher than vapor pressure of the fluid, the vapor oub- bles revert back to liquid. This two-stage transformation ig defined as cavitation. ‘The pressure recovery in a valve is a function of its particular internal construction. in general, the more streamlined a valve i, the more pressure recovery Is ‘experienced. This means increased possibility of cavi- tation. In 1983, Masonellan introduced a critical flow factor, ©y, which defines the ratio of pressure recovery for each particular control valve style, ‘The pressure drop in a valve at which cavitation is experienced is termed as critical pressure drop ( AP crit), Full cavitation will therefore exist if actual AP ts greater than AP critical and if the outlet pressure is higher than the fluid vapor pressure. Mathematically, the critical pressure drop with the aid of C; factor can be defined as follows: AP crit. = CF(AP) win redicas, art =(S)' (aP9 | Where: R = Sub-eritical flow capacity correction factor (Gee page 11 and Table 1!) anc=n.~(ow-oanfE), or for simplicity, if P, <05P,, AP, AP otitical is defined as the pressure drop at which fully choked flow exists. Cavitation will exist at partially choked flow where APislessthan AP critical butmore than OP incipient cavitation. For applications where no cavitation whatsoever can be tolerated, the coefficient of incipient cavitation, Ke, should be employed in place of C?. Values of K, are listed in Table I. When reducers are used, the same K. value may be safely used. To find pressure differential for incipient cavitation use the following formula: ‘AP(ncipient cavitation) = KAP) Where: K, = Coefficient of incipient cavitation Fr (See Table |, page 7) How To Avoid Cavitation Referring to the relationship AF ort. C( 4P,) the obvi- ‘ous remedy is to reduce the pressure crop across the valve to below AP crit. This canbe done, for example, by incteasing P, through the selection of a valve loca~ tion at a lower elevation in the piping system. Another solution is to select a valve type that has @ larger C, or K, factor. For example, one might choose a V-port instead of a contoured plug. Note also that a change in flow direction can bring @ marked improvement. For instance, installing a stream- lined angle valve “flow to open" will increase the Cy factor from 0.48 to 0.9, meaning that the allowable AP can be mote than tripled. In extreme cases, install two identical control valvesin series. The combined C,factor of the two valves can be estimated as follows: Crtotal = \/Gjot single valve Note that the C, of each valve has to be increased by 40% to compensate for the reduced pressure drop. It is important that flow characteristic and valve fit be identical, For extremely high pressure drop, a Masoneilan valve ‘with multiple velacity-headioss trim (C; = 1.0) is recom- mended. 10 Effect of Pipe Reducers C When valves are mounted between pipe reducers, there is a decrease in actual valve capacity. The reduc ‘ets create an additional pressure drop in the system by acting as contractions or enlargements jn series with, the valve, The flow capacity correction factor, A, of @ valve is shown in Table Il (page 12) for line size to valve size ratios of 1.5 to 1 and 2 to 1. The factor Ris based ‘on the velocity headloss of an abrupt contraction and, ‘enlargement. This represents the maximum loss and allows calculation of valve size on the safe side (Ref.4), Factor R=F, in ISA nomenclature, Suberitical Flow ENGLISH UNITS: Sub-critical flow capacity correction factor for inlet ‘a... outlet reducers. R! = Sub-eritical flow capacity correction factor for outlet reducer only or inlet reducer with entrance angle fess than 40°, and outlet reducer. Where: d = Valve size (estimated before C, calculation), inches D = Line size, inches C, = Required vaive flow coefficient see page3 (Iiquid) or page S (ges and vapor) METRIC UNITS: For inlet and outlet reducers na fats ) (ase) For outlet reducer only or inlet raducer with entrance angie less than 40° " Where: ¢ = Valve size, mm. D = Line size, mm. ©, = Required valve flow costticient see page 3 (liquid) orpageS (gas andvaoo") Critical Flow ‘The flow capacity of control valves under ertical pres- sure drop conditions (choked flow) is also reduced when the valve is smaller than line size, but the reduc tion tends to be small because the outlet reducer docs: rot influence the flow. The critical flow capacity may be calculated using C,, from Table t To calculate the onset of cavitation, it is necessary to find the installed pressure recovery factor of the valve reducer combination by dividing the installed critical coefficient, C, C,, by the installed sub-critical coetticient AG,, This factor is listed in Table I! as CUR. Sn R Installed recovery factor of valve-reducer section used to find AP for sizing, end is equal to Fu/Fr. Max, AP for sizing = (valve-reducer section) F) era Summary A. To compensate for reducer losses at sub-critical flow, divide the C,calculated trom the sub-critical sizing formula by R. calculated C, Valve C, required = "1 R if subcritical B. To compensate for reducer losses at critical flow, use Cy in place of C; in the appropriate critical flow formula without further adjustment of Cy. (nrc Effect of Pipe Reducers ry Table I < dD Effect Of Inlet And Outlet Reducers - 3 Did = 15 Did = 2.0 Flow 5 i CdR B GulR : FulFe) Ge) Far) Contoured 0.98 089 094 ost V-Port 0.96 09s 094 097 Close 0.96 oss 094 8s Open 0.98 089 094 ost 21000 Series r Close 0.96 0.80 0.94 081 2600 and 26000 Series Open 0.99 0.94 0.99 ose Close 0.95, 0.68 0.92 O71 ‘Open 0.95 0.84 0.92 0.86 4 @ ‘38002 Series ; a ar aaa For REGAIN aE = TH 12 : ie Effect of Pipe Reducers fe ‘Table Il (Continued) Effect Of Infet And Outlet Reducers Dia = 15. open ost 059 080 068 26002 Seles | Flow in oat ors on oss Either Direction Flow | in ether 031 om | or oss Direction fie Close os oat 089 oa — 098 os =} (Ose ost ‘Open 0.95 0.95 0.91 oss 12000 serie ea Fer eR aaa = 1 13 EE ‘High Viscosity, Laminar Flow of Liquids Laminar flow may result when the liquid viscosity is high ‘or when the valve AP or C, is small. Calculate turbulent flow C, and laminar flow Cy. Use the larger value as the required valve Cy. ENGLISH UNITS: i & Turbulent flow G, = q YEP Laminar tow ¢, = 0.072 '[(#S Vee were: = Liquid flow rate, US. gpm = Speciic gravity tfioning temperature AP = Actual pressure drop, pst (mu) = Viscosity, eantipoises* ratueoresonc, = 100) Lantarfow C= 08 Taye & Where: a = Liquid flow rate, min G, = Specific gravity at lowing temperature AP = Actual pressure drop, bers 4 (mv) = Viscosity, centipoises* Two-Phase Flow “The two phase flow can exist as a mbdure of a liquid with anon concensable gas or as a mixture of a liquid: with its vapor. Two phase condition must exist et the valve inlet “The formulas shown assume @ mixture of finely divided liquid particles in a vapor or gas, moving at the same velocity. ENGLISH UNITS. 'A. Liquid And Non-Condensable Gas Entering Valve if there is no vaporization of the liquid and if flow velocity assures a turbulent well-mixed stream. w G2 eee 448 JaP Ww Fv) Kinematic-viscosity Conversion from Saybolt Seconds to Centistokes _F Bayt seconds Gantsokes % Ta & a “ ie & ss ‘ ia = am & 103 *% ta ® te * to sto ms i m2 te as i ma ie a0 vs ore eo ue a 0 soo ae os we re ase ‘so ora $00 veo 1 Over £00 et. camtatokas = TE o. Liu And ts Vepoe Ereing Vaio Ts Miser vapor esi craig te vive he aagrng terme or page 3 wt prove Thetetore: wen cz aP-< 3°(giz) use flashing formula on page 2. ‘When additional vaporization of liquid occurs, and low velocity assures a turbulent well-mixed stream. 4 Max. ab For Siang = c7( ©) wi Upstream specific, weight Ibyou. ft. cak Cclated from weight fraction of gas or ‘vapor in the stream X and specific vol umes of gas or vapor and liquid at up- stream pressure Vg; and V. iH RW Wey mpressibility For many real gases subjected to commonly encoun- tered temperatures and pressures the perfect gas laws are nat satisfactory for flow measurement accuracy and, correction factors must be used (Ref. 2) Following conventional flow measurement practice, the ‘compressibility factor Z in the equation py=ZRT, will be used. Z can usually be ignored below 100 psi for common gases. ‘The value of Z does not differ materially tor different gases when correlated as a function of the reduced temperature and reduced pressure, T, and P, respec tively and found from Figure 2 and 3. Figure 2 is an enlargement of a portion of Figure 3 Values taken from these figures are probably accurate tc oproximately plus or minus two percent, To obtain the value of Z for a pure substance the re- duced pressure and reduced temperature are calcu lated as the ratio of the actual absolute gas pressure and absolute temperature and the corresponding crit- ical absolute pressure and absolute critical temperature respectively (page 16). ‘The compressibility factor Z may be used directly in the gas formula as shown below: aveTz ENGLISH UNITS Gy = gee NG aay METRIC UNITS 15 Downstream specific weight, Ib/cu. ft. caloulated using downstream gas specific volume Vye 1 1 VX Wa Wd tV oy METRIC UNTIS A. Liquid And Non-Condensable Gas Entering Velve 518W Var Ww Pm) B. Liquid And Its Vapor Entering Valve 36.6 W Upstream specific weight.{kgiim?) Downstream specific weight.{kg/m") Reduced Pressure, p, Figure 2 Compressibility Factors for Gases Reduced Pressures from 0 to 6 SE * Compressibility D Sgeceg gas a9 gg8geeegg 20 Reduced Pressur 10 Compressibiity Factor, Z 30 10 i eno it epee | {Reprodeced tam the ena of LC. Nelson and. F 16 ES, Computerized Valve Sizing € Formulas shown below are exampies of fully developed formulas sultable for programming (without the use of graphs). See page 6 for other C, formulas. For Liquid Service ‘A. Line size installation — caloulate subcritical and crit- al C,. Use larger value as required Cy, Suberitical Gi ont me pn (osname) é let and outlet reducers — calculate tical C,, Use larger value as required For Gas Service, Conventional Valves* A. Line size installation avez mom] wea JP one 1.00 4 At this value, the bracketed quantity B, Installation with inlet and outlet reducers ny 1838 [RE Seeue uportal tow wnen 2688 [BE <45 o A avez Ht 7 a LGA “RN Critical 6 — 10an_ [OP yeu cxtioat tow when 128%. [SF 1s Fe . Potential laminar fow — calculate turbulent Cy and Pee Ncir4 laminar C, and use larger value as required C,. *= GEC, P, Turbulent Laminar ¢ -af% o=0072 (2B) “see 99 6 lr vaso Tote, L008 cases een Nal a sion plates and othor mut-stage vaives. Vaive Capacity as @ Function of Plug Lift (Expressed in percent of rated C,) Plug Characteristic Plug Characteristic bun % Litt Percentage Tinear Percentage near 10 a7 10 60 2 6 20 53 20 70 3 7 20 76 30 80 48 o | 40 " 40 90 6 » | @ [= 6 50 100 100 wo | Ava wit pceigs tm win ip 7OR ons whe a ape 2% of he ed 7 ——————— Liquid Velocity in Commercial Wrought Steel Pipe {See page 19 for veloetty grech) ‘The velocity of a flowing liquid may be determined by the following expressions: ENGLISH UNITS ve or Were v= Velooity, see q= Flow, gpm A= Cross sectional area, Steam or Gas Flow in Commercial Wrought Steel Pipe Steam or Gas (weight basis) To determine the velocity of a flowing compressible fuid use the following expressions: ENGLISH UNITS on Where v= Fluid velonity,tisee = Fiuid flow, Ibihe Specitic volume, cu {Vb Cross sectional area, pad ® weTRIc UNITS v = ove Where v= Fluid velocity, metersisec W = Fluid flow, kg/hr Y= Specific volume, cu metersikg A. = Cross sectional area, sq. mm. Figure 9 is a plot of steam flow versus static pressure with reasonable velacity for schedule 40 pipes 1 through 12" in English and metric units 18 METRIC UNITS ve 278% hore v= Velciy, metrssec q= Flow, cu meters/nr ‘A= Cross sectional area, sq. mm. Figure & gives the solution to these equations for pipes {" through 12" over 2 wide flow range on both English and metric units. Gas (volume basis) To find the velocity of a flowing compressible fluid ‘with flow in volume units, use the following formulas: ENGLISH UNITS vn otk Whore v = Pid volt, sec F = Gas flow, cu fur at flowing conditions” A. = Cross sectional area, ‘Note that gas flow must be at flowing conditions. If flow is at standard conditions, convert at follows: fp — stdout, 147, 7 br

v ¢ B LPS. N ot 2 oP “ : & ~ z : S Yu. = Eel NS \ \ » oloTS \ 8 2 : 2 7 < ” \\ cu \ = fs ¢ 8 & ° f | feest Ensen & Figure 8 Liquid Velocity vs Flow Rete mr ott Uns ER ese unis 19 Pressure — bars Soanon + 100 20 S76 7-89 100000 # 3 ‘$67 89 10000 Flow — tbat oF keh 4 45 8 TBS 1000 8 goooeo ef 8 oS 2: ° gegsee3 8 & serge fs : petro 80 A owes / saturates Stan Fw ve Pressure et Se" gchaaulef0PiPe : atuty 12010 toot per steond — et Enoth vais 450 to 60 meters per second — — 20 DSommercial Wrought Steel Pipe Data (ANSI B36.10) c Me 08 Tae | ee |e aT ao e wees ‘nen meio ee) 7 “4 20 | ts 148 seo fai 702 * 6 250 | 185 19 tt 76a 102 » 8 20 |_ 37s Pa 487 sea 102 20 250 195 29 ‘207 482 702 * zo [295 4 201 sae 02 = a2 | 4 era an ae 27 7 350 ai a8 30] 278 02 ” a0 | 103 es sr | 17 102 2 | a0 | 123 iin a | 2 102 ap Ww aie a a6 108 27 g) ow | are 184 188 1.29 8 tor g 8 B12 14 237 1.65, 607 127 2 j a] 88 “ara 5 755 « as | ma 5 295 238 153 0 so | 200 cet 459 218 208 7 | a 07 a2 ais a8 12 . ‘aor | 103 207 seo | 178 25 a xo | sex 5, zer_| 126 sas ar a | 198 7 [at 83 a) a7 153 183 wer 798 153 8 2 438 al 230 1.60 825 178 20 # 500” 19.0 284 197 S07 20.4 “ see | 229 a 295 ast zs x cs | ae os 451 ne 255 % 15 22 304 ooats | 474. aes, x 119 saa ‘503 cost | 270, 480 1 192 19 105 68 0800 | 167 saz Me 1.68. 440 1.98 1.50 104 61 8.70, tm 190 45 161 20 om | 707 592 2 aan 184 207 at aaa | 429 20 Ww 208 “208 Bar 473 “ae [308 eae 3 2.60 a6 307 733 asia | 194 80 7 450 37 203 naz exes | 113 08s © BES 280 60T 28.9 + 207 438 Wa ‘ 263 a2 738 sa car | 289 1 » 108 1002 139 sia | 1a 149 2 128 Te ~) 1. TT 123 eS * 140 et 12s. coo | 1a ie * | we so | 150 i. 123 sis 2a 7 780 a] ed ee 158 oie 3 7 00 so |e 778 199 58 a 7 240 or | as 02 219 250 200 “Standard wall pipe same a Sched, 40 through 10" size, 12" sae date fllows. 2 [18 a8. 42.00 113 785 Ta Ba 2 Re Commercial Wrought Steel Pipe Data (ANSI 36.10) (Continued) c Tagan a [per [ |e = 3 a7 ie Be ois | 61 % 108 “354 742 438 ‘ooao0 | 303 4 132 79 3st ne cooase_| 200 7 186 ii 128 we “poear | 112 on x90 * | 200 1.50 un os | a8 2 238 m8 a9 298 ous | 498 7 288 276 232 428 oo | 840 gl? 350 300 290 set ssa | 218 gi 450 337 383 us oreo | 125 ite 85 BE 376 oa) at 3H Ws a 108 533 986 8 «99 2.00 244 co TEE 87 18 TE 6 a 0] “ 140 750 125 13 882 aa ss | {os 160 843 143 161 an 395 sas_| [8 Teo BaF Tat cot 142 708 2 | xs 200 103 178 253 176 590 43 * x0 122 a8 os ase a s7_| % 30 a7 ae at Hone | 87 Tee 1 132 250 88 32. ooae2 | 276 v2 | 7 18 20 Tie ios worse | 6 1 190 281 134 14 ‘00976 | 102 115 2 238 343 158 224 ose | 643 140 a 288 a5 2S 5 es] OE BE 3|_: 450 534 344 928 csss | 155 a6 | 3 = eas Tie BT TT aT a0 BI al 363 908 cat x5 ms | 995 ao | 10 108 113 8.50 55.8 394 254 «so | 2 Be iat ior ws BS 178 Ba | 1% 140 141 2 389 583 147 as | 7 180 159 tee | 1, seo |? wa | rn 86 5a 16 a oe x 200 197 164 203 1a 710 202 Los 20 234 wa | 388 203 491 953 7% 5 a EE 355 TOS | HBO 126 x 198 208 ane 8 ors | 971 ne 1 se 358 £99 282 ores | 510 148 zy 106 382 a6 0 cows | 28 166 rs 199 400 4.10 (950 ooeeo | 152 164 i 2 238, 436 1.50, st ors | 82 378 ei 288 552 VT 288 oir | 85 2s oS 350 coo | 290 a8 fom | 87 25 “ 450 si 318 130 ‘osez_| 185 25 + 66s 364 430 88 sav | 7.88 352 ‘ 863 875 6.88 ar 258 288 38.7 ‘enrasvong pipe same 9s Sched. troughs” size, 10" 6 1" she Geta hows ° 108 300 975 7a 519 193 204 ® 128 500 na 108. 783 4.38 204 ey Properties of Steam ( Saturated © Superhoa oe Gage * | sat | aso | 400 | 440 | 480 | sco | coo | 700 | soo | soo | 1000 ‘¢ vase | oo| neoo| | | | 288] es] ae] er] el S| S| SAS seo a] arse] | 8] | | | Be] es] Ba] Bs] BeBe] Be soo | 153] soso | x] Tze | ba] ira | hava | eee | wee | as| Be Se] SSL soa | 263) 26725] | JRabr | ioe | Hes | 2660 | 130e | ase | 1805 | ons | Ma hie soo} asa] eoton | A] fia] 282) T2006] 128 | aes | ae | ee aac] se Wet oo | aso ars] | S| eRe] BES] es | Sata [eee] ase eae iis roo] soa] soso] | $205 | S| 89] eb | aaa | Sass | oes] BET aR ate 6 onal sa aneon| ¥ | 52] S89] S29] Sts] sR] dee | RE) Se] gt are 900 | 750] sonar] | tabs] S89] SERS] Saba] Sees] Sae5| 8] ea] 18818 tooo asa] soror |X| tah] Soko] «8800 | 08 | $083] 2 | $3] SHS] ass ane ee reno | rosa auras | My] S224] S888] 28th | hike] dea | 8 | SIL SRE] SE sod wo | 1753 | esse | | Has | ars] rasta | 203 | Beet | wees | dae | bees | EL 1807 ‘00 | sa} sense) fy} siass | ‘c' [ sates seiae| sade | sare | 13063] Se | sees 152 © | 1200 | 1653 | s7a.0e | | fae Bia | ar | sea | BPs | S| SHPF | hash | AES] 208 2000 | ves 98170 | | sae 1103 | 12543 | 125ra | Boas | eet | Bie] wena | 1ttes | a0 2200 | 2050 | ae080 | | stone 2005 | wear | 12804 | s200% | aot] sBre8| resva| ress | 19078 2400 | 2260 | serar | NT sane Hees | vase | 2500 | vaaes| Sie] dens) see | wes | 18068 @ ajo] aowea | ¥] are] Hast | 280s | visea| stint] sSroa | wba | revue) 18208 [amo | asa] anes | YT | Hosea | Years | Stoo | isa) seed] seats | es | BES sono | asses | avras | N | Some] 1 | it [4 | 12483 | tase | StF] Se | sao] 888 | 888 200 | 2053 | 420.20 | | doe LAGS | HA | LTR | BR] S| | ie | aS swoo | oss | coor | 8] SSS co [oss [eet] tsgis | tasns | asees| tas] diss | aE RRS $6000 | 345. | 40800 | | stand “2 [fests | vase | 13803 | tarot] tans | dias | aoe | Bees cite volume abi Fat pa pound —————EEEE Properties of Steam (Continued) C TREE saureted Bg ‘Tolal Tempers re ~ °F > mae [oe] ees, [= [se | ooo | ne | om | oe | yoo | 0 | 800 | soo | 1000 ttm sae | ame] eg sag aang] fahSS| NaS | eS | ase 980.0 | 965.3 | 499.60 |, | 12043 | 1247.7| 1279-1 4308.5 | 1331.0 | 1942.0 | 1363.5, ges | 14173 | 1470.4 | 1523.0 al aeal aso | | ise] Sei] | S| 1888 “sear 1esae| 17177 | vsiet | 12787 | 2194 af ass | | its] zee] 83 HSM eae | sto | foc | ees] ros TE tas | ref ta aasal tauns zanne| tenn | a0 | tates] Ses] zi | ta | aaa 420.0 | 4053 | 449.29 | py, | 1204.6 | 1242.5] 1268.9 4308.3 | 13283 | 1330.5 | 1961.6) 1383.3 | 1415.5 | 1468.7 | 1821.9 ol aaa] aso |W | fais] HE 4s | HSB | 1s “raaos | rasee| usees | 16464 | 17905 | 18068 W | igs | ese] $285 | 188 | aes | Han | toona| ese eter Oe tera a vesal asso | ¥ | ite) ees t2ees | RSS| $s “aze0| aasea| 17st | 7t24| HS08 : co | | aera] ra] SEES | E86 | See Hs | Hs eens] Woe teat re Taso canoe | aaiza| zee | ee | S| eS] HA RS | Nes 490.0 | 465.3} 462.82 | p, | 1204.5 | 1254.2] 1262.9 42003 | 1324.0 | 1335.6 | 19582 $380.3) 1412.9 | 1466.7 | 1520.2 ne omar| voses[ ager] tases re | Sates] Hams | Lae ies ive ® somo ensa| woran| ©] sQHzt| S222] SASS | its RE te | ta] fares] wes] eS) Le ee taal ass | ssaar| ees yeaa | Sats] Hag] 1aRRE| aka] ete sao | 5053 | 471.07 | n,| 1204.2 1228.9] 1257.7 ¥296.9 | 1921.1} 1492.9 | 1955.8 Ya782| 1411.2 | 14653 | 1519.0 re Tossa warao| woes] tat] ioe fattz| SSE] 1a | Me tates 540.0 | 5253) 475.01 | y,| i204| 12258] 1265.4 1295.2 | 1319.7 | 1931.5 | 1354.6 Ya77.2| 14103 | 14646] 1516.5 ve Toasso|oason | gozze| s0r7s| 1800 | taste | Lae] tans aa |tevea 560.0 | 5453 | 478.85 | y,| 12088 | 1222.2| 1253.0 4203.4 | 1318.2 | 1330.2 | 1953.5 4376.1) 1409.4 | 14639 | 1517.9 Y | a97| e293 | 0863 | 0.9890 rosa | turer ar6r0) 12501 | 19479) 18588 5e0.0 | 5653 | 482.55 | y,} 1209.6] 1219.0] 1250.6 4291.7 Yaz0.8 | 1352.3] 1375.1] 1408.6 1463.2) 1517-3 | a760] oee7| aae02 | 9862 “rooar Loree] 1207] 12699 | 13819] 14096 @ 600.0 | 585.3 | 486-21 | p,| 1209.2] 1216.7] 1248.1 1289.9 Ya27.4 | 1951.1] 1974.0) 1407-7 9462.5 | 1516.7, v | 0.748 | 0.7624] 0.8272 ) 08118 (0.2693 | 0.9880 | 1.0958 7.0821 | 1.1494 | 1.2577 | 1.9628 620.0 | 605.3 | 489.75 | pn, | 1202.9) 1212.4] 1245.5 ‘286.1 | 7313.7 | 1326.0 | 1349.9 4373.0) 1406.8 | 1461.8 | 1816.2 re eeL ars |07eee | anes agave [onset | tote] 123 U8 Va 73180 640.0 | 625.3 | 489.21 | n, | 1202.5 | 1208.0] 1249.0 1206.2 | 1912.2 | 1824.6 | 1348.6 | arte | 14058 | 1461.1 | 1518.6 re rer esl over | oesoi | aaoss | ascoz | 02373] 1248] 12388 | Vieoa Tare 660.0 | 645.3 | 496.58 | y,| 1202.1] 1205.4) 12404 9264.4 | 1310.6 | 1323.2 | 1347-4) 4370.8) 1405.0 | 1460.4 | 1615.0 ne rt oarssloysos| oaaxs| ogo) ox | caome| One| 12sr4| LAS) teres @ 90.0 | 6653 | 499.88 | y,| 1201.7] 1201.8) 1237.7 4282.5 | 1308.1 | 1321.7 | 1346.2 3369.6| 1404.1 | 1459.7] 1514.5 tel [ore azsss| 9561 | ons | 05%2] SHA 1Sada| WSSal stes 700.0 | 685.3 | 503.10 | p, | 1201.2] - 4235.0 | 1280.6 | 1307.5 | 1320.3 $945.0| 1268.7] 1403.2 | 1459.0 1513.9 a vi} 0.609 "0.6540 | 0.7319 | 0.778 | 0.7996 Gasi4| 0,6813| 0.9981 | 1.0310 41196 750.0 | 796.3 | 510.86 | y,| 1200 9227.9 | 1275.7 | 1903.8 | 1316.6 5341.8 | 1366.0] 1400.9 | 1457.2 1512.4 v | ose care L orto aera | 07402 | o7e2s| 08218| 9803 | O88) 1279 900.0 | 785.3 | 518.23 | p,| 11986| 7220.5 | 1270.7 | 1280.4 | 1312.9 {aoe.6| 1363.2] 1998.6 | 1455.4 1511.0 ee Ta [ose | cans |eeroe | ognss | o7ara| Ogee] Sa | Fase asso 550.0 | 8353 | 625.26] | soz]. | 12127 365.5 | 1295.2 | 1900.0 | 1335.4] $360.4 | 1396.3 | 1483.6 | 1908.5 . v | 0500} - 0.5126 | 0.5873 | 0.6286 | 0.6491 ‘pe8e3| 0.7215] 0.7716 | 0.8506 | 0.9262 000 | 9853) 531.98] 4} r195.4) .-- | 12044 $260.1 | 12908 | 1905.1 | 1932.1 357.5| 1393.9 | 1451.8 | 1508.1 ee r{ Tears ene | assoy oanee | ass] S8u23| $2NrS| esno oars 960.0 | 9953 } 536.42 | p, | 1193.7] 4495.5 | 12546 | 1286.4 | 1901.1 4328.7 | 1354.7] 1391.6 | 1450.0 1506.5 v | 04a saeco passin [oa7ss | os0ss| 06273) osete| O7ens| Ostet 000.0 | 985.8 | $44.61 | p, | 1191.8 TL | bas. | 1261.9 | 1287.0 4925.3 1351.7 | 1989.2 | 1448.2 1505.1 posite volume, cae Tet pr pound ioet heat fata, Bu per poere 2a Se Properties of Superheated Steam C [Saturated ‘Superheated: Total Temperature=°F ‘ts | Gage ee ~ | em. | es | 700 | 740 | 70 | 720 ooo | 0 | 800 | ‘1000 | ‘00 | 1200 ual sal ens 6 | Ste Se | 8 | 55] SSNS | S03] ne | EE | ES] Sea | 22 |e na ws soz] | S59 | | SPa| | SSE | Sees] S| S| ee || eh ono ena] ral ¥ | 9g] Se | se as] Ss] 0a] ES] PS] SEs | RR ea so] | rol | HL Sz | | S| eS | [| || coal veal saa] ¥ | S85| $203 | S35] St] as S| St] avs] ss] Se Se] 28 ol vaca) | 25S [P57 | S| 28 |S | ae | |S |e | tes cronol esa ave] 3 | Ses |S | S228 | as | S| Ea | SR |G Nees] coisa] xvn| 6 | OE | [als [ees] as | vasa] na | aes [08S na wales] [OR (SR [emt | Sa 28 | zs |S] Ss [SS |B ie Fas) vnsa| ol | S778] Sas [Sea | Sele | be | 803 | S08 | RS) S| fre [2 soon ona) oazr| | SURG [88 | SHS [SER | SARs [Sat | S| ten | Se | Sercd |se ezca|zusalermac| ¥ | 975 | 0s [SHS [SHG | SA [2S |S | SAS |e | te [RE | nol ena won| S93 [BS [SRE | Ste [ As | Bt | a | SR |RSS | [es @ won| zara cael [Sr | [5H [S208 | St |S | S805 | 867] | Sr [es | enol safes] | S07 [= | Ses || es | aN | Ss | SS | a 2 | Pwo ssa eaesl [SERS] [SURE] SH |S [S| Sua] SST | |S es | rool ss roel] [S03] = {sats eg | SE [Sams] Sasa | Ws | i | a ANS e aa aars| ool ¥ | S00]. [SHER [PSR [San | 8s | |S | SS | SSS SRS cael wuss snce! [OER [BS [S| ERS | SRE | AE | | RS uo mna| coe] Smee | [OSG] dR [EEE | E83] SAR |S [ST ees | Sreoo|seess| cosy) | ant aBz |S | SSNs] SEs | Sas | 88 | a | 2 czooa|swsa|enns| ¥ [aga] | oc. [SURRY nR | SUS] SARE | ES Sas |e | feneo|sexa| esse] | Set apn agar | gia] Sau |S | 908 | 2 [05] Ses tite ar oan 25 : —yeEeEEEEE———————————— ‘Temperature Conversion Table € ) Eonagew cis earee ES 0 2300 15 2290 240 120 2480 212 20 228.0 =194 40 2340 -187 180 020 129 160 3200 01 +70 8.0 “13 180 2560 48.6 190 3140 ~28 200 9920 oo 210 4100 -o12 220 4230 @ “ua m0 aso 7 240 240 -283 250 492 264 300 sre 22 2350 682 ~208 +00 727 =78 ° 320 x02 489 842 150 5 m0 200 00 902 -122 10 500 208 580 1022 “4 15 520 316 00 ye “67 20 eo 343 680 202 e 39 28 m0 an 700 1292 a4 ao 250 303 150 382 ° 22 26

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