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Henry Trost

Process Paper
I wanted to do Trost and Trost because of all the buildings they designed in El Paso. If
had not decided to come to El Paso we would not have any of the main buildings we
know, especially in downtown. Although he was born in Ohio in 1860, he decided to
come to El Paso when his brother moved here in 1902.
How I chose my topic
I chose my topic because Trost and Trost had a big contribution to El Paso in being able
to design many iconic buildings. I had always wondered who designed most of the iconic
buildings that I see every day. I also chose Henry Trost because he was the main
contributor of Trost and Trost.
How I conducted my research
First, I looked at the Trost Historical Organization Website because it has information
about each member of Trost and Trost and the buildings they designed. Eventually I
found other websites that were helpful but told me the same thing. Then I found some
books at the library and a magazine article at the U.T.E.P. library, which gave me the blue
prints, and interior designs for most of his buildings. Finally I emailed Malissa Arras, the
Executive Director of the Texas Trost Society, and did an email interview.
How I selected my presentation and created my project
I started by creating my binder and putting all my notes, annotated bibliography etc.
inside. I then created a Weebly account and made my website, HCT, standing for Henry
Charles Trost with all the information and research I had done prior to it. Based on the
life of Henry Trost I wrote my childrens book. I was also able to illustrate his buildings
based of the pictures I found.
How my theme relates to the topic
Exploration: Henry Trost searched across the U.S., explored the South West building
architecture in the places he would live.
Encounter: He encountered El Paso and decided to stay here with his family.
Exchange: He exchanged his architecture with El Paso and formed Trost and Trost with
his brothers whose architecture is still here to this day.

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