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Dean Carlstrom

ENED 683
Dr. Hartman
Inquiry Project Final
May 1, 2016
Inquiry Question: What are the best practices and methodologies for teaching first
year composition?
Sub Focus:

Anthological Reader?
Revision Strategies?
Grammar Instruction?
Types of assessment (Both Formative and Summative)?

PART 1: Alphabetic Piece #1

With apologies to Shakespeares Hamlet, but with much appreciation for the

To reader or not to reader,

That is the question. Whether tis nobler to include

an anthology or to utilize other methodologies,
Or to take fingertips to the keyboard and create something new.
To write, to compose and by composing say we tap into 21st century skills
and multi-modal opportunities. To write: to create;
Ever more. And by write we say to create thousands of characters and
Symbols devising meaning and communication; Tis an end product devoutly
to be wished.
To write, to compose; To compose, perchance to examine our inner

Desires and thoughts. Aye, theres the rub; For in that composing, what if we
Should fail? When we have shuffled off the errors and revisions, must give
Us pausetheres the respect that makes writing so difficult.
For who could bear the criticism and critique, the red pen massacre, the
Decimation. When the writer might succumb and quit with a massive delete
His/her exitus make.
But the dread of having never risked or experimented, the opportunity to
Gain knowledge and pride of accomplishment. In that genre what newness
And creativity may awake? Thus practice and desire doth make writers of us

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