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Written Piece #2

Recipe for First Year Composition

Mix together:

A person who desires to strive for improvement as a writer

Close Reading Skills
Critical Thinking Opportunities and Methodologies
Writing for multiple purposes
Technology (Multi-modal approaches)

Add an instructor knowledgeable and passionate about writing and promoting

excellence in student writers. Write vigorously and often sprinkling in grammar and
peer feedback to add flavor and variety. Set aside for a bit to let the juices marinate.
With fresh eyes, revise to make sure taste is appropriate. Continue to create and
experiment with voice, sentence structure, and punctuation to produce a dish suited
to the chef. Multiple drafts incorporating the process of writing and incremental
steps along the way will ensure a remarkable dish.
OPTIONAL: Reading anthologies
FOR BEST RESULTS: Write daily in an environment conducive to free idea generation
and exchange, provide outside resources for students such as writing
for supplemental assistance, and apply the MLA citation guide for best presentation.
Garnish with a form of publication to celebrate!

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