The End Is Near!

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The End is Near!

I cant believe it, May! We

have learned so much but
still have some work to do! I
want to remind you that
school is out on May 20th! J

I apologize for not having an

April newsletter! Its been a
big month of testing and
more! We made it through!

If you would like a list of

websites or resources
for your kids for the
summer I will be happy to
share! Lets keep training
those brains! J

May Dates to Remember:

2-13 - ACT Aspire
13 - All Books Due!!!
17 - Awards Assembly
at 9:30
18 - Sundaes at LES
19 - Popping Day &
Movie Day!
20 - Last Day & Field
FYI: Since we have had many
assessments and now the ACT
Aspire, the district has decided that
3-5 will not be STAR testing this year!

iPop Popcorn Company

We have began our popcorn company! I am sure you have

heard! As a grade level we have a company and each class has
two branches and different responsibilities! We are in charge
of advertising and manufacturing! They are all really excited!
We will be working on creating commercials to thinking about
the popcorn recipe! The 3rd grade as a whole will choose an
organization to donate their popcorn profits too! I think this is
such a great experience for them! Excited to see how our
business booms! J

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