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PART 3: Sound Piece

The following is a compilation of two college professors relating their opinions on

the teaching of grammar in FYC.
One sub focus question for my project was the discussion of teaching grammar in
FYC. Obviously, both professors, Kia Richmond and Patricia Dunn, felt that teaching
it in isolation was certainly not productive; however, the merits of the process
include improvement in revision and clarity of ideas (Ostergaard).
One additional component that enables students to delve into their creative sides is
the inclusion of music. Dr. Hartman opens her classes with daily writing
opportunities utilizing the daybook. One of the enticing elements is the
incorporation of music to calm students, assuage their fears, and inspire them to
write. Below is a link to some music that I found inspirational and conducive to
Whatever it takes to inspire writing and students can be beneficial. Therefore,
experimentation with music is also recommended.

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