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Standard 4: Lesson Feedback

Note the focus area and

standard descriptor/s the
artefact / document

Note the type of

artefact / document

Describe the document / artefact and indicate

the possible impact or result of the artefact /
document on teaching and/ or student learning

Describe how the document / artefact

meets the standard descriptors you
have identified.

Support student
Identify strategies to
support inclusive student
participation and
engagement in classroom

This artefact is
feedback gained from
my mentor teacher in
my professional
experience III.

The goal for my professional experience was

to develop personal skills and practices within
the classroom and apply differentiation
strategies. I requested that my mentor teacher
observe a lesson with a focus on my
differentiation strategies and student

I was able to support student

participation and engagement by
preparing individual and group
activities to complete (APST: 4.1).

Manage classroom
Demonstrate the capacity
to organise classroom
activities and provide
clear directions.
Information and
Technology (ICT)
Implement teaching
strategies for using ICT to
expand curriculum

In this formal
observation I focused
on the comments made
on managing
classroom activities,
strategies and

The specific lesson was a science lesson. I

arranged activities to be completed individually
and in groups to support participation and
enhance learning. All materials and activities
were well organised prior to the
commencement of the lesson.

My mentor wrote:
Individual and group work
implemented and well organised for
the activities to support student
participation and student learning.
Used group and individual incentives

I designed a PowerPoint on the Interactive

Whiteboard to support student learning and
participation within the beginning of the lesson.

The materials and activities were well

organised and directions were
explicitly discussed while clearly
writing them on the board to ensure
that students completely understand
the lesson focus (APST: 4.2).

I differentiated activities between preps and

ones. Prior to the lesson I cut out the preps
activity including some of the slower year ones
to ensure a quick start.

My mentor wrote:
Opened lesson with lesson intention.
Lesson sequence clearly displayed on
the whiteboard.

learning opportunities for


The preps and ones completed the activity

successfully and I was able to gradually mark
students work as they completed. By marking
the students work I was able to see which
students grasped the key concept and which
students had more difficulty in their

I implemented ICT throughout the

lesson to engage and expand learning
opportunities for students (APST: 2.6).
My mentor wrote:
Used interactive whiteboard to
illustrate animal needs and external

Lesson Observation Feedback Sheet

Student Teacher: Samantha Harbulot

Prof Exp Level: 1 2 3 4 Date: 8/2/16

Mentor Teacher/University Adviser: S. Osborne

School: Oxenford State School

Time: 10:15am

Lesson: Science External features and Needs

Preparation and planning Aligns with Australian Graduate Teacher Standards: 1. Know students and how they learn; 2. Know the content and how to teach it
- Lesson plan was prepared prior to lesson
- Knew content and how to teach it
Implementation Aligns with Australian Graduate Teacher Standards: 2. Know the content and how to teach it; 3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Went over previous concepts taught.
- Used interactive whiteboard to illustrate animal needs and external features
- Opened lesson with lesson intention
-Lesson sequence clearly displayed on the whiteboard
- Used coral responses to ensure students were listening
- Pace of lesson was good
-Individual and group work implemented and well organised for the activities to support student participation and student learning
Classroom management Aligns with Australian Graduate Teacher Standards: 4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Redirected student when appropriate and ensured that behaviour was conducive of classroom and school rules
- Used group and individual incentives
- Referred back to what active listening was.
- Great verbal encouragers
- Raffle tickets motivated students to complete the task
Assessment and appropriate feedback Aligns with Australian Graduate Teacher Standards: 5. Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Feedback was provided when walking around to tables
- Students were encouraged when they had commenced activity
- Marked work when students were complete
Comments and recommendations
- Use think aloud during I do
- Use more visual aids for the preps so that they can work more independently

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