Math Lesson 7-6

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Mehgan Forkel

Math Lesson 5-3

February 18, 2016
Student Teaching

The standards that are the focus of this lesson are:

1.NBT.A.1: Number and Operations in Base Ten
Extend the counting sequence
1. Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read
and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written

This lesson is the second to last lesson in Unit 7.

The purpose of this lesson is to review counting by 10s and 1s.
These patterns have been taught in Unit 7 to assist in teaching counting to 120.
This lesson is important because it teaches students necessary skills to extend
their counting sequence up to 120.


The source of this lesson is the enVisionmath 2.0 teachers edition.

To make this lesson more original, I will only be following the first step of the

given lesson: completing a Solve and Share problem together.

Instead of completing what the book has given as review activities, I will be

creating a game called Scoot for my students to play.

They have played this game before and absolutely love it! I want to make the
review lesson engaging and fun so that my students can really show me what they


Students will demonstrate their understanding of counting by 1s and 10s using a

given Solve and Share worksheet.

Given a review game, students will demonstrate their understanding of the

concepts of counting by 10s and 1s to 120.


enVisionmath program
enVisionmath solve and share worksheets
Scoot Game


Okay everyone. Take out your solve and shares!

Read the directions out loud to the entire class.
Now that you know what to do, try the problem on your own first!
After giving the students about five minutes to try the problem on their own, have
students meet with their partners to share what strategies they used to solve the

Alright everyone. Find your partner and talk to them about what strategies you

used to solve the problem!

Once you and your partner have met with each other, come to the front and we
will all go over it together.

Lesson Development

Once all of the students have come to the front of the room with their partner,

begin reviewing the solve and share together on the Smartboard.

Okay my friends, the directions were to count the number of oranges in the
picture, write down how many you counted, and then share what strategy you

chose to find that number!

Who thinks that they can come up and give us their answer, and their strategy?
Have a student come up to the board and fill in their answer and their strategy.
Great! You found ______ oranges, and you counted by _______.

Hand on your head if you also used this strategy?

Great! ______, why did you choose that strategy to find how many oranges there

After that student shares their reasoning, ask if any of the students used a different

strategy, and have them explain why that chose it.

Great job everyone! It looks like we are getting the hang of these counting

So today, we are going to do math a little bit differently! I have a Scoot game

planned for you to play as a review game!

Call the students by groups to go back to their seats and put their solve and shares

in their folders.
Once they have put it away, have them come back to the mat.
Once everyone has returned to the mat, choose a volunteer to pass out the Scoot

game answer sheets.

While the volunteer is doing so, place the Scoot game cards at different spots

around the circle tables in the back of the room.

Return to the students and give directions.
Okay everyone! It is time to play the Scoot game. Everyone stand up and find a

spot to start at, but do not begin until I say so!

Once all students have found a game card to begin with, give them the direction to

How to play Scoot:
o Each student receives one answer sheet.
o Students all begin at a Scoot card that is placed on a table in the back of
the room.
o Each card will have a number in the top left corner.
o The card will have a problem on it that the students are expected to solve.
In this case, the problems will relate to counting by 10s and 1s to 120.
o For example, one card might say:
Find the missing number: 10, 20, 30, _______ 50

On their answer sheet, the students must find the same number as
the one in the top left corner of the game card, and write their

answer in that box.

o Students are given 30 seconds at each card to find the answer. After 30
seconds, the teacher yells SCOOT! and they are to move to a different
o This can be played for any amount of time, or until every person has filled
their answer sheet.
o In this lesson, students will most likely have about 15-20 minutes to play.
o During the game, walk around and check in with students to see what
strategies they are using to solve the game cards.
o Make sure that students are understanding what the card is asking them.

This lesson is differentiated in several ways.

Because my class is very kinetic, the lesson has been modified to incorporate
more movement in order to give students an opportunity to be active, while also

ensuring that they are engaged in the lesson.

My students are also visual learners, so I will be providing several visual aids
accompanied with modeling to ensure that they have the proper support to achieve

understanding of the content.

For the student with the IEP, he will be given a partner to work with up front
while we are reviewing the answers to the Solve and Share. This student usually
receives assistance from the Special Education teacher. However, she is
administering the PARCC test during this time and cannot be with us. Therefore, I

have the student working with his partner the entire first half of the lesson.
Finally, the Scoot game has been differentiated to fit the specific content of our


Great job showing us what you know today! I will be taking a look at your game

sheets to see how well you guys can count by 10s and 1s.
We will be continuing to work with these patterns next week as well so make

sure that you are continuing to practice counting outside of the classroom too!
I have given students the opportunity to meet the objective because they will be
showing me how well they can count by 10s and 1s to 120 both in the Solve and

Share, and in the Scoot game.

I will be monitoring the Scoot game to watch for any possible altercations or
issues that could arise during a game such as this. For example, knowing my
students, there could be arguments about who got to which Scoot card first. I will
be looking for these types of things, and promoting the idea of problem solving
between the students so that it does not happen again.


To determine if students grasped the content, I will be evaluating their game card
answers and their Solve and Share responses. If there are any areas of concern, I

will address them on Monday before moving to the last part of the Unit.
It is expected that students will show understanding of MOST of the content by
this point considering that it is a review of what they have been doing since

How my Scoot game looks so far:

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