Audio Script: Steven

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Audio Script

Steven: Hello, Jennifer and Nicole. This is Steven. Thanks for the invitation.
Id love to come. So...uhh...well, see you Saturday around eight oclock .
Anna: Hello, Jennifer. This is Anna. Thanks for inviting me to your party. I
m going to be a little late. I hope thats OK. Can I bring some food or soda?
Call me: 555-2547
David: Hey, Jennifer and Nicole. This is David. Thanks for the invitation. Id

love to come, but I have to go out to dinner with my parents. Its my mother
fiftieth birthday, so its kind of important. Sorry. Talk to you soon.
Sarah: Hi, Nicole. This is Sarah. Im really sorry, but I cant come to your
party on Saturday. Im going to go to a concert with my friend Robert.
Sorry I cant change my plans. He bought the tickets already. Again, Im
really sorry. Talk to you soon.
Michael: Hi, Jennifer. This is Michael. Thanks for inviting me to your party
on Saturday. I would love to come. Im going to bring some chips and soda. I
hope thats OK with you. If not, call me. You have my number.

2. Listening
Steven can come
Anna can come
David cant come, excuse: hes having dinner with his parents
Sarah cant come, excuse: hes going to a concert
Michael can come

3 Writing
...will develop into tadpoles. At first they are small.
In about a week, theyll start to grow back legs.
They will still have their tails. By about seven weeks,
short front legs will start to grow. By nine weeks,
the tails will disappear. The tadpoles will be frogs.

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