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Fall 2014




Riverside Elementary,
Rochester, MN

25 Hours

Fall 2014


Riverside Elementary,
Rochester, MN

9 Hours

Fall 2014


Riverside Elementary,
Rochester, MN

9.5 Hours

Fall 2014


30 Hours

Spring 2015

Spring 2015


Sunset Terrace
Elementary School,
Rochester, MN
Riverside Elementary,
Rochester, MN
Riverside Elementary,
Rochester, MN

Spring 2015


Spring 2015

Spring 2015

Fall 2015

2 Hours
17.5 Hours

Riverside Elementary,
Rochester, MN
Gibbs Elementary,
Rochester, MN

12 Hours


John Adams Middle

School, Rochester, MN

25 Hours


Lincoln K-8 Choice

School, Rochester, MN

6 Weeks

30 Hours

Key Experiences

Bubbleology Unit
Incorperated Math into a Science unit
Co-taught two weeks of lessons with members of my cohort
Measurement unit
Hands-on learning with measuring
Reviewed key ideas daily
Money unit
Pre-assessed students before teaching the unit
Culminated unit with a visit to the 'Candy Store' run by cohort
members and myself
Observed cooperating teacher interacting with students
Co-taught Math lesson on tessellations
Answered individual student questions during work time
'Concepts About Print' (CAP) Assessment
Evaluated students' familiarity with elements of picture books
Taught whole-group Reading lesson
Read with students daily
Planned one week of Guided Reading activities
Facilitated a student-led literature circle
Gave the students responsibilities for every meeting
Led morning meetings and calendar time
Taught whole-group Science lesson on bones and muscles
Planned and taught Guided Math and Guided Reading stations
Taught Linear Algebra lessons to four sections of students
Guided individual students through homework problems
Worked through Intermediate Algebra problems with one
section of accelerated students
Planned and taught Whole-Group Reading lessons
Held Action 100 conferences with students
Led daily small-group rotation of Guided Math

Fall 2015


Lincoln K-8 Choice

School, Rochester, MN,

30 Hours

Spring 2016


Elton Hills Elementary,

Rochester, MN

10 weeks

Spring 2016


Kellogg Middle School,

Rochester, MN

4 weeks

Taught Whole-Group Math lessons

Taught Health lesson
Re-taught individuals and small groups
Assumed role of full-time lead teacher for 2 weeks
Taught 'Magnetism and Electricity' Science unit
Taught Guided Math units about multiplication and fractions
Taught five sections of Pre-Algabra
Planned and taught unit on consumer math
Collaborated with 7th-8th Grade Math PLC and 7th-grade interdisciplinary team

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