Final Reflection

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Kelly Van Berkel

K.VanBerkel, 2
In what ways have you professionally grown as a CEP over the course of
the past year to include your interviewing skills, clinical skills,
clinical reasoning and decision-making skills, and wellness
coaching skills?
1. Point to specific course topics, assignments, labs, and experiences,
and make direct connections between what you studied in the
curriculum with what you practiced in your internships
a. Given the above four main areas, make specific references to
what you consider signature or defining assignments, labs,
etc. What about those assignments/experiences brought
about improvements in your KSAs?
b. Be sure to assess how your problem-solving skills have
evolved over time. What personal challenges do you still face
in developing your problem-solving skills? What are possible
Growth as a CEP
Upon starting my masters program my knowledge, skills, and ability as
a clinical exercise physiologist were very limited. Coming in to this program I
feel I had the basis of anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology; along with a
general over view of common skills and protocols, which were quickly
skimmed over in my undergraduate education. This knowledge and skill set
covered only about a tenth of the material covered in the ACSMs KSAs. As
the year progressed I feel I learned more in that short of time than I had four
years of undergraduate as an exercise science major. The major areas in
which I struggled that I feel have improved making me a better exercise
physiologist are in clinical reasoning and decision-making. More specifically
deciding the best exercise or protocol for a patient given their circumstance
and risks. Which ties directly into making more timely and concrete choices,
not questioning my own decision. I feel this is key in being a professional
especially trying to make a name for ones self-entering this particular field. If
I questioned what I was saying or developing for a patient, why would they
trust or listen to me even if the information was correct.
Though all my classes throughout the first year helped me develop and
grow, meeting all the ASCM KSAs, specific classes and assignments that
helped me directly develop these as an exercise physiologist were treatment
plans. Over the course of the year I have developed multiple exercise
treatment plans for a variety of scenarios. Our EXP 520 course in particular
prepared me for interpersonal skills and developing a meaning but yet
professional relationship with patients. It also allowed me to develop and
reassess an exercise prescription and get direct feed back from the client,
learning how an idea may seem to work on paper but may not in the actual
situation. This allowed me to learn on how to make quick effective and
professional decisions on the spot. Course that have continued to grow these
skills include all of my internships, EXP 580, 590, 600. In addition to these

K.VanBerkel, 3
classes the first half of EXP 610 also helped me learn these skills and to
problem-solve within a professional team caring for wellness patients.
Throughout the course of this mentoring process many obstacles raised. The
Y2 as supervisors had to learn a new way to communicate effectively to the
Y1 in order to deliver the best patient care in the wellness clinic we were
running, as well as teaching the Y1 students to think and act like
professionals for their upcoming practicums. This experience just added to
previous due to the type of communication and problem solving skills as a
higher position, that needed to be reflected on then changed in order for the
students to not only learn but treat effectively as well. Other course that
helped me develop these skills is through the knowledge and practice in EXP
510 and 516. These courses did not only directly help one understand an
array of conditions and how to treat them but the Case Studies allowed for us
to tie it all together. As we entered summer I felt very prepared with my
courses covering all of ACSMs KSAs and continue to feel that way, if not over
prepared after going through four practicum experiences. Along for me to
truly show and develop these KSAs in those practicum experiences as well;
580, 590, 600, and 610. This was done by working directly with developing
treatment plans and home exercise programs for our patients. Besides
working coincides with our wellness and secondary prevention programs,
phase III cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, pulse point, and pulse check. With
these patients I did individual and group exercise classes. In order for me to
even run these programs at Coulis Cardiology and St. Josephs I needed if not
most but all the KSAs listed by ACSM. Continuing my graduate career last
year I feel specific courses that helped me to continually develop my
problem solving but my skills in general, to were I am now confident in
leading my own intakes, reassessments, or education class, would be
through my practicum experience with both halves of EXP 610, through
hands on training and mentoring. Through this practicum and mentoring
experience I also got to broaden my scope of practice, which is addressed in
later questioning. Another class is through my graduate research. By working
directly with subjects and answering their specific questions, professional
and knowledgeable, then assessing that data and making my own
professional conclusions based off of long and hard research. So, as an
overview of the years I went from an inexperienced and unaware student to
a knowledgeable, soon to be graduate, with the skill set and ability to work
professionally in the field of exercise physiology independently.
What skills (ACSM-KSAs) do you feel you became proficient at within the
Year 1 curriculum? How did these skills evolve over the coursework?
Discuss the strategies you have employed to improve your skills. Make
specific connections between the ACSM-KSAs learned in the curriculum
with the job tasks at your clinical internship sites. How did the
preparation in the curriculum allow you to enhance your learning and
professional growth at your internship. How were these skills refined
during your internship? Explain how you continue to develop your skills.

K.VanBerkel, 4
Skill Proficiency
Within the past two years of the curriculum, skills that I feel I became
proficient at are ECG preparation, overall knowledge, exercise testing. This
covering ACSMs general population/core: exercise physiology and related
exercise science, a few KSAs in particular being 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.1.28,
1.1.43,1.3.1-1.3.17 and so one... Another area ECG preparation and
knowledge covers in the KSAs are General population/core:
electrocardiography and diagnostic techniques, including skills 1.4.1- 1.4.13.
This skill in particular was implemented and redefined daily through cardiac
rehabilitation and stress testing were both utilize ECG monitoring and
assessment. My ability to not only prep the patient correctly in order to get a
proper reading but being able to read the telemetry efficiently and effectively
was essential to working and growing my skills at my internships. As my
supervisors became more confident in my abilities, more leeway was given
for me to take on more patients and work with them individually. As I
continued this fall I became proficient enough in heart rhythms and exercise
testing that my CI made me more of a mentee for the new higher and
undergraduate intern. These continuing to be utilized as I stated earlier in
both halves of the EXP 610 course, more so through mentoring the year one
students to the professional level I had been accountable to. These skills
included all your basic assessments as well as communication skills to
patients and colleagues.
Another area I feel that I have became more proficient is in my ability
to professional explain exercises and answer questions or concerns to
patients competently and effectively. This specific skill set is covered
generally in multiple areas of ACSMs KSAs, if not all of them. Particular areas
of importance include 1.1.1-1.1.43, 1.2.1-1.2.8, 1.3.1-1.3.23, 1.5.1-1.5.2,
1.7.1- 1.7.47, 1.10.1- 1.10.18, 1.11.1-1.11.13, and 2.2.1-2.2.4. These skills
were refined and implemented through multiple areas in my internship and
final practicum experience through helping at the TAC and mentoring the
year one clinical exercise physiology students. The biggest one I feel is with
the individual and group fitness class I held for our wellness and preventive
programs. Within these classes I showed clients new exercises that were
appropriate for each their own. In order for the classes to be beneficial
having this skill allowed the clients to really connect and grasp what I was
teaching them. Another way it was refined was through demonstrating
exercises and our patient education for our cardiac rehabilitation patients.
This fall while working with metabolic patients my CI actually stated that my
hands on and verbal cueing was a great addition and that I can clearly get
across what I am showing the patients. At times I may need to tone back my
language, is the only criticism I have received this fall. Within all this own
personal growth I then got to grow as a clinician as a professional team as
well. Through 610 I got to take everything I had learned for the past year and
a half then apply it in teaching year one students through many obstacles as
well as applying them at the TAC were the reigns were more so let in our

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hands to treat and develop programs for patients with known disabilities.
Though it is only two broad skills there are and wide range of KSAs that are
covered in both areas.
What were your two biggest accomplishments during the First Year and a half
of the curriculum? Why do they stand out to you? What course elements
helped you reach these accomplishments?
During the course of the first year and a half of the curriculum one my
biggest accomplishment was my senior fitness class in my summer
internship. This particular accomplishment stands out compared to the rest
because it allowed me to take all aspects of the knowledge and skills I have
been developing over the year and put them to use. For these classes I had
to utilize my anatomy and physiology, medication knowledge, ACSM and
AACVPR exercise guidelines, communication and demonstration skills, and
many other assets to make sure it was effective and beneficial to those who
signed up. Specific course elements that helped me reach this
accomplishment would be through lab in EXP 510, 515, 516 and more so EXP
520. EXP 520 was important in helping me develop effective and
informational patient handouts along with developing skills to properly
demonstrate and explain exercise to a multiple populations. Adding to this I
utilized the same exercise program and used it with multiple patients at SJH
looking for more simplex exercises. I was also able to use these skills and
tools when broadening my scope of practice and working with an array of
populations this fall (all phases in metabolic, pulmonary, cardiac).
Another accomplishment that I feel was my biggest was how each
semester I improved on my skill checks drastically. My first skill check in 503L
was an eye opener on what was expected and what needed to be done in
order to be successful. My grade on my first skill check was an 80%
improving to an 88% by the end of the fall semester. With higher
expectations in the spring, my first skill check grades were not expectable to
be a professional and by the end of the semester that grade had again
greatly increased to high Bs. This particular accomplishment stands out for
me because I feel skills are necessary for our profession. One can read and
be as knowledgeable as they want but if they cannot perform the tasks or
communicate effective that knowledge is useless. Course elements that
helped me reach this accomplishment was through practice lab on Monday
nights in the spring, along with the labs for classes EXP 503, 510, 512, 515,
and 516. Within these labs it allowed us to be hands on with volunteer
students to evaluate and practice our skills on before we were assessed.
These labs also allowed us to work on proper edict and building rapport that
is as equally as important as the actual skill. Overall I feel both these
accomplishments have helped myself grow as an exercise physiologist and
allow me to look back and see how much I have learned within the first year
of our curriculum as well to continue to grow this last semester before

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One more accomplishment that is soon to come would be the

publishing of my graduate program dissertation. I feel as this may be soon
approaching this too will be my greatest accomplishment throughout my
time here at Carroll University. My publishing my research this is truly the
next step besides continuing my education to a doctorates level.
What are your current strengths and weaknesses as a CEP? What
professional development goals do you need to focus on in the coming year
to successfully master the ACSM-KSAs related to becoming an RCEP and
obtaining an entry-level position as a professional.
Strengths, Weaknesses, & Goals
It is important not only to reflect on what one has learned within the
course of the past two years but my strengths and weaknesses as well. By
reflecting on both will allow me to further develop and refine my skills as a
clinician in the exercise physiology field, as well as set goals for myself.
My strengths as a CEP are broad and dont tie directly to job oriented
skills but include my hardworking nature, my ability to grasp new tasks and
perform with minimal assistance, and my interpersonal skills, which have
allowed me not only to create great relationships with my patients and
coworkers but also assisted in developing and growing my own skills through
those relationships.
I feel that being conscientious and committed to doing the best job
possible is a top strength because it allows me to set goals for myself and set
higher standards for those around me for the best care for patients and
whatever facility I may be at. Along with my ability to quickly grasp and do
the work assigned with little to no assistance I feel is another strength due to
the fact it allows for me to not only get more involved with different tasks
within a facility, but also get a better aspect of what it entails to be apart of
an interdisciplinary team to ensure the best care for our patients. This also
ties into my ability as an exercise physiologist to perform an array of
protocols and skills in order to give a well-rounded plan of care. My last
skill/strength ties directly to the previous strengths because without this skill
I would not be able to effectively communicate my understanding and
knowledge not only to patients but co-workers as well. Again, the reason I
feel this is a top strength is due to the fact that it allows me to interact
positively with my health professional team as well as my patients. Having
this, as one of my assets will allow me to develop the relationships needed
improve and progress the best care needed with my team. Interpersonal
skills are needed in any health professional position so by growing and
developing this skill will allow me to even progress further within our field.
Another area that I feel I have grown is again broadening my scope of
practice through working with more than just cardiac patients this fall, by
performing stress tests, running metabolic clinics, pulmonary rehab, and
cardiac rehab I feel that makes me more marketable.

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My weaknesses or areas that needed improvements as a CEP are again
not specifically tied directly to a specific skill but include interaction in a
scholarly/professional tone, skills with computers and technology, and asking
pertinent questions.
By enhancing my skills to communicate more effectively within an
interdisciplinary will help myself better understand what and how things are
ran within the facility. And to ensure work is done at an adequate level in
which is expected by professionals in this field. Being able to interact with
other staff members on that level will also make me seem more professional
and confident in what I know and am doing with this program. As this fall
progressed I have worked immensely on this weakness and actually was told
I needed to dumb down my language for patients. So, for a new goal making
sure that I am continually speaking professionally but make sure that it is in
a language the person receiving it can understand. Another area that I feel
that I could improve is advancing my computer skills. With technology
continuing to grow being more fluent and quick with my ability to use
technology will not only benefit me but also enhance my ability to help
others in this area when asked. Lastly, I feel the area that needs more work
is my ability to ask more pertinent questions. Developing and enhancing this
skill will allow me to get the best and most valuable information in obtaining
the best prescription and making the best clinical decisions for patients in all
phases of cardiac rehab and testing that I may com across. This leading
directly to the next question of what professional development goals do you
need to focus on in the coming year to successfully master the ACSM-KSAs
related to becoming an RCEP and obtaining an entry-level position as a
Within this last semester I feel I can always grow with every aspect and
skill within the KSAs because no one is perfect and the health field is always
changing but specifically when it comes to ACSMs KSAs I feel I need to work
more closely with the skills tied with orthopedic, neuromuscular and
immunologic pathophysiology and there risks factors. I know that I have the
current knowledge and background but I would like to specifically work with
all these populations. These skills include KSAs 4.2.1, 5.2.1, 6.2.1, and 7.2.1.
Other areas I feel need to be apart of my professional development plan
include knowing protocols more inside and out. This would be included in
KSA skills 1.3.1-1.3.34. Reasoning I want this apart of my professional
development plan now that I am graduating, is not only to continuing
growing as a professional but to the fact of the importance of knowing what
risks and conditions may be more applicable to certain protocols for aerobic,
musculoskeletal, and all other components of exercise. Additional, after
developing and presenting a business plan in 620, wants me to further
pursue this aspect as a professional and continue to expand my knowledge,
to possible develop and create my own program through entrepreneurship as

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well as health management and administration within the current field of
exercise physiology. For me to be better equipped for any job not just
cardiovascular now that this program is coming to a closure I feel these goals
are essential, and I look forward in continuing and furthering my knowledge
in becoming and sitting for the RCEP and becoming a respected professional
in the field.

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