Water Plan II

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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Plan
Name: Stephanie Pieper
Lesson Title: Will it Absorb Water?
Date: April 3, 2016
Grade Level: Pre-k
Circle one:
Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
Motor Development
Small Muscle: Touch, grasp, reach, manipulate
Coordinate the use of hands, fingers and wrists to manipulate objects and perform tasks requiring precise movements.



Cognition and General Knowledge

Cognitive Skills
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Explain reasoning for the solution selected.
Pre-assessment of current knowledge: We will have already talked about the characteristics of water, where it is found, used for etc. We will have already done
an activity with pouring water.
Instructional Objectives (1-2)

Assessment of Student Learning

One/Two Assessed Instructional

Objective(s): The student will be
able to...

Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data

to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and

The student will be able to use the

eyedropper to put a drop of water
on a piece of material.

I will keep track of who can use the eyedropper, by keeping

a checklist of their names and then the action. On another
sheet I will have a checklist of names and then if the child
guessed correctly if the material absorbed the water drop,
or not. Ill write verbatim what they say to explain the

Learning Experience
Academic Language:
Absorb, eyedropper, cotton, plastic, wool
Procedural steps:

The student will be able to make

an inference about whether or not
the material will absorb water,

One Assessed Developmental

Physical- Fine Motor
Cognitive- Science

Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile

your evidence into a class or group view?)
I will make the evidence into an easy to read bar graph to
keep with my files

I will work with the students in pairs or individually so they are

not so easily distracted. This will be a station while they are
doing free play. Ill have pieces of materials such as cotton,
plastic, wool, tin foil etc. I will have a cup of water and an
eyedropper, and list of their names. Ill show them how to use
the dropper and then ask them if they think the water will
absorb into the material. For each object I will check yes or
no by the childs name, as well as verbatim why they think
that way. Next I will have them do the drops and see what
Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real life, hands-on
-cup of water
-piece of cotton


Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Plan
Adult Roles:
Safety Considerations:
If water spills the teacher will be
ready with paper towels to clean it
up so no one trips and falls.

Facilitating the lessons, explaining the directions, keeping a

checklist, being prepared for spills with paper towels on hand.

Resources & References:


Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future instruction?)
By doing this lesson I will be able to understand my students better in regards to where they are in their fine motor development, as well as having the ability to
make inferences based on prior knowledge or experiences. By keeping a checklist of what the kids are able to do, what they thought and why, I can use this
information to better plan appropriate lessons in the future to meet their needs.

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