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IEP Case Study Rational

The IEP Case Study project required me to collaborate with an IEP team of a student
within my internship placement. I was able to meet with each member in order to learn about the
student and her individual needs, and to work together to develop present levels of academic
ability and functional performance. In addition, I attended the annual IEP review meeting, and
observed how the team members fulfilled their roles and responsibilities. This connects to CEC
standards 5 (Instructional Planning and Strategies), 6 (Professional Learning and Ethical
Practice), and 7 (Collaboration).
I gained knowledge and skills in instructional planning and strategies (standard 5) by
working with the IEP team to develop appropriate instructional strategies that would best meet
the students needs. I was able to enhance my professional learning and ethical practice skills
(standard 5) by observing the IEP team meeting to see how effective meetings work, and to
ensure that the parents concerns were integrated into the plans of action. In terms of
collaboration (standard 7), I met with and collaborated with all team members in order to
develop the most appropriate steps to take to allow the student to reach her potential and learn
the necessary concepts.
My work on this project positively affected the student because I assisted in documenting
her present levels of performance, both academically and functionally. In my future career as a
special educator, I will have the skills to an active participant in planning and developing IEPs. I
have also gained invaluable experience with collaborating with all team members, especially
parents. My future students needs will be my main focus in implementing appropriate
instructional and learning strategies.

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