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Luis Galindo

ENC 1102
Dr. Taylor
Initial Research Proposal
The Effects of Recreational Use of Prescribed ADHD
Medicine on Students Health and Performance
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder also known as ADHD is a mental disorder
characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. ADHD is most commonly seen
during childhood, but can continue to affect the person throughout adolescence and adulthood.
There are three types of ADHD which are Hyperactive-Impulsive, inattentive, and combined.
With the three different types mental disorder there are also many different factors that determine
if someone has the illness and which type they have. The most common type of ADHD disorder
is the combined one, having symptoms of both inattentive and impulsiveness which include not
paying attention to detail, easily distracted or confused, be constantly in motion, etc. There
currently is no curve for ADHD but there is multiple types of treatments to lower the symptoms
of the disorder all ranging from medication, psychotherapy, education and training.
In my research I want to discover to what extent does medication for ADHD such as
Adderall actually helps. I also concerned with the after effects the medication has on the physical
health of patients that take it continuously through out their lives. There have been many
different studies conducted involving the use of ADHD medication such as a case study
performed by Shaheen E Lakhan and Annette Kirchgessner in which they examine the effects of

the drugs when being used by individuals without the disorder. There have been many different
studies examining the many effects of the drug and how it affects people with the disorder
differently than people without the disorder such as Overachievers are pooping Adderall to get
ahead. Is this a good idea? by Will Oremus.
Thus far I have found some compelling research that suggests that Adderall and other
ADHD medication can affect different people in many different ways. The after effects of this
medication can be very harmful to ones body but without it some people would not be able to
function because they physically would not be able to pay attention to what is in front of them.
ADHD medication affects people all in different ways but so far my research confirms my
speculation that the medication can have a long lasting effect on someones physical health.

Sources used
"Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder." NIMH RSS. National Institute of Mental Health, n.d.
Web. 23 Feb. 2016. <>.
Bhandari, Smitha. "Types of ADHD: Inattentive, Hyperactive-Impulsive, and Combined Types."
WebMD. WebMD, 4 May 2015. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.
Bren, Linda. "ADHD: Not Just for Kids Anymore." PsycEXTRA Dataset (n.d.): n. pag. ADHD:
Not Just for Kids Anymore. FDA Consumer Magazine, Nov.-Dec. 2014. Web. 23 Feb.
2016. <
Hom J, Elaine. "Adderall: Uses, Abuses & Side Effects." LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 06
Nov. 2013. Web. 23 Feb. 2016. <>.
Lakhan, Shaheen E., and Annette Kirchgessner. "Prescription Stimulants in Individuals with and
without Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Misuse, Cognitive Impact, and
Adverse Effects." Brain and Behavior. Blackwell Publishing Inc, 23 July 2012. Web. 23


Loria, Kevin. "21 Startling Facts That Everyone Should Know About Adderall." Business
Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 09 May 2014. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

Oremus, Will. "Are ADHD Drugs Dangerous? Can They Make You Smarter?" Overachievers
Are Popping Adderall to Get Ahead. Is That a Good Idea? Slate, 27 Mar. 2013. Web.
23 Feb. 2016.
William E. Pelham, PhD, Helen R. Aronoff, MD, Jill K. Midlam, MA, Cheri J. Shapiro,
PhD, Elizabeth M. Gnagy, BS, Andrea M. Chronis, BS, Adia N. Onyango,
BS, Gregory Forehand, BS, Anh Nguyen, BS, and James Waxmonsky, MD. "A
Comparison of Ritalin and Adderall: Efficacy and

Time-course in Children With

Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder." A Comparison of Ritalin and Adderall:

Efficacy and Time-course in Children With Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
American Academy of Pediatrics, Apr. 1999. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

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