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Individual Cultures Project

Jaime Hoonsan
Cultural Heritage & Ethnicity

My paternal heritage has been traced back to

France, and is first recorded in the United States
in Terra Alta, West Virginia in the early 1800s.
My maternal great-grandparents settled in
Fairmont, West Virginia from Florence, Italy in
the early 1920s. My Maternal Grandmothers
ethnicities are Cherokee and Irish.
I identify myself as an American because many
America is where my grandparents, parents,
myself and my children were born and raised.
(American Ethnicity, n.d.).

Family Type & Structure


My parents divorced when I was 5 years old.

Each remarried. My father had 2 more children.
My sister and I grew up in a co-custody,
blended family, and extended family living
situation. I spent a lot of time with my
grandparents. (Edwards, 2009) Growing up, our
neighborhood had a wide range of European
cultures present.
I became a mother and married very young. My
husband is from Bangkok, Thailand and comes
from an immigrant family. (Edwards, 2009)
Together, we have created a bi-racial family
with 4 children. (Edwards, 2009)
We relocated from Fairmont, West Virginia to
Las Vegas, Nevada in 1997.


Generational Cohort

I was born in the last few years of Generation X.

(University of Iowa School of Social Work, 2009
My generation is the generation of latch key kids,
a 40% divorce rate and mass media. Growing up,
I viewed each of these things as a challenge to
(University of Iowa School of Social Work, 2009)
As a member of Generation X, I have learned that
every individual has their own unique culture,
and views their own culture through a unique
(University of Iowa School of Social Work, 2009)

Religious / Philosophic Cohort

I am among the 26.3% of adults who attend an

Evangelical Christian church. (The Pew
Research Center, 2013)
As a conservative Christian, I am part of the
58% who attend church once per week. (The
Pew Research Center, 2013)
I am among the 44% of Christians who pray
daily. (The Pew Research Center, 2013)
My parents took me to church as a young child.
I stopped attending during my teen years, but
started going again as an adult. I now view my
Christian faith as the cornerstone in my life.


American Ethnicity. (2014, June 14). Retrieved from Wikipedia:
Almost Barefoot. (2013, June 13)Barefoot Living, Barefoot Running, Yoga, Spiritual Connection
Retrieved from:
123RF. (2014) Royalty Free Stock Photos, Vectors and Illustrations [image] Retrieved from:
Edwards, J.O.(2009) The Many Kinds of Family Structures in Our Communities. Retrieved from:
Canstockphoto. (2013, October 24) Professional Stock Photography and Clipart [image]
Retrieved from:
University of Iowa School of Social Work. (2009). Supervision of Intergenerational Dynamics
Retrieved from:
Pew Research Center. (2013) Pew Research Centers Religion and Public Life Project Religious
Landscape Survey Retrieved from:
Best Clipart Blog. (Undated) The Best Free Clipart Blog [image] Retrieved from:

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