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David L.

of Pass Christian, MS:

Adrienna P. Give me a detailed thought on the Confederate Flag and what it
means to you.
David L. 13 stars represent the original 13 colonies. 6 stars represent the 6
other countries or group of people who owned the Mississippi, and 20 stars
representing Mississippi was the 20th state. Red, white, and blue represents our
country. The flag has meaning and each part of it symbolizes the state of
Adrienna P. Why do/dont you support the Confederate Flag?
David L. I cant say I support it or I dont support it. I like the symbolism of
our state flag. People say its just a flag well, if its just a flag then why does
it matter if it comes down? I dont really know the flag is a flying history
lesson. Each part of the flag correlates history from the state. Its just a lot of
people see the rebel flag and assume racism. But hell, theres a lot of things you
can assume racism on. Like people say stereotypes all the time and no one gets
offended. Our money is all white people. People see racism because a part of the
flag was flown during the Civil War. People are trying to take away a states
history and thats why states have flags. To show a piece of history from each
state. Example: Georgia and South Carolina.
Omar C. of Dallas, TX
Adrienna P. Give me a detailed thought on the Confederate Flag and what it
means to you.
Omar C. The Confed. Flag huh, hmmm well it obviously is a flag that is
misinterpreted as pro-slave and while it may have been to a certain point, it was
more a flag that signifies that a group will not be won over or overrun by the socalled majority, and one that supports a nation or regions economic power and
growth no matter what. Im not saying that the southern confederate states were
justified in their defense and actions, but they believed that what they were doing
was, by all means, correct.
Adrienna P. Do you support it? Why or why not?
Omar C. While there were very much the sole reason of the economic power
of plantations and tobacco (mainly) in the south, the reason why the flag was even
established was for Africans being essentially kidnapped and used for labor. If
that flag was support that, then no, I do not support it or what it stands for;
tyranny and oppression.

Jeremy M. of Bay St. Louis, MS:

Adrienna P. Give me a detailed thought on the Confederate Flag and what it
means to you.
Jeremy M. I think that it stands for heritage now, but that heritage is also one
of hate.
Adrienna P. Do you support it? Why or why not?
Jeremy M. I think people should be able to fly it, but I dont think the
government should be able to. Until a LGBT flag is flying over the state building,
a confederate flag shouldnt be able to.
Adrienna P. Why do you believe people should be able to fly it?
Jeremy M. Because I dont believe in the government limiting someones
personal convictions like that.
Paige H. of Stafford, VA:
Adrienna P. Give me a detailed thought on the Confederate Flag and what it
means to you.
Paige H. Ok, umwell I think its meaning has definitely changed over time. I
think that its insulting for people to display it as it most often means ignorance of
what it stands for in modern time that being racism and slavery. I dont always
immediately fault people if they support it, especially because he education in
most of the south teaches people that it stands for something different. Mostly
people learn that its to honor those who fought to protect their homeland, their
way of life, and stand up to states that were trying to destroy our economy and
remove our political power.
Adrienna P. Do you support it? Why or why not?
Paige H. I can understand people wanting to honor that, but they are taught
that the Confederate flag honors it, and I disagree with that. I dont support the
Confederate Flag because it carries treasonous sentiment, and I am dedicating
myself to protect the government. I dont think the solution is to take away
peoples right to have it. I think the solution is to provide a different avenue to
honor those who lost their lives, combined with proper education as to the history
of the flag. Now Ive got to go for a ROTC event, but I hope that helped.
Jordan S. of Pass Christian, MS:

Adrienna P. Give me a detailed thought on the Confederate Flag and what it

means to you.
Jordan S. The Confederate Flag is a symbol of the confederacy succeeding
from the union. It represents the rebel party trying to overrule the government. It
shows that the people flying it dont agree with the decisions of the government.
Me Do you support it? Why or Why not?
Jordan S. Im honestly so uninvolved with politics and government that I
dont have an opinion. I feel like if the whole freedom of speech thing is reign
true, then you should be able to fly it. I see where it could be offensive to African
Americans due to the KKK involvement, but I think thats the only way it is
offensive because of the time era it was created in. I dont support it just because I
dont have any involvement with it, but dont, not support it.
Simran P. of Sahuarita, AZ:
Adrienna P. Give me a detailed thought on the Confederate Flag and what it
means to you.
Simran P. Idk how detailed I can be, but in my opinion, its horrible and a
symbol of rebellion against our nation. What the Confederates fought for centered
around racism, prejudice, white supremacy, and everything else wrong with the
country before the Civil War. I think people who try to justify the Confederate
Flag are either subconsciously racist or dont truly understand its meaning or the
extent of its meaning.
Tyler K. of Pass Christian, MS:
Adrienna P. Do you support the Confederate Flag?
Tyler K. In the historical category, yes I do. I think it should still be present to
show a dark moment in the nations history, and it should be present and reminded
to everyone that there was once a conflict between black and whites, but that
conflict has been resolved in numerous different ways, and that the south has
taken major steps towards racial equalities. The flag should still be present
because no matter how much anyone tries, you cannot run from the past, so you
might as well accept it and move on and continue to better the situation instead of
trying to act like it never happened.

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