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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Template
Name: Rachel Brunner and Jacqueline Schmidt
Lesson Title: How to Hear (Hook Activity)
Date: 3/3/2016
Grade Level: Preschool
Circle one:
Standard(s)/Guideline(s): With modeling and support, explore the properties and characteristics of sound and light. With modeling and support, follow typical
patterns when communicating with others
Pre-assessment of current knowledge: Ask students to identify different sounds on a CD player. Ask students to identify where the ear is by asking, What part
of the body do we use to hear?
Instructional Objectives (1-2)

Assessment of Student Learning

Learning Experience

One/Two Assessed Instructional

Objective(s): The student will be
able to...

Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data

to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and

Academic Language:

- Identify different sounds from a

CD (animal sounds, city sounds)
- Answers questions about stories
and texts

On a large piece of paper, we will construct a chart that has

the childs name, if they answered, and what their answer
consisted of. This will be a whole group compilation and we
will be able to visually see if the lesson was successful and
in what ways.

Procedural steps:

One Assessed Developmental

With modeling and support, follow
typical patterns when
communicating with others (e.g.,
listen to others, take turns talking
and speaking about the topic or
text being discussed).
Safety Considerations:

Childs Name

Answer? Y/N

Child 1

What did they


Child 2


Child 3


Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile

your evidence into a class or group view?)
On a small chart, check off if students are able to identify
what they hear, and are able to use turn-taking skills in a
classroom setting.

Sound, vibrating, vocal cords, sound waves, decibels,


Sing the sit down song to have students sit at circle

Ask students to identify where we hear sounds (ears)
Explain that there are sounds all around us.
Read the story, Sounds All Around.
Throughout the story, ask the students different questions
regarding the story.
Can you make happy sounds? (Laughing)
Can you make sad sounds? (crying)
Can you make scary sounds? (Boo!)
What happens when our vocal cords are silent? (no
How does the bat hear and travel through the dark
sky? (sound vibrations)
How does a snake hear? (keeps head on the ground
to feel vibrations)
Can sound travel through water? How? (Yes, echoes)
6. Ask students to close their eyes as they listen to the music
with various sounds (rain, birds, city cars, etc.)
7. Play the music and after 5-10 seconds ask the students to
match the pitch (volume) of the music and whisper/talk
loudly what the students hear.
8. Explain our new topic area is exploring sounds and music.
Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real life, hands-on


Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Template
Sounds All Around (book)
Meditation Music identifying sounds (birds, water, etc.)
Adult Roles:
Facilitate identification of sounds.
Read story and encourage active participation within the book
Resources & References:
Book: Sounds All Around by Wendy Pfeffer
Meditation sound
Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future instruction?)

Overall the lesson went fairly well. During our hook activity, half of the class was absent, so we only were able to complete the lesson with four
children. During the story, the students seemed attentive and focused with the assistance of the cooperating teacher. When asked a question
during the book read two of the four children were able to take turns talking and stay focused on the task at hand. The other two students really
needed help from the cooperating teacher and student teacher while the book was being read and questions were asked.
We transitioned into identifying sounds. We played some meditation and white noise sounds that varied from rain and thunderstorms to city noises,
to airplanes, etc. The students all seemed to really enjoy being able to listen for the sounds, and try to identify exactly what they were hearing.
Three of the four students were able to participate and take turns talking to identify the sounds, but the other student was unable to do so without
assistance. Two of the four students were able to identify storms, rain, cars, and a breaking sound. Another student, who is usually quiet and does
not speak in a group setting very often, identified some of the harder sounds such as frogs, and a helicopter, which we found impressive. If we were
to do this hook activity over again, one way to improve the lesson would be to make sure the sound quality is very clear and precise. It came out a
little fuzzy at the time, making it a little bit difficult for the children to precisely identify the sounds. Overall, the hook activity went well, and we feel as
though the children were able to participate well, learn, and take away a message about sound.

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