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2ooo c5o016 - e@gd

o@d OOg Od

00)09 iltqA

-nLL Tlelngs

Dr. E.\)f. Adikaram


q,cD)o, eo@gco,

6oao co. ooo6si


qc6 edod o@rog;d


o@, ororcOlg oOG el@,

6tl n6cs oe6

CIcs osD@er&D

860o0 olated odooi

eg qlqOco


coould Sga$ oOe; 6 oa ee,$b g

glbOeu ozolO or8 qeoeo eocd @d oe@
66co ge6 etsoelEo ,8tlr .sr6@O OrO otOo@

o6de:6 tsroCIil

@csl oolOo5od q?.

o eaddoocoJ coG 6Q 0o e6ierl6co

eoe6 Oo q ootlC oer;Osjosi ce. eo6eol, 8OOi,

6,s61, aDaDg), e)e ecere 6Dea oqoi er@@d

oer)O gcocs6 Oeoo @)OO). aoq0Ol, gdeot qt
@e)e aDO) eoz@ eeootd O

q 96



,or", kindness

and compassion arise only in a

gentle mind. So, whatever hardens the mind, whatever makes it gross, acts as an impediment to the

arising oflove in a person.

Are they not two acts ofmutual contradiction, rmimaginable to sane mind, to wish happiness
to an animal, a living being, on one day - and on
another to eat the flesh ofthat same animal?
When one speaks ofall beings, there is not
a single species of animal that is not included in that
statement. Not only land animals like cattle, goats,
pigs and poultry but also aquatic animals like fishes,
crabs and prawns are all included, be they big or

t7 016 aaaa....



. offiGdood 60O;oearoE Or)o)d6 r Sb0roearord oolopoca Eppq qdOo oelm eo@o0eD6

oooqdtgod 5b@)o616)d Q,em ododel . 5bg)i6)o)0o ooOqOft r 0q6i og Q,elooto . gm 5b@;oorol66c6J
o Society Ne'nvs + Wbrld Vegetarian Events + Choosing a Name and Pass Word
oo6d gQ 0q& oglo


To Page

og)Od 0oD)0

Paul and Linda McCarlney

coododdco: @olo16o @6dE cl@eoO0o, qlOlbo

@ eozslt 5(5@f,oeof,eD)6 es@6oc5

gdd qoopdq6



2mO cro. - q0,

ttzriazEffifb O4

OoEr6o O@, @ooCIel

'6tJ@oeueoldo oao d0xor8au 85dE0lO'oen @rcod

ocd@d fl rxOS

eamr@oAd cnoOdn


O6QOoO g@o oeem.







ogor@O I I

l.:-'':i1i. i:'


gdo oodo ryo eoo@deo 6offi)o 42 6. @qdrce)o

60@d)O EoeO 66Od 66@:ooeol6 @tDco @9, O
@QA oor @cr @l00d O@ oOOo,OoOe g oaodeD
EoeDd EDOqq o.


oetO oeloOGdg6@



Adod Oqdl

crCI. o@CI AtdoOotodEOmeD

eaOOolpo eoo ot06 eeD6d or dDtet o.

ttzt5ozElfilll 25
oOdde - Ot @ooOB o0oe0 ffiadDleoo

6&ol0ltl 24

i_ 1:



oEazffilll 3
qdoeO 6o0d6 oOeo@ o0ce0 filo@Oo 8Ehi
eaoE0xoo o6o eg0 g0tel an(beoo6 oo dGaO
0l0 ooro6 olo5 Oodo oOOOeOe etfuo
o(oo oqol OoFlth OOdq o6oOm Ooo: oto
ooOg 066 oercelOddo Oeotu emo6 Qo.

oEtlzEffiltl l8

@ep - 00@og 86oO?D

Oe@ - qd)@ A@)do

gda mdGooe eo6oo0d 6O6d 06d oo0fuoo

o6o ee0 oO@cDg oSdA Oq@ g
orOS Oodo o0@dOpod E,
qda O)C6lood O@@do6 6CI

oarilrEffifb 22

- oCIceA oO6 aolelo

daflrO 2[}
oe@n - DGpl@ gfo E0o0el
e06e - 6 O6Oo)d)O6




qD6o edd Etooqde6

DAa)O66 ood Odg,6@6o{D
Grel @ @oo olooi qCI.


ffir=ds titrffi

i]:*ffi*: Ssi;

tgoEdr@od @Odco6 6@

oo Oqdroero 6 0l5
6qoi 660

oarlaEl0U l3



Sall melr *lfiif,$

oaIilZEffiIU 14
&de0oio - q6lo OtDdo
ell0do d:d0or OoddoxDCI


q,ee) giqdl rrmod g@rD

cE)eloO e 6E oEDO@.

OdorDr0b O9

ellDdo drd0ol Eo:6dopo

oEozfflll tE


tfafllO ffi
Oor oor ddOO

oo qda @olDtlo A@AoO

6O6d O6td oAdO?D gq,0odo o(eoem

- 200S 6e$ffi @s$&ea

@6dC oGeoOOo orool (orolo6), oooGp OBd ooo86oio oeool (6o 00cDo6), O06o g6d
rr'r:'"jiro@ded @ool. Oem
E@dag@ Oeool (oO oe60), OoeDrd 6o:dCI oooUdl @euot (eox00ol0o),
i"r ri'6detp
oOdcoe @eool (6o eoldmoloa) oldo o6aod: qda OE&ood O@@dod 60, qoodq, otd@
--*Ooor, OdG Ocooo)dle OCIai@6, gdgl6 q@6erD @tod@6, eDqel aeoeoeo OCId@o. O.ts.od @e)6



o@oo0o, dO


Ootu, 66d q06trle 0006dl

@eoor, oeom

a@ eo@6o : qoa

gO6)BAod o@doxmiq eu&0, aS@euig oCIfu@og OCImr mm 6Od O6ig 6m&oo @CIo:.

60. -


"@q6[ og]0"

oglo' go)@eDo earoc6@ E0o) 01660

(O6@6DO og:ei qo6.) 6r, :7O1- 6.
6'o9 oo8@ (O-CGdloOOod @6oJ1qEd eroO-@ @6d)
o)d0)s)Oer, 6 eoo) 660toeatotd ea@do
3lO, o6'oeOd o)d, 06)00 6

S goel: 6d0:orlm:d o68*

goa! Jli;, eSsBAd e)d. otilG{} C6.




oel 6eloO OOq @coO.

@6600 ocord orboteood @t6r,o0oo
ocd r:OQ 5o qq, o.


o6CI O0
oomo) OO qodoo erc0?, @r60ded effi
Od @ld 6dod oroeD@ oOOeD e0) @dod
66@rceoro:do oreD

oood , odo 6. ooi@ED6 Ego g5@

o156 El6 6OOe er@ E oO g6el6 Oo6@
eDoeDooi eDrCI. 0orod Eo 600 6@eDdrd0
o@o o0@d @od oloeOd O 0066.

poil o@erd eod ogl0o o6el qmld o6 6o: o.

ooDd qooa OM: od
006idO6dod 6dcdr Oc6@O @) d6OO oglOel gOoa o.
mqo0od Erooo @d, @rd, Odel6 ot 600g o@0l6odg
g0d Oloeaod6oe o: ErOOe q, o0d ooo0ao do
qrqgd Seal oelelO og1Oel qpuCIm 6) Eoooqer 0moGCI, ooh@)er or gi580o oo 8oeoe6
o@gbm ogiOel ozOo0 6eoq ei6pp.

eoo@, 60q, gOq,

qr@6oo) E@e effi 0A60065. ry@Goed
ond Q Olela qpofoo
oCIi@0Oe m@6o
e9e0e Eregd Odod eD6Odd eD@
EOoa qr@6ooJ E@e elOooai
08d 1997-2001 eeqor
9egOao 6.
0omi ool 6eion qeojooj qQ
al6 qr6
OrcM Ood 60CI E6Od
0ooo6. o:o:ofiOGo etoOdod
Position of the American Dietetic
obeod @O06to0el Or6ooet
goo@gbm ogjOen o16 6elq
.Association: Vegetarian Diets
ogD0o g0oo o. Eoeffi 6oe oeDA
oel 8ocs8 e,00 @8odelq06oal
ogiOel QOOor Odoo, o@ o0dod
1971 e olo:oDOe
ol00o @omlooOo EqO 6. Eo
Oel Virginia Messina 0ooj06 ee06
o@gben 60@0
BdrdrO@d Q,eoeiell @ @99@ ol
Mark Messina Ooel: 88oi @eel gq
p@oo oo)dell odE gc0eu. o@
qo6o @6d eD60dd 8O odq e06.
gel: odg 0n6. Otoa
Oi8o6d @ @tofi OeD 0O &6ood
qo$od eo@o eiOdg, Qo, a0@,
effi goi0oe6 q gam6el
qo6o 6qd o06. Ooe66, BOOrt
oojol, o06, dOoQ OrO d6e
o6Qdd 90)@60 eo0eo gOaooo
qlofiod oel oom Oon
@6d Ercq eOr Q,o o16 rDd@ ogEeD
o0o4n : 0oD:6o @6oE,
qQO qr6 ErOGooJ g@g qoercod
qml5oo6 50o qqo. oooel@ oCI)o@po
eloOo oo6d oplOo gOoaoD oq6l
og)0o qooa q, oelo 69 o06dod o@



eroOG. OSmt oc@ mCI oOeo O o@ qoq@d

@o o.

o$0o eselgdmo 60@

@5d 6drd0 qr06ooi E@e Sdead o@o gOon
006. o@Offiel oOod ocdr@ 80 e50 6ode 6drd qg

gr5 oo)oa o?6o0e qlCIldooel 5ex5o @ 5oqo06.

goeld oOo gOorood @ ElofiOGel eO) oeD eq 6.
05eor d0:0 g0or qr06oell E@e oeB 6o5. gldo
Ooood o@ oOo @ EOon Oood Olo0o 8od 60el
go0 o. OrQo oooqO Q0@elr Oood EOd o@pp6.
oenO ood oo)opp Ogoqod 6qp0 o@ qOor
qr@6ooi E0@ E0 @ (g@oqO el@ elOo @) e0; oqel

EOoa oz6



eq 0 o<)a ge= oo:omar obodom 06o opido;

0 oOon adlo3 O;6on qo:86emo 5 50fr.
Smo o@ oerc Obo od CI:elr, OgOd. d6g, qrO o:
qe qle qoeld w@ olom$om 0 66o@ p0:errooO
080 oOol:Ood og10o El6 0e o. 05ot oo:omd
orm0boO@o 6q oaCI oCIrgd oelell 80 &ol5oi 0
og)Oai qOorell 80010o6.

12 ee,) SQOO


5a -



Oes tar6guitsoO

56@peoro$o EQIU ogcod oeo:o8. d BQom EeG

ooodei @ @rar O e59. 600:omoes)dc q6o 6&d
r:Omd aer:8 @o q 866q eodel AO eod Eqsfi06.
qo qdre: tadel @:cotp taOcasD 8ftitl edo6mS
60ood e$r cpi6@O Oo Oco @6{, CIO qod
DdOmc G.
66@;oaa:aosaodOod qu6 mde 0O qe:
dffiiCId Ooeap 60od 6@96@o6tS tDrS @ g
Ecrod o0e{CI o@gqred eotocad ogeo o@ o@ ar6l
OoOreOe dca 8@orflo@ 60ta o066. 'Oel gt'

go eooi0el @l66d oe:)0eo)6 Qo ooo66

m@EO ooo eocgmO@ odcod0O ocord moa8d

d eel0e OQq 6f|CIlom:old EETDO

ED6Od q:o@qqe mde A8o oo zod6,
o@>ed cO6.


6@roleaf 0ulot6o


f,)*r,ricl:,.-):: -, - -. - .3fii';rrj E*:, r:tsd* 3#f:fi}$ ijilla,: 3 ?:t . ''. ,ii:O::r:s;-,tl:,::a ES r:5ii*;:l$,,,I:r-;- -:* = - - a
*:' ii;,,:? .3;1. ci, are'S[iJG?] .r};i.j,i,-' a- -. -- .tp; rO. nn l?55.i,ii rel S6; i-'t,.,;-,rei a - : :' : :
irfln *irai.= 5i; Or.r'oalxl g36;f-',,;'.; -{ :1,:: -'- I {?q;-'re:e',:.1] r-:S,S

,tr,-,_;;i&-,j,1. t.I I i
, *,. J\.)l- 1r;:r:Fi.,iJ\:r:rui!


. :. : t :

mge-,; *g ry:*:* fir.g cD iE,:G :.:--:-: =: : - -

1il,.1,S,,1 r-rE,.i{iltr



i: I ?

_- - _

fifiS. e& r-.=:D:,l.=; - , -,::' :. gtiGn

eiCIctr 5cle 5i-:=
e_8 r;rc,:)n
i:t::,1'i?:nci-i i-ttfl


r;:,;,r,.;: 13$i t il{.ln-= il?.:'t =ti* :*', :+Zr1: l'1.r '39t e ,-::, ^. : -= 1 _
:it$, e: ai-3_n-i3 *C.9xm>r,,,; mOEr
=.-:!._-; -..

B$AA O Oo ooeD Adom aDOO


doAO 5 eea Ocar"or6 o@6od oc06 33 OeD oereD 560roml6 es@s@eooo geOCId
el6o edq6. oOlo
edd sdorOeiS es6edeffiCocld 9o<m 085. ooffi
es6g{ eDed em6edaed giolo odeuOotcoel Ooocsd emge po5| o. qeDO Agto g@


OgeF. Sb0remot6eooe 0o 09 og66 eq66 sa Q OAld Cto cl6

000 esrq, oee66 ot qO 06o0e e<n6 E oeu8Eo e qrotd 6. 79
oc06e oe0&5 es6eC Aqd ooSd 0A1006 ooeq6. ftreeud eDo6od S6evremon6
esffi oolo5 ocD @ eu6 Sboreoml6 egooood qf eD6Dl eo ootCI6 q 006.


8el m@oOod qr6 ot6 delot 8el


gboercd elO Oel O;eooo6 (CIdera)Ob @rcoo6)

oq,oSoeo qg'0tl6 eobal 6ea od" el6 eeoo)C
eooOcad oOtlOS. o0o m@gbpn 5b@:om:elr0al
eooOcoS. Eq4 o:Ggelood $oalO po(oee
oOoOel o@O eoge elrd60O Oo(6co eaoOrdemoJ

eoFea:oO6 oooqeD




Oelod gr5 tldorS@ mqeot 56@reom;Oto 6O

qq0eod OO q55. tlffiedtlod oOooo 6D dtl
oorOd eerSd @ SbOroeototOeo eo@gg>o E@otl
cfcD cD. OO e@tld O @aoa 60 oeas0n odq 5ol
Ob0peorol6coO OgOo@ gOeaotO colel tol60 q,
doO Oardo oO@d eiO56.

o0id (Po @o5o oeosOn qO-ro:::,os:: =r

ddoo cnrea oo5O;el 6&eca mo',tix: O5,s


e or6ez::elod SS0xmmrd eroo0o al-VU

mcOOrelm aaog!



ao8O:a': 50 qg e:5

So0rom:o;d n0>dOg Ot,OnOGqOe cOOefn:do mrbcoo gQ s3 Aq AO ooEo8 6cl.q

ezEpp. 6b@:omrord Oa ei:do gOGo 5O0 eoq,ert
dlorajod 56@loeo:ord gdQgeCI eoen oOelo
oeoqro@ q, o@ eo@o CI qr6 odcDA Gr6o. oO@ offi
560>oomrd ooco@co [fVU) go0 OdO 60 eg

gi6 56@:ooxo;Oro o65 6oee dodr6 6OOID

oejo 33 Or5 560>oeoleord eo@o@eelo eDetl
@ot 6OOd qood
aOqqOe Oegcltl eoefidO:tlcld oem orQd6@O
eooeordao ooD0>elo Ooocod


e. - q6d"

6b@poroio oe:bgxa

3&q. Wbelejffik

CI a6o&eCIee 1997

Sbq oo engfur edssl



@r Ecee-;cd g fi.e.,{ffi6u. eetri Gdf* &gABe;ep effieror: ceq
@si6s1o{ffSdoi o8 ee5cedffi el &d.Scers axeBn 8mrr": ES6. s@@ 6mac.J g$ae,,}"s@rod geB oqor
Sb8peoxar6ootri aO6. S,nlecd $eE ao6es qle.")6 f h*g Gad@d g 5hr"otslro{$6. AAS-6
oehsd Sb,p*xrxl &$e*s eq$ ffi ,oeo CId8o6 Snxr ffiei e,A fird 8e n"6er*el .rs Gq bQ;A *4,(d
sff,B Ei,r. ssot e-#Had i9S7 eEx.-ael:: uel i.]::fc:rii/rgtt:;i'rnss@Sa{5 e6eq e*E ffidA 3Es5 fieJe,



gq &hocrfu5 oa'ffep B5obss{r8.


og$@l @oisl E@tse"ryce oca oar Eqi

88ae Sode qooroo qdaa tseen6. e6
ooOges @ftesdDxrra gq,6e eog8t:i edO S6@
ge6 qfi mlaeffim @@q ee$&l 8@ftq ogiaa
emxstl &b66aad Eor qedt*6. 1905 f oeasdd
oS EcEeoerEdO Smre{.5 q aabffiaoordecflerl
offierle S ege# offiA @erd@crocd eerqqd e5
se5id obesi EAed ql6@m m:oe* gq g&aorO

@ebt @ffii ccdeeo6

sDere" ccQ 6. oed ec#@d
eoroood 6a ocog@ 60 d qA& QGeil 860r
eu6 @ exooccd ercodeDod e6A cood abS6oed
eorodccd ccu@ er6&tld O cr@rDO@ OO O




6tl oaqo qE oelloel etlo 6&6

gtl) ege@ cs. ooeo6eil @ o@ gtogro@d @qPO

oroP oolocol co6cccl6 cc. ro.otSoelo el)oo6ce$

SOmc: p@oCIed qg& t oglol @e5sl 6ceq

@OrdOleoco AoO sd Eco" egsi o6a
GbgpCI;offim go@r: 66@0 eo:edgOd qdQ
@Easffi?r Bscs (s[sj o&rceri e:{5} @ee}r, g

to6CI ge66@ 6col @ApO oco)O Ecorg oerco

Ooxscco erd o qrod qeg @ffi oqD@,

@dd oaO ceeD oeod ere, oc66 obrooc5

ogq6c oq o6ccail q6o coc6 o.

afisffgnnfi gQdoti

o@sd a.

fid#xm:ssd 868flgr
Vegefariar:r Fssd Pyramid

016 \
deo or,O



DairyProducts \


VegetableOils \

ry0& oS

OCPo ot

qooUo / od


Seeds /



+o d6E aos


Dg6i ffi pg


SOq g@ @dmd"

{r8OsO nco8o oeah:. o0dg"

66e ryoao qoni


oao EbooO qmd go:d



Legunes \

gom CImr+
q6@ Oxra el@ qde0o g0ni aam6 s:d,





\ \.




@oetO, oslo@ q:Q,

Eeo" ffi@" eg" mBE" @a,

oab8, qQo 6. oCIto,

mO oO meueDr


7 $Qo flOtda..




6a. - qoo.

da*rt *8 8a a I

tr86s #Bffii qda @aflXtu CI@Oafi

zop q? OoEO gded ?szr) zllalat'zluf


OOeoccolEgO dzrd@ Boc6 Q{Ecod qOe> OaJsa'J

?tr-ao. e"zocoD oOe{Ocotd ar4zrl a1O dzo QoO



Sesd6 ozrJanc

Bo qnfozlioo}


W8oa'Jzrrc OO cs. dca Qg,erOcoO OeD goDoco

8. gal op1 @O zod:lJsaj o"o 69r,r Ocd orlJae
ao qdSO cs. oal86i cop cae{a aqrocdecd
q8Dcg@ 8. ozrJ8el qa6al og$ OltrI:r OOO
ScoaJeal cszse8o B5zxso oQ zoda'r eges 8.
qB eOco ogp Oa.r Ezecaqco cca3 ooa.r qlded
og OO qz8.o ge gcdrlco8. <o@ oqcszo etg;$
Olzrlar Ogocd dE g?ar O Olqod q"oco 8.
Sat8?rl arOg6<r oOe{o taqcocdrd9zo qB

alOldoO 6d6cdOzo tt"ocs Ogoc{ 8cog

oQ E6o co.
8Bo<,sO oood gcScoO oQ E6O ?tO g
qdoaocJ Qecocdcc qa 8od Boo a1@8 oa'Jarc
oa{ @ qzr} 8<,og gcdzr} a 8od BgO zolo8 ao
gullz@ 80 <o. @d6c,o dooan dar qQ$qQOgO
qe: qO cEa.r O Fco oO$. qoO o@al @ qaJ
e%oo q SBaca 9o o- S8acs ozoodE qood
qczogl'ocs B6dEeoa'J d ozoodE qarlc,rrrled
qczogloco qoO qa oa eolEco. dE qoco OOeoc
o?D o6A cc. @go@cs eg Ood 6EgaJo toc

gcda'Iocd SBzx,ro

gagzrJ oancOa coa: o@ erzogBo 88a'J eoo 8od

0oo qE q88cs 8EoE8.
OEg oo 6ooai oeoaJoa$ ezsfioo e1O6
Bocs zoc er$ eta zocdcocs Qso, 9oA @dc
qOOo end8 AA oqOo': olEed dd4Oco dco
anozac EOal c6la3 AAO qg Gx. dd4@c EBg
olES@d oacOlE O 60 qoarzr 5co. gzrJ og

dd a166 ddoq

g "Oceic6r" oeood
E4d zoo)C <,r. dco I


"c6'ic@6g" <su: qceqco

qa doO gEeocesco.
dsod qq 8SO qdod



q? q@d 6Ae{A

O qEOc6csscoal O o@ai gO@ Ezrer

oq<,: 8$oQa ao oOtsg Ec,:a co. qo q6O
zodaJsal q?raA oBzrl Scsg (hzD. Ooc$ Bod



eco e qr8 qt dtcoO oaotocd qerO

o@canOc q? @cga} eer>J

qdzrO qtoO?rJoal

cro @and sancor,sd ardalO dc8?d OQalod 6,q6ce

4eo S8ged ozsoed q? Op?rJ e@ o4af zl@al @
oarcQQ Oo tsaxo8. d zoc6cc OQal @ar qca
6Oc ndOc sozl EoD.
@qd Szac OeaJar. gqect Oozrc BE6oo
s@a: qo a@ Oa$ SoeC 300 @O>caila>c,r Oar
Bo 8Ed qocsai goc a Og 6se) Q-.d
AOd q zodaJoaJ- EseC 600 d soan dO <o.
gEtr} d qA 96 @d6 a"Orcoo OoEO gdod

Ozo QzlzoO ?rtaot?lfgO socrJ OaJsaJ A9?sJ a

aezrJzl. g8de Be$@odazs Oaro: Eolzo ce.
go9 Ezrec oqc,: B@oQaor 6?8 EoOzrJ

esqai qpoO E6O OO zodooa r,oanOr zrrO OO

Secg B oDqdarzo a6ala6 EsdCB ocOcszs olOS



Ezrec oqocJ e:Og6o q6or.r 4od

@gddce6af OeoaJsd OOzo EgconI
ela8zri soa'JOc Errr. gOO Ezer oqc.o 8@oQzr
zalrrldzm oa'rczodan zocdcocoal 4ard So5. <:9
o1A o Og E8o4 OdzrJsrrJ zqzr. eqogo Og
E6ztz$e eOc OdOrrJsrJ otr.. ArrFAO Og qzrf
qco Q6O zodar BO 60 qpAg eqzrleal a1a.
a6ocoo e1Q cq8 Eorar sO 6eO es4zrl qgeoo
zoda'r "saedOoa.J" EEozlc ede"coaxo zDdalcz;J
o@ 4afOar zopdoc,r 8.
dseoa} Eq ogCz:rod eOr{O szrrcOan
qlO6zoc Odesd danerqr,r, $desd dcdOcEco,
BedoQcecO OrE qoOe{O dOOg Egeo0rrl
aOBa9saJ 4Od qB eoez$o OezrJar. @ 6009
dzlcsc gza oe6Ea} E6@c"escoc6zo Og?rJ AAA.
eB OQ?IJ ogoed zsrdaisaJ? o4zri z*1o98 qB
Eco@ efltocOce OOoc oIEOO OBai oOai eoa'r
EsOa'r Ea:e 6. e:dalO ococ8og, .or8 8<ry1
Orcerc6zo addcanOg zodscoan cl3 gOalarc g
gld esczaar $c,:cO$ccO EB seaE:rJ croi es0A?0
8OO OOg qzq@E oOE. qado a4rrl ozoCO
o<6Eai Ode q69 toc gc@za O SgOzr axdold8
dc8csO ESeeesEzrJ Od tsOOd OOO epal qs
zo1@lzrlzld a1o.

8Od OOO arqa'IO q1E q88oo oQ A6Oo

OBg gooar oEOzrJ 8DE. do@6d q oacsD.
O$zrloozri oOcseoC oqoa'rd SOaJ e)oc oOal zod8.


eOcoaJanc 6o26, A6

oczoceoc6zooa'J (SozrfOQzrf)

8"4:co q@zrJ


es@6d satcO es4alod 8,6a6;.

9zr qdtoqc Ogc Edercqaxe zodzr goq BgS?rJ
qcQco o6od6co E6O a qdq6 qO8. o4zrlo
BOd BoO eoc p1d OOO ed satc8 83OO ErE
g88<.oO OflaJ qnfoo: oO scosdOo qcqdrogd
oqcod sarcoO q? e@co I EcsO q8"ascO.
r,:@ oe<dO gcQce

OA o0e{O ,ot8 Ecoc oafarOc a:@

olEO OoD g4zo,t9E.
"$ozoCO o6e{A 9o"eo" cea:cQc,r o1a'r zs'rOc E6@
aOzac qgg QarB.

pldabo<szr} oracd gceocd

8<dOacasod o8zrr S6zrOzoO qeeod

qcocdcs eqzrlalS 6@0 gOnI a1zr. doe3 E5<,1 Q

oOc n9c oogooai eszl4 88azrec.:O erd

qtofq8 sas8@o Eryzrlo Er,rO a6 EzE
7 &@...




6 ateod--



ecSos Se cs. s@ Sodo qoodceO ESoraJ $Oc

OzlJa Oea'Jsa'J 4gz:: oad4Od ECIc q? BEcoalo


qcocdcozd ozaCdc o1E@o eolg gozs}

o 8cA. e:4zrJ zolo9a'I oc qpalo es4al zq8o@zri
gcSeoczr<oO EAAg qgO OgztJO E8g q8Ecod
ay.zD. EryafOd qesOd qcocdo BOOarc 618

5OO EBg gOd a1E Oo BEcozr} gzazo


@?t pqe co. ts4o* @16ogzrJ GloOar qcacd Eryzrlo

Qeq8oo 68oral 9Q6esd oarc6<o g?t r,l.
cj8 eEEJ gcoc,rC6zo Bood 6oc'rd
o1E@O qOc oE$. 8og esdalOcsaJed SSzrOeO
oQ A6@ oed gcd@ozo Scoc Eocezs} qB zod$.
oOorjO<oa 8.rg oqzs>o O es8cozoO Q-d

+1e6 8A9O goo olEO oeg

o. oesogdcqc qor-s ogoC E&9c"e,:cocd

Qacs zodozrlzr,. oOsoi qB a:o esogoc3 Q arcdl4zsr
Q8oooOzlzsi eOa <o?rr co9a: qdO$. o0 og::J

oz:l Scood

@oO 8ela} qoo a:B O dg gc6cosod OrE

gdozri co9:rj E59O .tB oOrrOc q7-o. erSO pg
o6ocs 96r I gldzabocrai o:acd grald o1E9o
qoo oazsiScs eloOr:oc e1or. eo19 E&9c".sctocd
es8E63zrJ g oO o6QOc.: dz:elrO oOzl ooan orc
gq co. dBO qed oOar dCOc qcd@o I qzE
OOczrJ oocq ogCzoornl zsldc 8c,r a16,9O qcocd
9::r goEE gosacOdo EAa;e O $coc zogc
OzrJsaJ o. ogcO EEJ E<o qE"esc gc8cocsO qOA6o
Oar Bo.oOe{coa} o06'zo-l E"escsD or escoasoJ
gc6ooc,rE dq 8Og o:d0 ooJ qoccorconJ color
88cs unE q?
a:OaP zodl<6zoP @ta o9zoP 6eO
zolQziloa@. qcO geel O 8689 selcOD es@ozrJzrr
qcoc6 EoqOc ozrJa:c qgdl gooa o1E@ qe:op
oqorzsi socoD. qer q.9 sarrlcO @ oocQ ozocg
5zod, a'.,e6t $d1"oc o1e<^:d, OlOozocd, Ocd
@6ed OaE deog EEerced qi: ooodsd otoC
oeCOSOg OOc oIEOO AAS Ol6zo9zsl zt:to.
69o6l ooC Qdzo6scd o@oc ooc @?D eDlE co.
qOror OaJszrJ eej 8zod, soc@ 6zozsJ, oqd
SzozsJ eoc zo@Q@zs:o9oi ozlcd 8@ o@<5E. ogoed
oO Eocoal seoC scooaJozr} oosod zoaacezocQoceai
ozacd 85gg dcogot:rJ q1@6acoD or OeJoQt<.:csO sOea:ar qcc:zocszl} @O a"gtD a-.,6 EoD.

qoef I doO e)c,r r,t6an 6aloao1E <,:8 @O

E88oozod oac8za6.
o@ 8689 q@td qcocd p9coo eo-16o@
8ooa: $cocd9a E69 esqoc qoor 8<og 6oge
Edgc"esceoc6zo $<oczoc6al B8zri zllg; $A ,ot8
90 oorCdarc zs.60. e) esqeoc 8c,:<oO Scocod @
eseoc<,r B9O 9@ zo1@1doza@. e@ gartod QO8:l
e08co gEocesocoE o15 zocgood ag obl ?o
E"escsOa'J szacd 5Oa @cSocsO alOzl soat ds@
zoc6,o,o qo dzo} dzoJszoa:c aO eoe{o@zo ooEO
OOO eszrJzsld@D




a$ac,! E<,rr






tazeard6cc6. "@gtr@) @eilOp g6uD)O dOrocod

caOODEil @eD)O qO6)$eo oa$ogccril q 8co ge cc"

to6 e66 gED)@c06. eg @oOdd

oE 6orco @e)O OO) 45O roO OcE ococO?e
odOl qrooo q qOegcreD qlc'ltleD god roduoail
q eroffi) @roeD co6. @@o)Gd eeDn$ AdoAq)ecc.

coedo qcce AAeil

1997 @fiq co@o@goocd g toOCI @e

gO)el olbcccorS Qoci 6b@lo0)eo)6 *66@Occtf'
CIGedO) eO cc. (oerlo@ OelO eCIeilgeD AO
qQ@O6J eol Oc6ocoed


q)eD)O qeee)AsD

O qdOO coecD) 66@Oml6 6z cooeod sco)e,)

coc6o 66o6.) @@ So@o@cosJ @creilo) @qciCIe,
5b@)"6)er)6co ocosOr co@osJeo

gbdu Olor


@@co <oc6@O6

659 Obo q6ole@


coCIge OO cc. (dOr Oc6ocod @ qlcoE o6og6

cy0"cg Oco g,r2 OO ra.) g96uoc,ool oqOeD dOpcc

('tDeorod OgOO cD) o@eoc co. qdOea dOmco

6@ osioeil (ag, oolOod e oq co6o) qco


(tle, g6cooldtl e)e) 6e






@eDd @rrd co6tl

q)CI)O qaSO) qud@d qO('?, @ oolOo Ooeod

to.OA ea@ dOdcr Ocoocoeil coCI er.6 q)er)O
ocooco6. 6od ool eQ@o6i co1600 6bo{rs

qcdod erc6

Obro cc.
oboc5e6u op

Oco sD.@


34 d q

@crldob 40 d e gQ6od sDO 646D.

@ddob6 Ecdo8qpod OeAd@oJ

@OrdOmod 6@an qO?lcoeo &oara OBeil

ge6cad EDoeD eq *@a$dob8 6b@rcoxol6
obocie@c,r" q Otod 8cc. g66o06&3 6sD)AsD
76172 @qoqeDaD@(d @coeAerco eD) g)e Sdgoo




e g6od to6o gg taod

Ocqrod eboc{o6oco6. oOQeil qo6eil 27BOB

ogooa$ 6b@)"o)eo)6oocol Qeo. o@rQe$ oco
eg6cg 10.6 rJ tDg .sDOeD gq o6deduO@d
@CIe o gcdod oggo@ eoaqco oOIoO@d @co
6co co"oaD @rcoxol6accdocd erq)g co"o6)oo
O@t 25% 66J eQ.O oco6 Oo co. oo D)ecc
q, 6b@l"co)CIl6toccd@d cse?gbdu @@ co"OarO
@pcoleorOtoccdord OO@ co"O?s)OO OO) 6cooO

I 6d



xg,"tslr@ uiOOSo {Nuts) grolotd g5J @e Ocoocstrl


oOo dOOg gr@sIe, oOr6flriO, eoJco6ferO, SdOGoooJ

qrf, oorocoal giOOJco OEg O qpeoOcoO

Oarobu il60Ear6 66


2000 6n.




.j-- 1i.,,.



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"r i

:.1.'"i rr'ilrtli

Silverdove Congress, Chiang Mai, Thailand* - Feb l4-lg, 2000

Vegetarian Tour of India - 5 March to 20th March -organised by Stephen
Abelsohn, Supporter (Life Member) of IVU.
34th World Vegetarian Congress. Toronto, Canada - July i 0- 16, 2000
8th EVU Congress, Turkey 2001
Silver Dove Club which supports holistic lifestyle and education,
vegetarianism, nature and energy,'healing-methods, is founded by Katherina
Bless (memeber of lvu council and its co-ordinator for natural therapies). She
is the chief organiser of this Congress. The Assistant Organiseq Adjarn
Kanokwan Ukoskit, is a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of
chiang Mai, a cancer survivor who helps raise awareness about healthy eating
and lifestyle and owner of a vegetarian Restaurant. Gen. Saiyud Kerdphol.
former Supreme commander of the Thai army and first president of the Thai
vegetarian Union - a vegetarian for 20 years - is the honorary chairman ofthis

r : i l t l t i,-:l'-.1 : it; r r: i-.,' ;::l,.it.i,.,,,.,,.,. ].

i.', :r;i iit":i, ri;!r, r. ;,,,,.,.,;,-1,1 ; ;i i, ;;,-.



World Usgerarian fiuenrs


iiiis er:ir;ii:i iil.i ilrt

':; ta i :i l'tl lr:is it i


The new IVU Constitution, adopted at the end of Ocrober 1999,

abolished the roles of President, Depury President (preriously elected at !7orld
congresses) and General Secretary (appoinrcd by dre International council). These
were replaced by Chairperson, Depury chairperson and Secretar); all to be elected

by the I,ternational council. The council held rhese elections in Decemberlggg

and the r<sults were:


Secretary :

Maxwell Lee Depury Chairperson: Keving pickard

Hiren Kara

Most of the work of the council has now been shared out to rhe Membership
Secreury(Tina Fox), MaqazineEdiror (Paulrirner) and rhe Rgional Representatives
(for Africa, fuia, Australasia, Europe, Larin America and Nonh America

t,.r gr{j,:!'



i"er.l i Li.lri,'


ilis i;'r:r eii

6'ri"aci-i ct:,i i- i : rii rlsLli li i



;1,;i--li ieirriII ;r:ii r.l'ii,.",,ir;g t;l

glains J,-:i' ;:nir"i,.i:i i';tri
rlecessii::i!: tit* it:if of
enolrjlilul ari':Gi.tlits ol' i-,rssi I
fuei and wiiter ai:J titus
'-rrt:irihrt{r; 1t) Sirrhai i' inliirlj

d :rhart;r ge i-ri' poiah i e *'ater

the abo'ie practices also

i'rr;uirr llre , i'ri:c ol'truissir e

qlrrrultic. .il'


-rveeclicides atd sucir other

Irarrnhrl substanccs

With oniy

% of the grains and

iegumes fed to factory farnr
attintals. lire enl ire l or iti carr
be letl n ith nurririorrs good-

qualitl' vegetarialt food; not

doing this is one o{'tlre chief
reasons for world stanatiorr
and malnutrition.

ffeOiterroneon OegJest, ffofto


The Mediterranean vegetarian festival in Malta was such a

success that plans are already afoot for a similar event in southern
Europe at the beginning ofApril next year at the seaside resort ofpiran
just a few miles south of Trieste.
The Maltese event, which ran from World Vegetarian Day through World
Farm Animals Day, Gandhi's birthday and the Feast of St Francis of

Assisi, certainly provided something for everyone. participants from

more than a dozen countries and three coutinents converged upon the
smallest nation state on earth for what turned out to be the happiest
and most united veggie gathering I have ever attended - thanks to the
warmth and kindness of our Maltese hosts as well as the glorious
weather and seaside location.
The inaugural ceremony set the tone for the whole festival,
with Francisio Martin and Marcel Hebbelinck both in sparkling form.
French veggie chef Jean-Claude luston s food was such a success that
the hotel manager now wishes to incorporate vegan dishes in the
standard meru - a development barely conceivable even just a few
months ago.
The quality of the speakers brought considerable media interest
and the VegSoc have been given a weekly television slot for the next 13

weeks as a result. So quite a lot was achieved in building on the hard

work of the local society and bringing the veggie message to a culture
traditionally hostile to it.
fcourtesy: IVU oN-uNE Newsletter, Dec. 1gg9- comm,nication from vanessa clarke.J

do. - qod.

(Hyde Park, London,

3 1 st


December 1999)

Timed to coincide with the first dawn of the year 2000 on tlre other side
ofthe planet, at noon Greenwich mean time, the Millennium Vegetarian
Rally in London's Hyde Park organised by Nitin Mehta of the Young
lndian Vegetarians was the culmination of a world-wide year of pledgetaking launched at the IVU World Congress in Thailand this time last

Despite freezing weather and transport difficulties, vegetarians and

vegans travelled from all over the United Kingdom and, indeed, from a
number of other countries, to see the young oak tree planted near
Speakers Corner rvitlr a time capsule containing the text of the pledge.
Blessed by members of all the world's major religions but above all by
people gathered to express their compassion for the planet and all those

with whom we share it, the tree should get off to a very good start.
There was live music and dancing by Indian school children, spoon
bending by Uri Geller and a beacon lighting ceremony, as well as poems
by Bernie Laprade with a plea for a change of heart by the carnivorous
majority: "The challenge is to make them see/ Way deep inside their
head/ That the Universe is countin gl Every time they eat the dead."
Mahaveer Awards were made to a dozen major vegetarian, animal
protection and environmental organisations, including the VSUK, and
to four outstanding individuals - including the indomitable octogenarian
Joan Court from Cambridge, founder president of APE (Animals, People
and the Environment) and Francisco Martin, President of the Spanish

Vegan Society and until recently General Secretary of IVU. So

members and affiliated organisations were well represented.


It was particularly encouraging to see the Jewish and Muslim vegetarian

societies represented as well as Christian, Buddhist and Jain

organisations, to name but a few.
(Courtesy: IVU ONLINE NEWS, January 2000 - Communication from Vanessa Clarke.)

We apologise to

be six


(In our last issue we published "The Startir-rg of a Club" by Madri Ratwarte.
Madri for u,rongly prir.rtir-rg her name as Mano. The following is the second part of her story)

ds were im l{e

il's and Dulip's garrlen

the next day. They ciitnbed the lat fie nncl nncitnt
m,aliyn. tt'ee, which seenced ta be aln,n),s in bloonc.

7-he old branches welle s0 thiclt nnd strong, the

chilrireu wnhesitntingly curled up here and tbct e on
tberu, reodr for the all-irnportatr.t tash af choosittq n
nntru.c for theit, chtb.
They oll had ideas and tyere irupariettt to
spenlt. otrt, but since only one should spenlt at n tirttc,
llahen n,ent Jirst. "Do yott think 'rre should elect a

pttsiient?" Ihtruali and Neil objectecl. "'Epery one

sboulcl be", Neil explnined, "othetwise tbe
gresident will stayt ordering us nbout!" All of theru
agreeC on thnt. "Where shall we tneet?" n*ed Saro.
"14,rhnt about tbe ruangl tyee L7t Mahen's?" qlueried
Ranjula. "It is safe anclwe cfi.n lnt nnflngoes in se asun!" 7-bnt wns also



llanjtila soid ngain, "Shall we call ourselt,es

the Fntuotts Six?" 'N0", snid Sara f,rdy q-hnfs
lilee copting Enid lilyton'. <I suppose thc prizeninni:i, n ill baye ngaod. idea", sntiled Mnhen loohing
at l{eil. ldeil swwnq om a brnnch, hung his head.
dot n, clinging ttghtly'psith his anhles ond sairl, "Six
wonders sbsll n,e be, or showld we be the Tiee Top
Pops?" T'hey tcok fi rlte antl clecided orc il,te lntter
nfitue . The password was Skeet, which renlly Jacl ruo

nteaning and therefore wcls so attynctitte. llanjwla

tpns pv|ud thot that w*ns her su&lestiLn.
They all statted d.iscussing the lntest cricket
netys. "Oo?s", saicl Neil, as his specs fell off his nose

inro the tall gt,nss beneatlt the tree. Tbe chihlt,en












2000 esc@6cOr E, @r6cOl Ez

gq ogeer@ob 3i. @oei:Q]o oor qq er6eoocs
Ag sD@aeED)O ood 506D). 6c oe, Oo o@
tlo5doco o16 g0nl. @6dg 2ooo olo 06@socs
esc@6o 6qer) eqlol@ @06)0). 2ooo olo 66c
666u q6o@ esqOd o0loeoi ogell 6,{ql9 oogl.
@6dg o@EDd eo6 oqesd 6@6 CIOooe, q6oeoso
OQ,coO eseQ Oel Ood et@ O6qd 6)Loc. oaO((q
SocssJoo q@d coeo oqet) t>od aolocd o6
SOtlcoso coqo g6@ ooel tlrel 6.
Ogdo, 20oo eor@6@ eaqeol oaolEoo o@
coqo5 @6elol q? eeg6i, oood, coorosi, es6d
ErQ oqsio eo1ocd Qo S8tlce o e6@ to6ei:ol
@6eorccd Oo q)eD)O



@ 6.

qB o96zd osoe @oet @d @P 8se@

eo@gbduoceo5 o elodoQ.

o@ Qorcolooi ergQ coOeoel qOeosS eo6d@s5

aolOc6tD ed@@ gQ6erol eoo@6j.



o@d oceoc, oao)od geed oefeoor5 co6@tl

oo odtl @Cod eo6oooeil. o@od oceDo oto
co@otxsd. qB eo@ooo ebood ototJ EDog. oo
oos{o oodo ggOd; 6oig, @oerel ggoil,6aA
oeol gdgl@ oc6@ooa$ ooeilo ggod. O ean6
q)ooo e65 gdnd o@af eDteDc, ooefocd
oosoofiGo coldtlao6zd 6cog Edo ee6 eo@
aoOc@ EOtlocJ eraocdo@sJ @ eErood D6D oto
tl@6 Ocqod.
o@ood o@oJoo odc)tto od o)g eE
Ocoocoeil g6ooto eoqdocd 6o Ooq to6 rod
gcoo 2oo0 ebOooi to6sJeD ggod 6@il Aee,t.
OooolO o@ elO eoeogooc5 OOO coaQ cOdt
ggO6i o@oJ SEoO@O qeoco q;oco Eefo 6cer.
do @oE coldtlaoOcclo to6do ggod rlQ o
eexoEcs 6.
o@ e0o@ oOd oe"cod coeoil sDoreo
6el. d @d @lg, Odo6 qlo tozo@d caOEbeoocsd o Ozg6gl eeQd OGsi Oin$ot cold@o
6o@eD@coer @ocd es9q66co ooeda, 6eil9. 6AA
cseo gdel@ eodSo @eod 66crtil oeo oo. o@
g"E ooO ocSd oco d qcoDO O@6il 6o ml
aol6zdo o@lod - @q6c ogrffi oqdeo oodecd
cod6 e@6oJ @o@eo@coel oo 66 66od coAatilta

Oocd @ <od6cod.

coqeD). o@ q6oeon

eoqoi O @61 q@o5oen @6gsJ 6,d O 8oz@O co6J5)

6eo 6. @o toQoe eoO @d @)g sDerO) 6csdooJ d
eeqd @6o5eaO oa$ O @ eQO@ Q@d. ooeo@ el@
@o o6doel 2ooo me@6@d oelrcE, @6) q,O@a$.
@o olocdd eogeooJ EEordD)o 6ocoelol.
o@ ao6z6plo glocolGao eotlar,sd mg eocdedd


2000 Ogreoro6lfriQ,
6b@ramtO eo@6oc5 tooE{D eoqet)
qlq66cs @OroaU eo@(t 'eco gEgntcoo
6c,ol qq e@C.S 5b@roml6 eo@6co ffioi gEDCo
soog go0 Qel gbcoolco @(re, osiel 6. 5 eel
gbcoexe e)EDb@6cg @. d qlgobefic: ooe eb@d
ood omq oogl. q6e@ee@d gdeo@ SsiAocod



ffitloeo qco5oo
@ qlgoco sDOg @o O@a 8O5i O 609 E6dO

oso ocoirro. dso cnOd 6ocoolo,

Oo qDlbco 6.0A0O.
eeotl 6qeDd gtolcocs.



@qOc oepobi 4o1...."

"@l @d @ld oelrmdoo5 go5 e0

8g oE cE coo Oce 5ol oal oO.
@d @r@ bto eou)d@cd @o6rc,:o
edo: oel orO5."

o6tsasrJ eedoq mr6d mrob qroeoelol.

2OOO e@qOd eost oOgt. oOolql Oocs5 O 6Oc
e)coeilO), Oaeorgt coerO). Oso qtllmo co@d to@d
6tlel qco o@oeo@ CIeO soool qoO oOdor qr6
'coeoogidorqco' oc6 ooenoi eEE ao6doel.

Sod e565 eroSooi @rce oggo q)@) erqg

Qel qbcoexo. d@d csOpd 9"0 gtorcocad 6ocsool.
o@ gmlcoco toogl 6ocoded SEooeO q)qoco
roOg obolt6 oei 6coot qlbco6so erlorsoOrOl.



60. -

"6dq @ocs5 cor6oOI. 9@ @osi col

Od e msioef"

q eA

e$@tl so6c6Dloo6i

q g@)



QE orQgOaoOI Eero ecodOea eozO.

"oc,ol6col t @) 6cog EEsi eg6i, 6cog

SOsi t>@l agtli, qr6 oo g6erol."

S 6sje qxo@ocssi eceo o @G)o @o)@ctl
@qs)) q(DC,3 eooo'eocoo{6ol'&oet ggEDo gdo@cj





@O oelt@c6co gb)6.

6co)ofi$ oqenl qc8@gl 6b@l.oleol6 Qel

qbcoexs gd@erO. q.o5 oOe4lo OO) t 66@ er6gC
qgd 6"oaoojOoces5 oo16 coeoero5 ffitlced 6@Oe

(Thou shall not kiil)

qoddolod 6o0o10l. g6oeoo Qd 6b6o Qd

EOtl ercocd@d coee, @eelcoel olo e6gO ocelQ
odosi 5b@reoxol6o 88tlcs ooot6.
qa@6eoio gc6 6oo6d q qzoadod
6oeoodo@cnsi ot lO Qd oeosOr eo@eoio Qd
E8tlcsd oOtl @6col ocotg8o EEoe Q 9oo5. o@
a@oso olboi 66exod SQ6D) 2000 gs)ot5 oz
e6e eilco@s)6. Sor qcqgd 9o6f, edod e(E@de,
eoodoo66nco CIOel CI6t@Q)O 0ocdercoocs6. go@o5
ee6tl eoqerd gtoxaco q O@ gOoj qot6o Od
to6@d do:@Ero8Qcsapocod oo)dcoo Ecogq
o@oeoO6sil gQ oaolo 6Qdnt.

"qc@6aolo8 oc66Ocsd tl@ qozodo

6b@loeo q)CI)o e@@d ea)g@o e6 g6ocd
ocgg@ erqerO). qgsiecd @d sso OooE <o5
qdoc6 6b@ro qleD)o Otl c,:coeel 6do co@eroJeit
gcocoO qOc efgO ocorQ 66@ geo eal@oj"

d eo@l6oc{ @6dA @el)tDto) eor6g

qodOlOeo eeqo5ocsi 6,@trO @cq eertl eag,
ogfuocoo @d@ sD6o oaO eoedOg 6do:d
Oeododocd gcordO@ Eced Oo: OO 6cscooo
'0609oo5' Oel ob@ erlocod.
eod gdel@ eodSo'eococ @q6d' goSelOl
eootld @6@@to)0 6,Eo qc6 Oel o8qorcE 6ecoo
ogodeo@. S qcs qg@tl so6sJod ercetc g)cD)oco
oqeor eoqo5 oe6o. oQo5 o@ grdoco Qol ogdoeld
'q)og)eee' Socoe qadO ooi6ecs6d.
OcgO @ oeol6 qloo@si Od qerO gOd
g)ao,L EEtl Eotco so6dol. ooeog)@ o@ oo
eoeo6moc5 qel sD)o6i gcotd @eD)q OtO eoOde,
gAO6j. S tl@6 q6oeoso eoqdord SEtl Ooxo
65o@sJ qer Ocgooo: qtl6 @ georcoo5 06d
OgdO co6o6o@ @c6@o eQpdo eg0e oet)go.

roQOcd @d@lg eoeo@d

coeog@ @ Ocgoop...... eB @t6coi
OmO Ooq oOgl oo@$oced gdtl
ogftoced e@qo) OrA 8069"
oqrq66co @oeda, 6qO, 6dg, gdgl@



QEd oeooiodO
oc,5gd 6ded oeododo

qB qcdoO @ glo@ao oOQ

e66co 31 oelql od E66o@ed oOeaqlo

ool Ecolg qlqxe@d gcQ@l 6csgl S oaxrE
so6e, qco 6c0ero qrooelol. S 6{od@d d oot@gl
6o0 6.olod OcOtogi 6c,:ol Oao6. eedq @69
qco Etlod oelloo6 Sol Sq6eg esd@Oeo codq
oeooerd @ S eleraob@roo eoQ@. o@oo@
soo so6 ers5eo@ coelOt er@@ cselOl oo)86) ceelOl.



eo?s@G) dO6eecoo

oq8ced oeododo
eeeOe @@o ecaeD)O

qlgoce aog eordoaS o6




o@@ 6.


6odel Oel oo16


qQO OrgOd


eo@lod er@ 6oco6 6csgl.

ee oeg oer8od S S
rocel 6coel to6c@


2000 erCI aerBmco qrO@eooc5

"66;6a, 6etD61 f,6 sEDl."



oQtod oto@ qOcol

otoo66 @ssseo eoa6o66 q
oerOdoqd 6cog eoolocod oooo6
qer6om o@d 6tl oodo."


"q@@) oso@o:d

'*t '*t

'*: '*p"*p '*: 'l: 'l: 'Ip '*p"*p"*s''*t '*p'd;"lp

;+" r+",+".ft,{,. ,f- +: ;f,,t; ,i;,t; ,+; r+".t",f

dy! 6'*! 6v^! 6.Yt 6.rt 6.[A nl" 6J' GiJ.O 6r]. 6.*t 6fY.o 6I 6.Ib 6',il. Orc C{A
cri9q1! e1i e19et:g ef.g.:t:oq.,913 e1g(!T"9q 9q 9s es 9s-19s !


dD. - qog.


(Hyde Park, London,

lst December 1999)

Timed to coincide with the first dawn ofthe year 2000 on the other side
ofthe planet, at noon Greenwich mean time, the Millennium Vegetarian
Rally in London's Hyde Park organised by Nitin Mehta of the Young
Indian Vegetarians was the culmination of a world-wide year of pledgetaking launched at the IVU World Congress in Thailand this time last

Despite freezing weather and transport difficulties, vegetarians and

vegans travelled from all over the United Kingdom and, indeed, from a
number of other countries, to see the young oak tree planted near
Speakers Corner rvith a time capsule containing the text of the pledge.
Blessed by members of allthe world's major religions but above all by
people gathered to express their compassion for the planet and all those

with whom we share it, the tree should get off to a very good start.
There was live music and dancing by Indian school children, spoon
bending by Uri Geller and a beacon lighting ceremony, as well as poems
by Bernie Laprade with a plea for a change of heart by the carnivorous
majority: "The challenge is to make them see/ Way deep inside their
head/ That the Universe is counting/ Every time they eat the dead."
Mahaveer Awards were made to a dozen major vegetarian, animal
protection and environmental organisations, including the VSUK, and
to four outstanding individuals - including the indomitable octogenarian
Joan Court from Cambridge, founder president of APE (Animals, People
and the Environment) and Francisco Martin, President of the Spanish
Vegan Society and until recently General Secretary of IVU. So IVU
members and affiliated organisations were well represented.

It was particularly encouraging to


the Jewish and Muslim vegetarian

societies represented as well as Christian, Buddhist and Jain

organisations, to name but a few.

ONLINE NEWS, January 2000 - Communication from Vanessa Clarke.)

We apologise to

,x N*ict* aftu{ Xn-as*'gq,!

(In our last issue we published " Starting of a Club" by Madri Ratwatte.
Madri for wror-rgly prir-rting her name as Mano. The following is the second part of her storyr)

be six fT iend; were

in Neill


Dulip\ gord.en

the next d.ay. Tltey ckrnbed. the large ond. ancient

eraliyn. tree, ttthich seented ta be ahvnls iru blooru.

Tlte old brnncbes fferc s0 tltich nnd stronq, tbe

childreru unhcsitatinql.y cui'led tQ bere and there on
thcru, rend1, -fbr the nll-iruportntfi tnsh of chonsing n

notw for their club.

They all hncl idens nnd were irupntirut ro
speak owt, but sin.ce omly one shouhl speah nt o tirttc,
M*ben went fi.rst. "Do lotr. thinh-tve should clect a
presirlent?" I(atnnli nnd \ieil objected. "Et,et'\, lne
shoulr{ be", Neil explained, "otbenvise tbc
7resident will stntt ordering us nbout!" All of'thent
ngreed on thot. "Where sbnll we tneet?" nshed Saro.
"Whot nbout the ruttngl t?'ee nt Mabem's?" qtr.eried
Rnnjula. "It is snfe and.rve afi.n efit rudngoes in se ason
too!" 7-bnt wns also ltassed wnaniruowsly.

Rmjuln said ngain, "Shall n,e cnll oursebes

the Fantotts Six?' "l{o', said Sat"o f,rruly. "T-hat's
lihe copt,ing Enid Blyton". "I swppose the prizen:inne,i tt,,ill hat,e ngood idea", sntiled Mnhen looking

nt lieiL. lleil sr:utrg on a brnmch, hung ltis head

ri.onn, clitryling trghtly v,,itb his nnkles nnol said, "Six
a,ond.ers shnLi n,e be, or showld we be the Tt"ee Top
Pops?" T'helr tcrtk ft r7te and decioled rttt rite latter
nL7lne . Tbe pnssworcl was Skeet, wbicb really Jnd. na

nteening and therefort wos su nrffdctit,.

wns prlud thot thnt was her suryJestiln.


nll started rLisnrsstng tbe lntest u,ichet

news. "Oops", snid )'treil, as his specs fell nff his nose
into the tall grnss benenth the tree. The chilrlren

Jo I',age 1()


6a. - qog.

tl:-;.;]ii i1''r' ;X',;.t,:1,:i il',," ,' '1'; i,i! ;:;i:,.tt i:ii:ili:l:,::,. l.:i.r i-l,iil
IiiJ;;l il:;-,t,'i.1ii:i,.;,L f ' : :: -' ,- , .: . 'r:;,-,, iijriC,',


*ri-;':J :',"li;:i.




6iJ0rom$a 000 66sco aod o0g

@d6at ge


8@ed :- @) oreod qod oQe BOd QoeS ndO00

oetooi odd o0gg@ odeo domod go Oq aOQd
OaGOO @@ o0 po6. 95d @@ OoruO 6od 6ol. 6d
0C6Oe eu6el60od o@to q,6oel @O oeldrcad euot.
Q,effi g@@l 6ol gdell @ oOG goodod. d ooto @O
qdmder 0610 6or. @o o@6 Odo. goi6o@ g 1985 e
O@ 56@reolol0o q@). 00qoi gooD @0 gtqoU
6ooetOl. gSoi Effi ed ododr prddoo om 6 @@
6qo0 oeoo0ao qlfo oelr06. eogloldo 6 O6od.
Ogoqeo ooxi@pp edoel Qg o@rog;d eoood gz



d go


oeocOa eo@odo

d oroe grd rDdO O6O)oeDOoe)qococ6Ood qr6 Qml. d



: 660loomfiool om orOqgc 0Bo o0o6

00el e?


:- Smrnood O OO. d oojd @colO6 @d0t

@mr05 Ood 665@el6q0o 5o6. d qo



Ood q9e ooood 6o@.

: 0d ao 0600@

6il0moxo$ SEooo qoo


80qd:- oddO ooEogofoot @ d o$o 960 odelOl

oelr Ogdo o0 8dq oO odJoo Ood o(Od. dOolo
060o Onao odoOt. ololotOo oqdO oOoel oqooo
onrOd oOeoOl. o@o oOoel Ol0m oercO6. od@

do oeiqo eolOoo OdooD o0eld Qor. OoonD

effidoe g@@. Od, O)O, eede dod exd.

or6oo@oi Oelot.


: Oil0mom$a 80 O00 oam60 0rgod


80ed :- SOrmo 6ode O qoioo do OoOO 6. OO

qrdoo eoqd elceu eoolood, odmDd. 00 oq
@od olc06@ o@mOl q 6oe oodemjod 0o 6.

: 660roml6aodsd

gOoaol ODao6fd

qoob acDo6[,0d qCIob ocDod0





o0Dod oOeld oorOd

0o4,6 66dCI qdO6. god

eo@o eomgO@




@ ooodO

50@oeom:6o6qO @rgooeD O@ood or@ oogroO@

qc6 00. d g@d 8O ol@ om @ 0oo@ omr.
oqod eol6 ooeFd Sooelot. 0O o@o dldcodoel ocol.



: @xnro66ifD6ffiGr6d0


go0o 6re6dg


o0d oeo6oel olol. q46oooq6 eomodoo oqooel. d

qeod oO0d @6dq 56@toeolofiD6) oro 6odoo

ol@ oOgrcO@ 916 @:d o@o oemddooi 6oet gdem

0qq@). ooqdO q4od6 6o 6ol @@ oo@oi eoi oeffil


@ee 0 domo 6 6oo ni@ooj6orc0 O@

E@d SOoiQeor. oQd @el:euao dOoi 001

ooe oedoo oaaooD

oooi 60od euol. 56@toeo:ot0o oooelai oreo


80e0 :-

ood{ 000

oo:q, 6. o@ooj ot@ gloel otgtOo 0 0lo6 ga)

66@rom:d Dodo Sooeoor. gdcod o0 qOO)66ooeD
@ @d o0 0)O 600 gbruo@ Odd..


: o@ 666!6 or50 @O gEsf orffi

SGed :- oorcod


i, .i.. i'll'., :.,5.;, ,,ri:; ,.rr:l,ili,,,

:- 0O




l,r'rli)l.. :ir,lii

Ft F\

odoo dOoD

06@o Odn oeode@

o@O dOl glog

o605ei:elco : OorOrbce 06olq o@olO0el

2000 d?0. - qog

caE6co o6cosD eo@)e,
edq6@ @qEDd e6Qo). @ooo
'6qOz @e)O eooeod' eoeeD)
er)qso Ooiod O@ edq6@ oqso
6. gocdoolo 60 eOO O@) coe, oeoco co@ell6@eo
66oo ooO Bc,ro6ed ooe, @q de)dAd eoldexos$
@coOrcd oqogooa$ OeocsO errcQ@1. @Q6j 06
CI)e5elc3 OceEOa egeDo een 605 ercodeo@o tlooJelo
cscOocoel Eo ogeo ee@6i 6A @o gbcosJoc,saS
ggrdul. eole5elocJ qcdod o@)elo) e* 6 o) egoiocosi
Eog Eo 'eooi @)o' coc 6 @g6j 8@eoc golen.
o@ eordem: g6 tlz0oo @l Eo6loc,s erg sog).
ergg O O@ So6lOcs @Qoi oelleogol eoc6ce q
e"E Ooolocs eogo8 ogd 06 eoldocs oeoocJ
6gemo ooo6csl. @o Ooca o @Qed oqld
ooo eo@d 06'eod @)o'eelcotoo @<oe, 63et)
oOoj ezEdur. d erg9 edq6o 6.


ffiffi1 #@

edq6od 60 el @qEDEoo ele

o 06 od 6Oocd e o ecQod. oeoco co@elr6Oeo

66@0 oo6 pg qrG@ qcqod @ce8cs ga$@ol

6co tlrered6cssoo(d goreloigocod gd 66er
oqoeld eO66o6 coeD oood qlooieroodu
Otrooo 06650 acc2@t. "@lD eoOOco eroOdes@O
tlosJelr" 6. gom orocd6cs oooJ tlcoed6csoo
6co@ rogl. "q)@olo @looJ ooo cserol q" 6. @l
qcoosJ qceo). rD@ do@ go.@ca) 66 too@si
egOrdqtoo OOd oqel q)erco '@CI)qO' oqel OOoi
d qrexe oqdoo5 rozode ercoiooi odtlol e6da
ql6@r odelxooooO Ood qccs 6col 60c,u. q)oco
gO @er)gEe OO 6col @O @l 6,desxo
sD q o6d Edocoo eloJ oeood goo og gcco
obe codpelo Sdod e6i g tl@)o eggoc{qa$
qc6 OOd o@loooi qd goo eolQgOrO6cd Ooeo@
oqod 6cor elr6 ood do6co er66ptl oo eo)
qdo@d 6c,l 6Ocsl. cotlaBO 6gOel 6"es)O66i,
eoqeo) @)O

Bo otlrgod

oo16 O



oeltgco0ea OO

Ooeoloedeao ezocd 'ca66ffD Oo

or0 coc eor6 6co Scol @l

Seoo gOu.


@)o' (DrSo qo@a

eocscod O('@6rd @rceol e,paoel EcdOn EDOeDO).

qetlc@ eroleo@Og co"AO)el6 cEDcOeD e)elOe g
eOl'Ocqod' oroO@OgO Eed@@cce, ocOo6edoeil


@l@' 'aDffDO @d, eoeD 'g,A@'




o0rceol @5goI o@lord



oduooO Ooo oepo6d 'Ooroe6cr,

oOeloi eotpoO 'gO@oco@atc3fff. OO @Scolord

@6decooj oOeloi eoqoto OO6Dcr rsrqOdoe$ eOeD.

'@oeo ooi'e@O gd'9oo e-rer'go@ gd'Eddo

@)oeo' @co)q)csr6o Seol oog OAge*ed @o6crui
eoqoSocd @66uc,eO

odqOd. 06 g16 'qcogeO'

OO od6z@ odoO o0rceol o0ldO{o, qco@d

oO@). g)DrD oorooj Oo '@ooeodo 6xlocc'Od
qod eolQg6zO6rol od6c@ <odoold groc@
qlcoood coel o@ 'qoOsCO co@o' Offi
eoc6 oOE.
@deor - @)o6 eeeDo 66@d 60 Egoe
e@d coddO oxxxrO egoe goES eoeoot. oeea
CI)ocoo eol6 to6o @dcsa - @).6 egtoOoO egloe
oqel god eD)gEocOOE @eolocdcooped Oel crDo

qdoOo QO OOoco 66 podd

odd ol.

6@col Ogeo

"o 6dooE,

el@r6errctl co@lqooo6oo,
ecol eo@lqoecsr csO)o@@" oro6eo6ol"
"OeD@@A coqoJ @16@@6 o@tqd eoxo66co

ee co. coo@r$ cs@4ed

o6g oo8cc ee ca."


q ecOcd



ca. -

@oDlbo ol@Od oo gDfio

oOd SdB 6qo. OQd oOd od oUodom Oaloa6oO
eie 0 0ooedood Oddcl60 OdOOEeod @oDl6o
0000 oooO) oo @odel Oood 5@ol obodoeu
oddr@ oel o16 oO

#s$kmlmlffim c**qm$$t*.

ffimxffiH&tu= m-

oanred ailr6Dd

grcoood Et0:6o



CI o@ppd
0d6eD 6oeiqod,0oo@dood, oroCIrcO

og,ooOg obodooooi dt6od

oo:6er or@oei CIood oejood qoer

66@loeomld 0alo:6od god)oFoo6. glo00ol 0a6o
6ooqod Sooo)d gldood egoO OdODpeod Oel
oorc@Ool OdO0peood 00. Od. oo 8.00.6. eo:O
g0r Er6 Oq oe)o goO @mQoeoOd omodn (MIT)

qlffDeDod oobpu O?0, oodO doloel OqO

ol OooOqo

obodom momoodoq oeea @q od gro.

Oq geDO oo)oeld OdOft)eod oolopp oodO deoroel
OEO BOq @)O)Uo ( Professor ofNutritional Biochemistry) @do eqe6.

@oDDo ooEd or@Ori ooioo 0p0 B@0q,

OooEo obodoCI oOO6d qudoo6. EGBemd Odq,
ooioapood eol gml6 ecelo:o0d ooOED 9@6o oq,ol
Q 616o Ol0 ooOoeld o@ooo8@ eao Odoel dercE,
6Eaod 615o ooo0a (NIH) AffDeDod Qga g:Old
@o 19 OUo meod eg q@D @rcelm:d gOaoel
@lelod o@oeoo0@ @ 060l odel g, odODel qod
oO6. 0ood Og Ood@ g6e0od erQoO Oood oeo
ol6Oxood pl0o deltuood AcDIC @0, 80el ooo@o
or od)ro 06f,@ BQOq, O or0miQ @ot oO@tpp obodopp
Oorca6o 6rol o. Oddsrirrt - oa)ood Oo oos0r
E0rooo effi o@@ crt odo@ OaxiaSo B@Oq, ooon@oo
AB qod 1980 - 8l O6@od E o d O6ooo6 @odel
OeDod odio 5eD6@6 0@CI9 qftD0@od ooJopu ot gxoD
oeos0a qlffDood SooJda q0ado oo0g ood QdB
@ool eodoOtlBo 6Oi0 BO OCID)uo oolGd or@Od
oOod Q oaloeod OdOft)eod oo)roo 0g obodoenlo6od E0aoo ooQqOe 6do O 6Ood o. o@ OoOtQO
OtD OO @ol od)oo ol gxoldo qod o@0dOod qtol
6 oer oldoo oodOel g0xl S0dom oEoo gO@el O
OAED. ogq Omo Bogdr ol @o OOOre ggo 8@ot
@d ol o@o EOm, eMqO@d eeeD q 0O6d qmld
o0oo)dem ol eo@Oel0 og o16 000 g0e otdor
oei6 olo o. oq,Ordel o@ qoeoo, 0d dOo oo)
g0Qooo 60 oOod dOoOTgoQoooO 00o@OpD6 og
oq o@ @O doO6/go(ooo6 o05en 6@nl o61o
OboOeO oelD o@d eo@gtdo Q do06/gofooo6
oO6er E@ol od)o ObcoOeO oo4dr Oet OO o. Oercd
gro{o 2400 o 1973 - 75 O6oOe 6@mr odioOGo @o
6o qo olel eo0deld oooat od0o 560e, d d go(o
god o@ oo@OdO O Oleoel 8o@ol oo5 ootd 50@oj
Sear d dsO6 demtod gmD p@, 8Oo ooo@o ol
@dpp oo0al od0o 8@Oq, 0 o0deld o@domo6oi
8@ol odlo oo pol6o qod qr6 eo@O60ell0 @ot O




oo:0 qrc@Ool
oo goood OlCI

obodopp 0arca6ood qodool odel gQo(

Oemd pr@o ooDdxo 65 d oel)r3tooel d d oot0dtooO
q?g Etol6 p@, 8Oo d0l0d oo od)o OnldSo
S0doppo nd ooodqelo 60@ o.

84 O6oOe goo 6 omtOd:o 65 qg

oqd 6500 66 Od ooeu Ol6d goeoel6500 ogery
oo)d:ooo OQd 8Oq, o8dod oo@doood oOd0q
erO o. o@6oi e0md qdo gOroem 600@d oq
elrOooj 1989 - 90 Obooe 0O ootOdtooOe 0O
geoeoo) q Semd oo o:6Omod oOd oo:Odm 20
oO Eod qdoeoo) 42OO d e 0O eq0o @ eo0do6
oeeo o@domOeO o16o ode ecQo. 05ol qdoeod




oldo ode


eo@doepoO otdo Q oolOdmO@d o@odd

g6o6oJ @ gl@o I qeld eo0odni o6@nj edO
elm0odppoO Ee Q ofi@o go(o 0o. o@dooood

50 d oOpp Q od)o 0od@6dod ol50@ Bppq, oell3qdr

oo0 odoq effipo.

o@domood eCImdol e dr, Ododomo
og 00 oo6 6o 0o g0to odcpp6. Oel@ 00:oj
o)o0mdpD60 eo Q oOd0e B@ot, oaqot0lO, dc6d
80em ol QoOlBoD Ol5 ofiOn eldoOca 8O6O 6ot
Oel odlo OOxl effi,d dod:6 0 or05 god doo od)roo,
500@15o10 OB q:orco 5ol or6odo7o0)oOeu od)o
p:OoloaBolb@o og6Oe dodl6 O ol05 00 o.
6dcd 8060@d


od1o gt@o qto:d ot BOo

dOrO 8@oq elCIm. o@ odlo

Olgeo ozoloielo EeoO

gd6 O 60od @d ot 6O qmld 026 oddO

goOod gl5 o@go 96o qxol6 OOcl o. o@@ oelldqdr
edd@ oeo Ododoppo ng 00 oo5 6od g0n Ooood
omm:d od qood o0: groldoO oddO go0od gr5
glold 06o dodo Ooood Q0 e 0d og D0 dddod

oorcedOod)@ g0lmo geog eu60d d qeoDoooi Eba

0)60 eeo), oaqolOD eB) o0o6 o6)o orgQ0d

6e 0o 00 o.
Oeuod gt@o ogloiOg qtotdo ol o0o
groO0otE doot god gOGo qmld pOo eomg 00

0o5 6od 0o ol@od oel Emtdoo6 o@gbm o@E,

g@reno geD) EO 0 o106 geld eMq g@:auo gel: 0r0
0 o106 OO o. pEo Oood or6d qp od)o qro@Omlo0
ofi@oodppoo oo,J oI05 od)o ol o@xl Oo.
g66co 19 6Qo


da. - qog.

Frorn Pagc

a Q




for it, when tltey were d.istt acted by a sowcd of a sort of beating just outsidc tlte garden.
toward.s the wall and loolzed. d.owru the roaol. An olol. cart d.rawru by n bwll witb lnvely hind eyes rnet
thei,r gaze. The cartet" loohed. extt'erwely cLng?y. He was beatircg the poor crea.ture rnercilessly, urging it to pull
tbe lad.en cat t.
The six frierud.s yelled. at hina. Sar"o sa,eauoed, "Stopt 'i.t, yow wiclzed. n4a.n" at the top af his voice. Out of
pwre shoch he stopped. abusing the ?001, anirnnl. Bwt when he real,ised. tl'tat they were only a pack of,
be cast avl exa,spera.ted.glance at thero't, and, went on. his wait.
But the kid.s wowhl hcnre novte of thnt. "Wlty are yoa beati,ng that poor crea.ture?" ashed Mahen.
lwn business'o was the sullen rzpu. hntte no tinoe for goody hnpe plen$ of warh'.
"BLtt", put in Neil, "that\ n0 excuse to hit this poor bull who is helpirug yow. Do yaw bnow tltat we can repofi
ylu t0 the Police for hino?" The nont't. uoade ogriruace and. czntinaed on his wa,,/, but kzpt his stich
iwru.ped d.own to seat"cl,t



oHe is doing his best. Maybe if you dnn't hit hirn he'll
owt of sight. "Please d.oru't hutt hino", called. aut l{anaali.
qo faster,". The rnoru only growled..
"Oh, I feel so sowy for thnt gentle bull", said. Ranjula teturfully. "I hnow", said. Mahen gazirg after
the catt. "That's why we d.on't ent beef". "I d.ecided. to stlp eo.ting beef since last night", sair{ Rarujula
prowrlly, "but ruty {)zlrents ruade swch a frst". Dul;,p said sadly, "Howevor w.uch you ny ta refazt BrrTml-ups,
yza vlilllil cato. Bwt n tewcher told rue that if we eat eruowgh of pwlses, nwts, leaves nnd. of course nilk pt'oducts
*, we hntre nothing ta wlw! abowt git i,ng up beef". "Leayes are ywh", said. Neil uruexpectetlly. "but eating beef
is wen rnore yuh!
So ended. another


d.ay of

the I?ee Tbp Pop*

(Ed.itofs note: Recent scimtif.c research




suppzt"t the

view that rnilh prod.wcts are nru essential ingretlient ofthe vegetafian
d.iscard. all food.s d.erived. frowt. anirnals and. ruany well
c{.iet. Yegans
a.f, ,n
thee Peg
a.n efi[
hy sxct Dnt ryre
are 0r
of tfi
thee wew
view [fi
infowned. ctxetxcm?ct
cl.ietici.arus a.nd,
and pphysicians

healthiest of all. If one eats a vari.ed. vegetarian riiet consisting of

qrains, (pulses), wwts an d. w ed.s, wg etab les and. fiwits, and
we eat enowgh aftberu taget all the cnlories nre neecl, thet"e is no wav one
is the


couhlfaiL to tneet tbe pt otein reqwiretuents. A lot of d.octors, for exatnple

those ofthe Physicians' Cor,unt ittee for Responsible Medicine [PCRtr/t],
hwve rejected. the id.ea that ruilk is n ruust if you at'e vegeta.rian.)


hape tbe best diet. They have the

lowest rates of coronary d.isease

but they baw afraction of our heart atto& rua

and th ey have oruly 40 percent of oar cancer rotcOn the awrage they oatlioe othtrpeoplc

about tix ys675 nsp.'

Willi.arn C astelli, M. D -, Dire ctu' Framing lwr

Heart Study.



of nnygruup in

the cowntry. Sorne people scoffat wgetaians,

t:a)?ffi t .t"Y*,


jnf r"t+;' e$i)6'x-ia

,*P'sa*) *Cg-oa-,

da. -


6 ere Orgr t
dddedd e1god6.

oCIrfiti C0
ffiq6z m&ra


OaO. doJ. tod66r6go.





eoeo eooeoJ4doo:J

'eoqdod Od QeOd oO @d 8Q ord EOcDdeD ouordol OBd

oood eD@ o@d 6o Or6co o16 oO '{Ft) '


"u{!' ., ,: t'


oo) oroootod-gga;i_-1$,ffooodjP@ oo@@oO

oolQ alg o16 oO er Od dm,md.@d-oa@O"gdrG elmrdolod
66c0 Ee,


6o e ooe o. (25s)





o@l eoqd oeu@r6cO e DQpA ffi"$loo) 06,@- pp eo"qdod Od

oao@d o@d mdqod eoq6. @i'6d0 eaoeJ#8l6, gb aoooo

eiOod qO6.

(254) i{_r\,



' ii

eoq,ol 66Oq
ed CI6de @d oe0-.".q.ffibff*65@,,$,6,o1$d
,/ r^-.F
eonJd oeltodq gcel.i 5=6k{f
j,i,n ''


' l'


eo@ @e0o0d ool OcO@O.,-q,qOe

_.9, Fot
orc,6o o6@ eod

r: lB




qd Od
@rcm gqoO
y,..J rr.
@loo@d or OdOo@di0tg6
- t: .i




. li

,t: .,,i

olOdoeld cnboedciqd
eordo o@o 6. o@rcd

,i .,;"*r;.,;s.*
" :-".



eo@o el9,

Od oo 6fl.q1@ooer EeoO

SOoo C[6O eoqoEd qpqoqod 68oo0

.. ":H.."


o@lo gr5 Oer gb",o,pqerto 8g 61 Od eio qr6 66@

88oqo oOEeot ooel 6o:Eg9 rE oqfl_;o0co)oo6 mldrboo 6.



(8Q 37,338,3e)

,,,., :!tE

-' .A

. . . ..Fronr

ev'J\ '-,:l

na@e <osiod

ooo gq oqsiosJ


e@dr co. Ooo6d qq arrOe rs;o5el 6clg @ Od

ed q @lg ocB q OOo ee coqsJod @ @d cs,
@10 co. O@ 6ce: Scog oo5doocoi 6Ed oodot6
glbOeu ro6ea ouooelap @eoa$ OloOd sDe, OC
Op aoOoSoo5 ot@l ts6d oo@$ aoOp gzQ eo@tlaD
tl@r OBd @ nro c,r.

mOel OdOlOd
oeo oooead effi @o og oe@ coqCI) @od oeoJ
@lood oeol o@ocs @tDoco6 Soop q6ea Oo


@@OO eoloeiltooJ

OO toOdoO coe,

ga$tl O



o@loet)od 66ocod



prgc one

It is olrly the flesh of aninrals that har e Lrcen

killed lor that purpose that people eat. Ail the kincls
of aniilais that are tal<en as food toda-v. are ti-r,;se r:fl
animals thathave been deliberatelykilied. -Qo. ii,nr':l
you rvish "May all beings be happv" and eat an'".

kind of rneat or fish what you do is to eat an animai

whose happiness you had prayed tor.

If you are one who practices the tneditation of loving kindness (maitri) and also one rvho
eats fish and meat, please consider rvith a clear n'rinel

the nature of what you are going to do, w'henet et

you see fish and meat upon yoLrr dinner table

Bs. - qog.

F*u! ffii il'in{ies


S i, poul McCartney oJ' Beatles fame is best

known as a celebrity figure in modern music.
Beatles fans in Sri Lanka would perhaps be
surprised to hear tltat both Paul and his wife
Linda were front-line vegetarian activists.


who died in April l99B was a Patron of

the Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom. The

Summer 1998 issue of the Society's Newsmagazine
"The Vegetarian" published a tribute to Linda with

from an interview given by her in



this interview Linda McCartney comments on

veggie trends in UK and USA. "In the past ten
years," she says, "eating habits in both countries
have changed dramatically. According to the UK
surveys, there's been a 300% increase in the
number of female vegetarians in that tinrc and in
the US, the number of veggies has doubled. I think
people in the USA, UK ancl around the world are
becoming more owqre of what they're eating and
how it affects them. But then, we seem to be living
in a tirue of great awareness an!wo)' .. l0 years
ago Nelson l[andela was in prison, the Berlin Wall
was still up and the Soviet Bloc was still dictctting.
It is the same with our diet. All over the world,
people are freeing themselves frorn the n'aditional,
older ways of being, to enjoy a healthier kinder
way of ltfe".
"As a group, il's the teenage girls who have
become the anintals' greatest allies. Recently in
Britain, a survey was conducted among recders
of a teenage girls' magazine and the results were
astonishing - 49% of girls aged l4-16 were
vegetarian and many of them had been veggie
for a couple of years. I think the rneut industry is
in for a big shock as tnore and more young women
are sticking to their beliefs".

fn *

tuibute to Lady McCartney, T'he Vegetarian

goes on ta say, "Linda lvfcCartney can take a lat

of the creditfor bringing vegetarianismfirmly into
the mainstream in the UK. She helped change

people's attitudes to vegetarianism, mal:ing

vegetarian convenient foods accessible ta all, and
a familiar sight on supermarket shelves as it had
never been before." She entered the vegetarian

food industry, not in search of profit, but because,

in her own words, it.was her greatest hope to make

"this new food available in every country of the

world. I want to create tasty meatless alternatives
.. so that people enjoy the taste but nothing
has to suffirfor their appetite". Her husband Paul
remarked, "A less likely business womon you
could not hope to meet.. she was a person who
was driven by principle, passion and compassion,
stcting 'vegetarianism isnT a business for me,
rather a mission'.

S*rrrd in

1991, the

Linda McCartney Foods has

become a multi-million pound enterprise,

producing as of last year 38 varieties o-f
vegetarian meals. "Her pioneering vision made
other manufacturers sit up and realise the growth
in popularity of vegetarianism and just what a
massive potential market now existed .Linda s
involyement had a catalytic effect that led to an
explosion oJ' dedicated vegetarian foods available
in the high street".


the massive growth of the McCartney brand

as a household name in food, Paul commented

"How many women can you think of who would
single-handedll take on the Meat and Livestock
Commission, risk not being laughed at, and yet


tgSg Lacly McCartney successfulty ventured

into culinary literary production u,ith the

publication of Linda McCartney's Home Cooking.

Another work by her Lindab Kitchen published
in 1995 ,sold over 400,000 copies, demonstrating
the popularity of the meat-free diet and
encouraging other authors and publishers to
follow ,suit.


been vegetarians


tuell over 20 yeors,

Paul ond Linda McCartney became patrons o.f

VSUK in May 1995. In a fitting tribute to this
unique woman, the 1998 UK National Yegetarian
Week celebrations were dedicated to her memory.
But, as Sir Paul remarked, "The tribute she would
have liked best would be for people to go
vegetarian. "

"Animal source food is adaptive when there's not enough food, trut in a world with abundant and
diverse plant foods, animal source food is obsolete and only causes problems."
- Dr William Hanis, M.D. well known US physician and advocate ofvegetarianism, author of "The Scientific Basis of Vegetarianism";
vegetarian since I 950 and vegan since 1 963 (switched both times primarily for ethical reasons). He is one ofmany vegetarian doctors
who can be accessed by Internet users from links at


2000 do.



fi tr ii, L
S,ffi'W -t*-q,i$slr

.fi, :1' ;';-P

Sri Lanka Vegetarian Society Bxecutive Committee 1999 - 2000

Prof M. Palihawadana - President 2. Dr Vajira Seneviratne - Vice President 3. Dr Praneeth Abhayasundara


Mr Chanaka Amaratunga - Jt. Secretary 5. Mr Manoj Krishantha Perera - Treasurer

6. MrChandikaWeragala-Asst. Treasurer 7. Ven. MaduruoyeDhammissaraThero 8. MrDayananda
Adikaram 9. Mrs Bandu Masakorala 10. Mrs Indrani Goonetilleke 11. Mrs W. Kalupahana
12. Ms B P K Lilani Pushpakumari 13. Mr Ravi Palihawadana 14. Mr Sisira Sumatipala Perera
Co-opted Members: 15. Ven. Purvakpitiye Medhananda Thero 16. iMr Pemachandra Godagampala,
1 7. Mr Saman Chandra Ranasingha
- Jt


SLVS Diory

of Events Oct. 1999 Jon 20OO

Oct 10, 1999 Annual General Meeting and Release of Mituru Lova, New Series, 6th Issue
Oct24 Poya Day Seminars at (1) Mayurapada Pirivena, Bellana (2) Purana Vihwaya,Baduraliya



Executive Committee Meeting

Nov 22 PoyaDay Seminar, Buddhist Society Hall, Batakettara, Piliyandala

Dec 3 Seminars at Puttalam Cement Co. (1) Klinker workshop Site (2) Head office
D ec 12 Execntive Committee Meeting
Dec 1 6 Seminar at Beralihela" Tissamaharamaya
Jan 8, 2000 General Meeting and Public Talk by Ven. Prof. Dhammavihari
Jan 18 PoyaDay Seminars (1) Srivardhanaramaya, Udupila(2) KalyanaPradipaPirivena, Delgoda

15 6Qood......



oIJ@oo6pp@EoOo)O O 6dd0 go0od 916

Elo)6 o16o@ goeuo]o 0[6 Oo. ofi@oadppo Oa)do
OOd 06q@ 6Oo@ od56 OrO O@d 60cl Oeood q,
q:eold OCrco col6@0
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Offi O 5oO. g0io Ooood olomtd

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Ed@)O CI) ooeD@g

e60eo:O q o0meo) oo6d qQ Oo.


@olofio oo)6CIj or@CICi gQO odOrcO

o@ q60ole 0oCId@Epo6d gd qdo emOol

@l@o, ofi@o1oa6olU@o, qro@Oor0eu @reoQ@67

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o0oOo eq o@@ obodopuo 60oo)bd O6@d effi Q
qro@OorcO ErO g6re qOdorD o@sd oCdO6.'potdo
oo od)oOeO ooEd 00 B@Oq, O oelO o@ood ooojol
gl5 O0ld @ Odo6:d@o Q qOaooo o@o 6. o@6
g50e olo0d @ qe@ eoOoEd o.' OdOAQdO dbele
effi eoodD o@o Odeld od gldoel o@od o. 'ooc0a
obodopp g6otooo6 gO 8eoo6d qdeD 0 oodol
ql6 6deotd@o q0aoem6. o@o @0 ood og 66e
o6odooooO 6@ oeotQ gl@ldoelOod gdel

Oa:oa6ood oE @o:Otlo or@Od qro@Ool

0dc0d dooqod 560loo:ord


6Oo0 g@m ooog

@oroldooq O0O od O qto. 5b0:oeo:o6oO odo O

M, 0e Edeffidrco 80d6o0 oogo0
ql6 CIeor,@ ooelqo 6o0o o16 o. go: 0zoo f,, Og
06d eu@ Q CIodo qdelbdle
oopod E6QOI qm. o@ euo oopo0 EOqo o:o:o:d
oqo@ odod ooOq eoo{o Edea6dleo @6d eoro6@o.
Og eo@o4oo

oGoO0er -

2000 rro.


6 AAO g1ooai oQodoai Ood @ ga 6.

AAO a@Oa goa6 6flao
@od @ SOao 6.

ooa6d oaaao

$AioOa qto6Dao od
ga6ai gaaO g)sJ6 ocl o6.




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66@roooro16 es@6ce oOqoOo5 @ goaor 569roooro16



OEd gan6o 6.

Published by the Sri Lanka Vegetai'ian Bikkhu Organization on behalf of Sri Lanka Vegetarian Society.


- @!$JeOe. poo5oorD,

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