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Parliament Passed Corn


Britain, England Monday, March 1815

five pence

Corn laws have already been

under regulation in the
1700s. Since the French

wars are finally over

Parliament have been
debating on legislation
involving the topic of
domestic goods. More
specifically the import of
corn is the highest
domestic good at the time.
Today however Parliament
passed a law banning all
import of corn into Britain
until the price is up to
eighty pence per quarter.

Economists are skeptical of

this new law however
because they are afraid
that this will increase the
cost of food directly as well
as decrease their
involvement in the
domestic market. English
economists believe this will
have a direct negative
effect on the British
economy. The economist
theory is that people will
be spending too much
money on food due to the
passing of the Corn Law
and wont have money for
other things decreasing
the internal market as a

The law cannot be

compromised because the
government believes it will
maintain the profit made
from agriculture. These
agriculture profits where
unusually high because the
war had a positive direct
correlation to the internal
food market of England.
Parliament believes this
will continue and the law
has just been passed
today! What do you
believe? Will the corn law
increase our already
growing economy or will it
lead to a downfall of the
economy as a whole as the
economists astutely

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