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El Clarn de El Faro

10 de Abril de 2016

Message From Presidente Dayton

Effective Use of the Scriptures Makes a Good Missionary Better

In 1831, a newly called group of missionaries were given instruction by the Prophet Joseph Smith on
how to preach the gospel (D&C 42:12). He told them they had to be called, ordained and to "teach
the principles of my gospel which are in the Bible and the Book of Mormon, in the which is the fullness of
the gospel." Wise use of the scriptures has always been an important part of the missionarie's
armamentarium. The Savior himself reminded his disciples that searching the scriptures would help us
know how to have eternal life (John 5:39). The apostle Paul taught that the scriptures were written for
our learning and would provide comfort and hope to Christ's disciples (Romans 15:4). Alma taught that
the word of God had greater power to lead the people to do righteous things than "the sword or
anything else." (Alma 31:5)
Preach My Gospel reminds us that the standard works and words of living prophets are our basic
sources for teaching the restored gospel. The scriptures invite the Spirit into our teaching , they answer
the great questions of the soul, and give validity and authority to those things we are teaching. Your
ability to teach with power from the scriptures is a direct result of intensive study and reflection on
them. Half-hearted, diluted efforts in scripture study during personal study will result in poor mastery of
the doctrines, insecurity when teaching and and loss of the ability to teach with power and authority.
Again, Preach My Gospel teaches us that there are three steps in using the scriptures while teaching:
1. Introduce the Scripture: Describe the context and background of the scripture.
2. Read the scripture: Have the investigator read the passage aloud and ask them what it means.
3. Apply the scripture: Help the investigator understand how the scripture applies to them.
May I suggest a few tips on how to use the scriptures more effectively and powerfully:
1. Read in the Book of Mormon and New Testament every day.
2. Learn the location of 2 scriptures that support every doctrinal principle being taught.
3. Focus on using New Testament scriptures early in the teaching process until they know what the Book
of Mormon is; then use the Book of Mormon liberally.
4. Quiz each other on the location of certain scriptures by doctrine during companionship study.
5. Memorize some of the shorter passages of scripture in Spanish so that you can quote them in the
course of a discussion.
6. Testify with power and authorityof the truthfulness of a scripture after reading it.
7. Ask inspired questions of your investigator after reading a passage of scripture.
It is my prayer that we will all understand the power and validity that using the scriptures in a timely
and polished fashion brings. We need to use the actual scripture passages more during our
discussions. The scriptures invite the Holy Ghost to testify during our discussions and confirm the truths of
the restored gospel. May we all become master teachers by mastering the scriptures is my humble
Con amor por las palabras de los profetas,
Presidente Merril T Dayton

El Clarn de El Faro

10 de Abril de 2016

Message From Hermana Dayton

Sensitivity vs Callousness

Sensitivity is perceiving the true attitudes, feelings and emotions of those around us. It
can be the communication of one spirit with the spirit of another. It is being aware of the
pain in others, very often because we have experienced similar pain. A sensitive person
would never intentionally hurt someone's feelings by their response. We can always show
tact and restraint when someone has hurt or offended us and not reply angrily. Once
we recognize a person's feelings we can adapt our response to them, showing great
love and tenderness.
In the scriptures the word tenderness is used to describe sensitivity. In Ephesians 4:32
we read, "Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as
God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." In the Book of Mormon, following Lehi's dream it
says, Lehi "did exhort them with all the feeling of a tender parent, that they would
hearken to his words, that perhaps the Lord would be merciful to them, and not cast
them off." 1Nephi 8:37. I can just see Lehi tenderly persuading his two rebellious sons to
change their ways so that the Lord would be able to bless them. The Savior
demonstrated sensitivity often--healing the blind, forgiving the adulteress woman,
helping others resolve disputes, staying with the multitudes teaching even when He was
exhausted, mingling with the common man, etc. Certainly, the Savior was sensitive to
the needs of those around Him.
There are physical things we can do to show sensitivity. We can listen intently, watch
the facial expressions of the one talking, notice his/her voice, etc. The most important
thing we can do is to put ourselves in the other persons shoes. As we do this we are
being sensitive letting the person know that we care and love them.
We can apply sensitivity in missionary work by
--Being sensitive to the promptings of the spirit and then following those promptings
--Noticing when our companion needs a word of praise, feels discouraged or needs a
listening ear
--Speaking positive thoughts around others to inspire them and lift their spirit

El Clarn de El Faro

10 de Abril de 2016

Message From Hermana Dayton

--Realizing that a person's irritating behavior may be a sign of an unmet need for love
--Not allowing bitterness or toleration of evil to cause callousness in our spirit
--Listening intently to our companion, investigators, ward members and others
--Being sensitive to the spirit as we study the scriptures each day
President Dayton and I love you very much. We feel grateful for the way you are
sensitive to each other as companions. We hear about and notice many acts of
kindness done by you wonderful missionaries. We realize how sensitive you are as you
strive to be unified in bringing others to Christ. We love you and admire the much good
you are doing as you faithfully serve the Lord in the Spain Barcelona Mission.
Hermana Dayton

Christlike Attributes- Faith, Charity, Love, Virtue, Hope, and Humility, Knowledge & Wisdom,
Patience, Diligence, Creativity, Enthusiasm, Generosity, Forgiveness, Dependability, Availability,
Orderliness, Gratitude, Endurance, Persuasiveness, Compassion, Alertness, Character, Decisiveness,
Determination, Truthfulness, Benevolence, Honor, Sincerity, Punctuality, Joyfulness, Gentleness, Self
Control, Initiative, Cautiousness, Loyalty, Meekness, Sensitivity

El Clarn de El Faro

10 de Abril de 2016


Deyvin Michael Ledezma Villagomez

Sabadell 1B

Hermanas Salvador y Lasson

Hugo Eduardo Vlez Martnez

Terrassa B

Hermanas Fernandez y Stanley

Jose Manuel Cortz Arjona

Badalona 2A

lderes Noovao y Bennion

Carlos Alberto Lozada Alquizar

Hospitalet 1B

Hermanas Mayes y Howell

Alejandra Jeanette Hernndez Canteras

Valencia 3C Hermanas Ingram y Spencer

Eugenia Jeanette Canteras Campos

Valencia 3C Hermanas Ingram y Spencer

Grober Guillermo Arenas Sanchez

Valencia 1A lderes Hernndez y Lightfoot

Grober Miguel Arenas Sanchez

Valencia 1A lderes Hernndez y Lightfoot

Eran contados y se
inscriban sus nombres

Confirmaciones esta semana

Confirmaciones este mes


Confirmaciones hasta la fecha
este ao























Fechas bautismales














Inv reunion sacramental














Lecciones con un














Lecciones con un m. p.














Nuevos Investigadores














El Clarn de El Faro

10 de Abril de 2016

And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith.
Doctrine & Covenants 42:14

Compaerismos que lograron

las pautas de excelencia:

Oremos por estos investigadores con

fechas bautismales para esta semana:

CUATRO: Hermanas Romero e Iregui
Hermanas Mayes y Howell
lderes Montalbo y Leavitt


lderes McArthur y Brog

lderes Day y Sedgwick
lderes Noovao y Bennion
lderes Ipsen y Jones
lderes Gonzalez y Bromley
lderes Prat y Jacobson
lderes Lake y Thompson
Hermanas Steinfeldt y Aguilar
lderes Bennett y Pemberton
Hermanas Vilario y Johnson
Hermanas Jorgensen y Larsen
lderes Ball y Cvijanovich
Hermanas Cragun y Allen
lderes Carballo y Carter
lderes Hernndez y Lightfoot
Hermanas Villeta y Sebasti
Hermanas Wiseman y Pratt
lderes Dunn y Garca

Esther, Sergi
Jos Luis

Sabadell 1B
Badalona 1A
Badalona 2A
Zaragoza 2B
Lleida C
Bilbao C
Santander A
Las Arenas
Hospitalet 1A
Castelln B
Catarroja A
Burgos B

The Zone
Hospitalet is in the Zone!
-With an average of 10.5 lessons with a member present
per companionship this week!
Valencia is in the Zone!
-With an average of 8.87 new investigators per
companionship this week!

El Clarn de El Faro

de abril de 2014
10 de Abril de 132016

The Miracle of Baptism

BAPTISM!!!!!! This week the

in ________. It has been great

miracle we saw was the baptism
to see the changes that she

of Catalina! It has been a long

has made and the courage
journey and the ride has been
she has taken to "stand out
wonderful. The service was so
from the crowd." She really
amazing, the branch was so
showed us though people
supportive and the Spirit was so
close to us may be opposed to
strong. I cannot describe the
our decisions sometimes, we
overwhelming joy that came
must do those things that God
from seeing her take that step
wants. The real key event in her
and enter the kingdom of God.
full conversion was the mini EFY
We had to use the blue whale
that took place a week ago in
to baptize her, but it went so
_______, she learned the things
well. She was so prepared. She
and felt the impressions that
shared her testimony at the end
she needed to make this
of the service and Elder _____
crucial decision in her life. The
and I were so proud of her. I am
JAS are incredible here in
so grateful for the chance I had
_______. They have done a
to watch her progression in the
great job of befriending her
Gospel. The Spirit has truly
and making her feel welcome
changed her heart. I feel as
and will continue doing so.
though the promise in Doctrine
and Covenants just became
Our miracle this week was
real. "And if it so be that you
our BAPTISM!!! It was so
should labor all your days in
amazing! Not only was it
crying repentance unto this
amazing because it was both
people, and bring, save it be
me and Elder _____ first
one soul unto me, how great
baptism in our missions, it was
shall be your joy with him in the
also on April Fools Day. We
kingdom of my Father!
thought it was fitting. And it
was the first baptism in this
2 fechas! Cumplimos la meta!
branch in over a year. And
Corrimos hasta donde estaba
also the fact she was 73 years
uno de nuestros investigadores
old. It was so amazing to see
en la calle y fijamos una fecha
her change! She had been
bautismal con l en la calle!
meeting with missionaries for
Milagros!!!! Hicimos Brownies
over 10 years, and finally
para nuestra duea para
decided to get baptized! She
agradecerle lo buena que es
wants to get in contact with all
con nosotras, y fuimos a visitarle
the past missionaries to tell
a su casa y le regalamos un
them. And because of general
Libro de Mormn! Fue una
conference, Elder _______
leccin buenisima! Enseemos
baptized her, and then I
a nuestros Dueos, nosotras
confirmed her right after. After
seguimos el consejo de
her confirmation, she shared
Hermano Morejn!
some thoughts, gave some
thanks, and opened in the
It was incredible to see the
name of Heavenly Father and
baptism of Matta. She has been
closed in the name of Jesus
investigating the church for over
Christ. We had the biggest
a year. She was actually found
smiles on our faces!
by my trainer when he was here

This weekend we have 2

baptisms scheduled, Jannette y
Alejandra. They are so
incredible, president. They truly
are. We had a very sweet
moment with Jannette and
Alejandra this past Friday. This
past Friday we had a visit with
them to cook American food!
So we made omelette switch
vegetables. It was very healthy
and went very well with the
lesson we were going to
share.... The word of wisdom! As
we were teaching them, we
found out that Jannette the
mom drinks coffee every single
day morning, afternoon and
night. We thought at first this
might be a slight problem for
her baptism but as we kept
teaching, hear heart softened
and opened up faster than I
have ever seen. In her sweet
own words she said, "I know that
this is a law and commandment
given to us through a profet.
Letting go of coffee won't be
hard. I can do it." WOW. What a
miracle. What faith and
testimony this woman has. She
just got it, it all just made sense
to her. It was a miracle :) As we
left their house that day, I have
her a hug and she softly said to
me, "thank the Lord for putting
you in my path." My heart
swelled with joy and happiness.
But also a testimony builder of
how important the spirit is in this

El Clarn de El Faro

de abril de 2014
10 de Abril de 132016

The Miracle of Baptism

MIRACLE: Julio has a judge Hugo is being baptized this
coming and he is planning to
week we've met with him
for time and all eternity!
be married this week or within
several times and he watched
As for me and my companion
the next two! When we told
conference with bishop and his
we are doing amazing. We
him he lost his baptism fecha it
family yesterday. He talks about
have a few more people who
was hard for him and his wife
his baptism and he feels already
just need a little more time. So
and they immediately
a part of the church.
we will keep you posted on
changed and went to get
papers and make the process This week I want to start out
go faster because he just
with my miracle, this week like
wants to be baptized and go
last has been incredible. With
Everything is amazing here in
to the temple! It was amazing
the baptism of Althedes, I do
______. Our miracle this week I
when they told us yesterday
not think that I could have
would say was reaching our
and today the judge is at their
wished for a better week.
mission goal of 8 new
house approving everything!
Althedes is the husband on a
investigators. The Lord has truly
member who served a mission,
blessed us these past few weeks

We have a fecha for the

fell away for a few years and
with a great number of new
16th of April for one of our
then came back. And the
people who are willing to listen
investigators named Kinglsey
father of an amazing young
to the restored gospel of Jesus
from Nigeria. His best friend
man named Jose David. Jose
Christ. We have met some
and cousin in Nigeria is a
was baptised at age 12 with his
incredible people, and Im not
member and told him that he
mother, but for whatever reason
sure exactly what it is here in
needs to learn about the
he continued to investigate for 3
______but the people here are
church. He lives in a pueblo of
more years. 2 Sunday's back we
so nice and friendly. (It has to
_________ but after looking for
were sitting in gospel principles
be the paradaisical ambience)
the church for two months he
and the spirit touched his heart.
found it and is so excited to be
After the class he went to his
baptized. He is about 40 years
wife and said that he wanted to
old and is currently looking for
be baptized. And two weeks
work to my knowledge. He is
later he was. The best part of
super eager to learn more
the service was when he got up
about the church. He came to
and bore his testimony after the
the Priesthood session of
service. The spirit was so strong.
Conference and it was
Their goal now is to go to the
temple in a year to be sealed

El Clarn de El Faro

10 de Abril de 2016

Mission News


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