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Name: ______________________________

Date: ______________________________
-Day 4-

Dying Coral Reefs

What species thrive in coral reefs? List at least 3 that youve learned about and use other
reliable web sources to describe how the species contributes to the health of its ecosystem:

_______________________________contributes to the health of the ecosystem by:


_______________________________contributes to the health of the ecosystem by:


_______________________________contributes to the health of the ecosystem by:


An overfished marine fish/organism I am choosing to research is: ____________________

How does this species contribute to the health of their coral reef? List at least 3 traits and
cite the sources of your information:

Draw your species below:

History of my species population and how fishing practices have affected its ecosystem:
Species my fish/organism may rely on for survival and why:

Answer the following question in a complete paragraph that uses your selected fish or
organism as a focus and the other species you found on your swim as a base for
describing overfishing as harmful for ecosystem survival. Incorporate cited facts about the
overfishing consequences of these species.
Why is it important to not overfish balanced ecosystems?
(Worksheet designed by @missmarleeb)

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