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Natural Gas Product Specifications

(Extracted from Section 2: Product Specifications, GPSA Engineering Data Book)

From other observations, Pyburn et al6 report the following additional conclusions about corrosive
elements in LP-gas that may affect the copper corrosion test:
1. H2S and elemental sulfur are the corrosive agents.
2. H2S and elemental sulfur act synergistically on the copper corrosion test.
3. Polysulfides may contribute to copper corrosion.
4. Mercaptans in the presence of elemental sulfur enhance corrosion.
5. Mercaptans in the presence of hydrogen sulfide inhibit corrosion.
6. To be safe, all sulfur compounds should be reduced to the lowest possible level.
7. No hydrogen sulfide should be present.
8. If any sulfur compounds are present, the product should be dry.
9. Mixing of propane or other products from two sources, both of which passed the copper
corrosion test, may result in a failure of the mixture to pass the test.
10. Changes in sulfur species may occur during transit under some conditions.
GPA specifications permit a maximum of 123 ppmw total sulfur in Propane HD-5; 185 ppmw in
commercial propane; and 140 ppmw in butanes. It should be noted, however, that these same
specifications require that the product not exceed the No.1 copper strip. If these two specifications are in
conflict, the more stringent will govern.
To convert from parts per million by weight (ppmw) of H2S to grains per 100 ft3, measured at 60F and
14.7 psia, use the following formula for any hydrocarbon:

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