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Contract of lease
No /
Contract de leasing
Nr. /

The parties:
This contract of lease (hereinafter referred to as the contract) is made
on , between:
- The general leasing company TRADE PROMOTION S.A., residing at ,
Spain, represented by , in capacity of , hereinafter referred to as
the Lessor, and
- The company PROINVEST S.R.L., residing at , Romania, represented
by , in capacity of , hereinafter referred to as the Lessee.
Partile contractante:
Acest contract de leasing, numit in continuare contract a fost incheiat la data de ,
- Societatea de leasing TRADE PROMOTION S.A. cu sediul in , Spania, reprezentata prin
, in calitate de , numita in continuare Locator si
- Firma PROINVEST S.R.L., cu sediul in , Romania, reprezentata prin , in calitate de
, numita in continuare Utilizator

ART. 1. Object of contract

ART. 1. Obiectul contractului


- Contract 2 -

1.1. The Lessor shall hire to the Lessee the following equipments:
according to the technical specifications presented
in the annex, hereinafter referred to as the equipments, which the
Lessor undertakes to purchase from the , hereinafter referred to
as the Supplier, at the Lessee`s request.
The purchasing contract shall be advised by the Lessee,
Obiectul contractului il constituie inchirierea de catre Locator Utilizatorului, a
urmatoarelor echipamente , conform specificatiei tehnice anexate, numite in
continuare echipamente, care vor fi cumparate , la cererea Utilizatorului, de catre
Locator, de la firma , denumita in continuare Furnizor.
Contractul de vanzare-cumparare a echipamentelor va fi vizat, in prealabil, de

1.2. The equipments shall be registered in the Lessee`s bookkeeping at the

incoming value, including all the due expenses (the purchasing price,
transport, insurance, settlement, putting into function etc), on the
basis of the documents in proof.
Echipamentele for fi inregistrate in evident contabila a Utilizatorului la valoarea
de intrare, reprezentand totalul cheltuielilor aferente (pret de cumparare, cheltuieli
de transport, asigurare, instalare, punere in functiune etc), justificate pe baza de

1.3. The Lessee binds himself to pay de Lessor a monthly hire hereinafter
referred to as the lease installment.
Echipamentele vor fi inchiriate contra unei plati lunare numita rata de leasing ,
care va fi achitata de Utilizator Locatorului.

1.4. On the hire period (hereinafter referred to as the lease period)

termination, the Lessee will purchase the equipments at the residual
value, computed taking in consideration the incoming value, the
depreciation during the operating time (corresponding to % of the
purchasing costs) and the payments made for advance and for
installments during the lease period.
La terminarea periodei de inchiriere (numita in continuare perioada de
leasing ) Utilizatorul va cumpara echipamentele la valoarea lor reaziduala , calculate
tinand cont de valoarea de intrare a echiamentelor, de amortizarea acestora


- Contract 2 -

(reprezentand % din valoarea de intrare) si de platile efectuate de Utilizator

(pentru avans si pentru ratele de leasing).

1.5. The Lessee may decide on the purchasing of the equipments also
before the lease period termination under the irrevocable inquiry
placed with the Lessor. In such circumstances, the Lessor will continue
to grant the fulfillment of his obligations until the termination of this
Utilizatorul isi poate exercita dreptul de a cumpara echipamentele si inainte de
expirarea perioadei de leasing, daca formuleaza Locatorului o oferta ferma si
irevocabila de cumparare. In acest caz Locatorul ramane garant al indeplinirii
obligatiilor sale fata de Utilizator, pana la terminarea contractului.

1.6. The Lessee states that the equipments and the Supplier are choosed
according to his will.
Utilizatorul declara ca a ales echipamentele si Furnizorul conform vointei sale si
ca a solicitat Locatorului incheierea acestui contract de leasing.

ART. 2. The lease period

ART. 2. Perioada de leasing

The lease period will be 12 months effective from the date of the
equipments taking over certificate.
Perioada de leasing este de 12 luni de la data procesului verbal de receptie a

ART. 3. The value of the contract and the terms of payment.

ART. 3. Valoarea contractulii si conditiile de plata

3.1. The total value of the contract is to be understood Euro and

consists of advance payment, lease instalments and residual value, as
- the advance payment of Euro payable in 7 days after the contract
- 12 monthly lease installments, each of Euro , payable on 6th of each
month, effective , with the yearly interest of %;

- Contract 2 -

- the purchasing residual value of Euro , payable until .

The above mentioned payments are to be made by the payment order
for the Lessor`s account no. by the Bank.
Valoarea totala a contractului este de euro si consta din avans, rate de leasing si valoare
reziduala, respectiv :
- avansul in suma de euro, platibil in 7 zile de la semnarea contractului .
- 12 rate lunare de leasing, egale, in suma de euro, fiecare cu o dobanda de % pe an,
platibile la data de 6 a fiecarei luni, incepand cu luna .
- valoarea reziduala in suma de euro, platibila pana la data de .
Sumele de mai sus vor fi achitate prin ordine de plata in contul Locatorului numarul
deschis la banca .

3.2. The Lessor shall issue the commercial invoices for each payment
(advance, lease installments and residual value).
On the payment order will be made the mention of the object of each
payment (advance, lease installment or residual value) and of the contract
Locatorul va emite facturi pentru toate platile cu titlul de avans, rata de leasing sau
valoare reziduala.
Pe ordinele de plkata se va mentiona obiectul fiecarei plati (avans, rata de leasing sau
valoare reziduala), la contractul de leasing numarul din .

3.3. For delays in payment of the lease installments over 3 days as against
the settling day, the Lessee will pay a 0.5% daily penalty calculated of the
unpaid amount. The total penalties cannot exceed 20% of the contract
Pentru otice intarziere la plata care depaseste 3 zile de la data scadentei, Utilizatorul
va plati o penalizare de 0,5% pe zi, calculata din valoarea platii scadente.
Totalul penalizarilor nu va putea depasi 20% din valoarea contractului.

ART. 4. Terms of delivery, taking over, technical assistance and

ART. 4. Conditii de livrare, receptie, asistenta tehnica si servicii pentru echipamente


- Contract 2 -

4.1. The equipments shall be delivered by the Supplier DDU , according

to INCOTERMS 2000. The time of delivery shall be .
Livrarea echipamentelor se va efectua de catre furnizor, in conditii DDU conform
INCOTERMS 2000. Data livrarii va fi .

4.2. The taking over of the equipments is to be made in maximum 5 days

from the date of the equipments arrival at the Lessee, in the presence of
the Lessee`s, Lessor`s and Supplier`s representatives. The parties will
draw up a taking over certificate, signed by the representatives of the
parties, in triplicate, where will be ascertained all the shortage or
Receptia echipamentelor se va face in maxim 5 zile de la sosirea lor la Utilizator, in
prezenta reprezentatilor Utilizatorului, Locatorului si Furnizorului, intocmindu-se un proces
verbal in triplu exemplar, semnat de delegatii celor 3 parti, in care vor fi consemnate ori ce
lipsuri sau defectiuni.

4.3. The Lessee binds himself to notify immediately the Lessor about the
hidden vices of supplied equipments, any damage or malfunction of the
equipments, and also any third person intervention to exercise his rights
against the equipments.
Utilizatorul este obligat sa aduca imediat la cunostinta Locatorului aparitia oricaror
vicii ascunse ale echipamentelor livrate, orice deteriorare a acestora sau orice alte fenomene
de natura a impiedica buna functionare a echipamentelor, precum si orice interventie a unor
terte personae care pretend ca au un drept asupra echipamentelor.

4.4. The maintenance and the technical assistance during the warranty and
post warranty period will be provided by the Supplier. Between the Supplier
and the Lessee will be concluded an agreement of technical assistance and
maintenance before the equipments delivery. Every postponement of this
agreement delays accordingly the delivery of the equipments.
Asistenta tehnica si serviceul echipamentelor in perioada de garantie si post-garantie
vor fi asigurate de Furnizor pe baza unui contract incheiat intre acesta si Utilizator, inainte
de livrarea echipamentelor. Orice amanare a incheierii acestui contract conduce la decalarea
corespunzatoare a livrarii echipamentelor.

ART. 5. Renunciation or refusal of the equipments receipt

ART. 5. Renuntarea sau refuzul preluarii echipamentelor


- Contract 2 -

If the Lessee refuses or renounces without reason to receive the

delivered equipments, he is bound to pay the equipments; contrary he will
pay also damages.
Daca Utilizatorul refuza sau renunta fara motiv la preluarea echipamentelor livrate, el
va fi obligat sa le plateasca, in caz contrar urmand sa suporte si plata de daune-interese.

ART. 6. Cases of non-cancellation of the contract and which no concern its

carrying of
ART. 6. Situatii care nu atrag rezilierea contractului si nu afecteaza derularea acestuia

6.1. The Lessee is not entitled to cancel this contract and to claim
damages if:
a. The Supplier delates the equipments delivery or the equipments are
delivered partially;
b. There are differences concerning the technical features, quality, sizes
or type of delivered equipments comparatively to the annex of the contract;
c. The equipments are obviously damaged, according to the taking over
certificate or the damages become manifest during the equipments normal
operation by observing the Supplier`s instructions;
d. The function of the equipments is not suitable according to the technical
features warranted by the Supplier;
e. The equipments are physically or moral wored.
Utilizatorul nu este indreptatit sa pretinda incetarea contractului si nici sa emita pretentii
asupra Locatorului, in conditiile in care :
a. Furnizorul livreaza echipamentele cu intarziere sau doar partial ;
b. Echipamentele nu corespund din punct de vedere al caracteristicilor tehnice, calitatii,
tipului sau dimensiunii cu cele prevazute in anexa la contract ;
c. Echipamentele prezinta defectiuni evidente, sesizate cu ocazia receptiei sau pe
parcursul functionarii lor in conditii de utilizare normale, in conformitate cu
instructiunile Furnizorului ;
d. Echipamentele nu functioneaza la parametrii indicati de Furnizor ;
e. Echipamentele sunt uzate fizic sau moral.


- Contract 2 -

6.2. The above mentioned situations entitle the Lessee to fill the claims
against the Supplier, but not to cease, reduce or may cancel the contract
and bind down the Lessee to pay damages.
Situatiile mentionate mai sus il indreptatesc pe Utilizator sa adreseze reclamatii
Furnizorului, dar nu sa sisteze, sa reduca sau sa amane platile catre Locator. In caz contrar
Locatorul va putea dispune rezilierea contractului, obligandu-l pe Utilizator la plata de dauneinterese.

ART. 7. The Lessor`s right to make demands for compensations by the

ART. 7.Dreptul Utilizatorului de a solicita despagubiri de la Furnizor

7.1. In the event of the non-settlement of the claims concerning delivery,

quality, technical assistance and maintenance, the Lessee had the right to
make a demand for compensations and for penalties upon the Supplier. This
Lessee`s right must be included in the agreement for technical assistance
and maintenance, concluded between the Supplier and the Lessee.
In cazul nerezolvarii reclamatiilor privind livrarea, calitatea,, asigurarea asistentei
tehnice si a service-ului, Utilizatorul are drept de actiune directa asupra Furnizorului.Acest
drept trebuie prevazut de Utilizator in contractual de asistenta tehnica si service incheiat cu

7.2. In the circumstances that the Supplier doesn`t repair the damages of
the delivered equipments arrised (incurred) of its fault, as soon as possible
making troubles to the Lessee, the latter is entitled to ask to the Supplier
to cut down the selling price of the equipments notifying accordingly the
Lessor. In the event of such cutting, within 10 days from the date of the
return of difference between initially paid price and reduced price, the
value of the contract will be amended.
In situatia in ca Furnizorul nu repara defectiunile aparute din vina sa la echipamentele
livrate, in cel mai scurt timp posibil, creand dificultati Utilizatorului, acesta este indreptatit
sa solicite Furnizorului reducerea pretului de vanzare a echipamentelor, notificandu-l in acest
sens si pe Locator. Daca se ajunge la o astfel de reducere, in termen de 10 zile de la data
restituirii de catre Furnizor a diferentei fata de pretul platit initial de Locator, valoarea
contractului de leasing va fi recalculata.


- Contract 2 -

ART. 8. The checking right

ART. 8. Dreptul de verificare

The Lessee will allow to the Supplier`s and Lessor`s authorized

representatives to check the keeping, operation and maintenance of the
equipments, any time when these representatives consider necessary and to
support their checking activity.
Utilizatorul va permite reprezentantilor autorizati ai Locatorului si Furnizorului sa
efectueze verificarea modului de exploatare, pastrare si intretinere a echipamentelor,
oricand acestia considera ca este necesar, obligandu-se sa le acorde tot sprijinul in timpul
procesului de verificare.

ART. 9. The Lessee`s duties concerning the protection, maintenance and

repair of the equipments
ART. 9. Obligatiile Utilizatorului privind protejarea, intretinerea si repararea echipamentelor

9.1. During the lease period the Lessee shall keep the equipments safe,
taking all the measures to protect the equipments against the damages,
accidents or other risks which may conduct to their entirely or partial
Utilizatorul se oblige ca in perioada de inchiriere sa pastreze echipamentele in conditii
de deplina siguranta, luand toate masurile in vederea protejarii lor de orice deteriorari,
accidente sau alte riscuri care ar conduce la deteriorarea lor totala sau partiala.

9.2. The Lessee is totally responsible for the incomplete or insufficient

measures or for non taking of the measures according to the above
mentioned art. 9.1.
Utilizatorul este raspunzator in totalitate pentru luarea de masuri incomplete sau
insuficiente, ca si de neluarea masurilor in sensul celor mentionate la art. 9.1. de mai sus.

9.3. The Lessee agrees and is bound himself during the lease period to
maintain, repair, check and control steadily the equipments, using only the
specialists and authorized persons, and bearing all the due costs, according
to the maintenance agreement, during the warranty and post-warranty

- Contract 2 -

Utilizatorul accepta si se obliga ca pe durata inchirierii sa realizeze toate operatiunile

de intretinere, reparatii, verificari si control uzuale, in mod regulat si numai cu specialisti sau
pesoane autorizate, suportand toate cheltuielile aferente in limita obligatiilor impuse de
Furnizor prin contractual de service, atat in perioada de garantie, cat si post-garantie.

9.4. The Lessee is bound to use the equipments observing the Supplier`s
operating instructions. Any damage to the equipments caused by the failure
to observe the operating instructions by the Lessee involves the latter`s
direct material responsibility.
Utilizatorul se oblige sa exploateze echipamentele in conformitate cu prevederile
instructiunilor de exploatare puse la dispozitie de Furnizor. Orice defectiune care apare
datorita unei utilizari defectuase ale echipamentelor aflate in folosinta Utilizatorului
determina rasounderea materiala directa a acestuia.

9.5. Any improvement or amendment of the equipments is to carry by the

Lessee only with the Lessor`s previous written consent, without any
financial duties of the latter.
Incorporarea oricarei inbunatatiri sau modificari echipamentelor de catre Utilizator se
poate face numai cu acordul scris al Locatorului, fara ca acesta sa aiba vreo obligatie

ART. 10. The Lessee`s rights as result of the possession and use of the
ART. 10. Drepturile Utilizatorului decurgand din posesia si folosinta echipamentelor

10.1. The Lessee has not the right of disposal of the equipments.
Utilizatorul nu are drept de dispozitie asupra echipamentelor.

10.2. The Lessee cannot transfer to thirds the right to use the equipments
without the Lessor`s written consent.
Utilizatorul nu are dreptul de a transfera folosinta echipamentelor catre terti fara
acordul scris al Locatorului.

10.3. In the event that the Lessee is under legal restructuring and/or in
bankruptcy, in the real rights of the Lessor concerning the equipments are
opposable to the syndic judge.
If the Lessee is in a dissolving and/or settling procedure, the above
mentioned provisions are to be applied also to the appointed liquidator.

- Contract 2 -

In situatia in care Utilizatorul se afla in situatia de reorganizare judiciara si/sau

faliment, drepturile reale ale Locatorului asupra echipamentelor sunt opozabile judecatorului
Daca Utilizatorul se afla in dizolvare si/sau lichidare, dispozitiile alineatului precedent
se aplica si lichidatorului numit.

10.4. The Lessor will protect the Lessee against the eviction by the thirds
which claim a property right or another real right on the equipments.
Locatorul il garanteaza pe Utilizator asupra evictiunii oricarui tert care pretinde un
drept de proprietate sau un alt drept real supra echipamentelor.

10.5. The Lessee may insure the equipments in its own name and on its own
behalf against all risks.
Utilizatoul poate asigura echipamentele, in numele sip e contul sau, contra tuturor

ART. 11. The Lessor`s right to transfer the property and the contract
ART. 11. Dreptul Locatorului de transfer a proprietatii si contractului

The Lessor may transfer the property right on the equipments and on
the amounts which shall be cashed from the Lessee to a third, providing
that the other provisions of this contract remain unchanged. The Lessor will
continue to grant to the Lessee the fulfillment of his duties.
Locatorul poate dispune transferul dreptului de proprietate asupra echipamentelor, ca
si asupra sumelor pe care le are de incasat de la Utilizator, catre un tert, cu conditia
mentinerii intocmai a celorlalte prevederi ale prezentului contract. Locatorul ramane garant al
indeplinirii obligatiilor fata de Utilizator.

ART. 12. The equipments homologation

ART. 12. Omologarea echipamentelor

The Lessor shall homologate at his expenses the equipments in

accordance with the tests established by the law for use of the equipments
according to the local standards in Romania.



- Contract 2 -

The homologation is to be performed by , which is the competent

authority to certify the conformity of the equipments under the regulations
of the standards in force.
Locatorul va omologa pe cheltuiala sa echipamentele, supunandu-le la toate testele
stabilite de legislatia din Romania, in vederea autorizarii lor pentru a putea fi exploatate in
aceasta tara, conform standardelor locale.
Omologarea se va efectua de care este forul competent, responsabil cu
atestarea conformitatii echipamentelor la cerintele standardelor in vigoare.

ART. 13. Training of the Lessee`s personnel

ART. 13. Scolarizarea personalului Utilizatorului

The training of the Lessee`s personnel which will operate the

equipments will start in 15 days after the taking over of the equipments,
for the period of time and in number of personnel stipulated in the
maintenance contract concluded between the Lessee and the Supplier.
The fees for the Lessor`s personnel involved in the training shall be
borne by the latter.
On terminating the Lessee`s personnel training, a report on results is
to be signed by the Lessee and the Supplier.
Scolarizarea personalului Utilizatorului, care va exploata echipamentele, va incepe in
termen de 15 zile de la receptia echipamentelor, pe durata si pentru numarul de persoane
prevazute in contractul de service incheiat de Utilizator cu Furnizorul echipamentelor si se va
desfasura la sediul Utilizatorului.
Furnizorul va suporta cheltuielile cu specialistii sai care efectueaza scolarizarea.
La terminarea scolarizarii, intre Utilizator si Furnizor se va incheia un proces verbal de
constatare a rezultatelor obtinute.

ART. 14. The Lessee`s duties concerning the equipments during the
carrying of the contract
ART. 14. Obligatiile Utilizatorului privind echipamentele pe durata derularii contractului

14.1. The Lessee must protect the property right of the Lessor for the
equipments against to third.


- Contract 2 -

Utilizatorul are obligatia sa apere in raporturile cu tertii dreptul de proprietate al

Locatorului asupra echipamentelor.

14.2. The Lessee may not resale or sublease the equipments without the
written Lessor`s consent.
Utilizatorul nu poate revinde echipamentele decat cu acordul scris al Locatorului.

14.3. All the fees and other fiscal obligations concerning the equipments
will be in the Lessee`s account.
Pe durata contractului toate taxele si alte obligatii fiscale privind echipamentele sunt
suportate de Utilizator.

14.4. The Lessee shall be liable for the damages caused to the Lessor,
thirds, other goods and/or the environment, because of the use of the
Utilizatorul raspunde in totalitate pentru daunele produse prin exploatarea
echipamentelor,daune care ar afecta Locatorul, terte personae, alte bunuri si/sau mediul

14.5. The Lessee is bound to use the equipments observing the technical
standards and the operating instructions, and in conformity with the
purpose of the contract. The use of equipments for other purposes will be
made at the Lessee`s risk and doesn`t affect the Lessor`s rights.
Utilizatorul se oblige sa foloseasca echipamentele potrivit scopului prevazut in acest
contract. Folosirea echipamentelor pentru alte scopuri sau pentru savarsirea unor fapte
ilegale se face pe riscul Utilizatorului, drepturile Locatorului nefiind afectate in aceste

ART. 15. Cancellation of the contract by the Lessor

ART. 15. Rezilierea contractului de catre Locator

15.1. On consider the breach of the contract by the Lessee in the

following events:
a. The faulty use or keeping of the equipments which conducts to the total
or partial destruction of the equipments;
b. Should the Lessee fails to set the things right within 10 days after
their appearance.



- Contract 2 -

c. Non-observing of the conditions concerning the maintenance and the

repair of the equipments.
d. The change of the destination of the equipments by the Lessee, without
the Lessor`s previous written consent.
e. The breach of the Lessee`s duties according to the above mentioned
articles 5, 9, 10 and 14.
In cases such as those the Lessor is entitled to call of the contract
and to demand the return of the equipments or the payment of all the
installments and of the residual value.
Se considera cazuri de incalcare a contractului de catre Utilizator, urmatoarele :
a. Distrugerea partiala sau totala a echipamentelor de catre Utilizator datorita modului
defectuos de pastrare sau de folosire ;
b. Neluarea masurilor de remediere a deficientelor in termen de 10 zile de la aparitia
c. Nerespectarea conditiilor referitoare la intretinerea si repararea echipamentelor;
d. Schimbarea de catre Utilizator a destinatiei echipamentelor, fara acordul prealabil,
scris, al Locatorului ;
e. Incalcarea obligatiilor Utilizatorului prevazute la articolele 5, 9, 10 si 14 de mai sus.
f. In oricare dina ceste situatii Locatorul are dreptul de a rezilia contractual si de a cere
restituirea echipamentelor sau plata integrala a ratelor de leasing si a valorii reziduale.

15.2. Should the lease installments are not paid fully and on time,
according to this contract, the Lessor is entitled to cancel this contract,
and the Lessee is bound to pay the outstanding amounts and penalties
incurred by it as a consequence of the default, according to the contract`s
The Lessor keeps also the right to ask damages which amount cannot
be higher than the value of the payments which will be made until the
contract termination.
In cazul in care Utilizatorul nu-si indeplineste obligatiile de plata a ratelor de leasing
intocmai si la timp, conform prezentului contract, Locatorul are dreptul de a rezilia unilateral
contractul, cu obligarea Utilizatorului la restituirea echipamentelor si la plata sumelor
scadente si nerambursate plus penalizarile prevazute in prezentul contract.
Locatorul isi pastreaza de asemenea dreptul de a solicita daune-interese care nu vor
putea depasi cuantumul valoric al platilor ramase de achitat pana la expirarea contractului.



- Contract 2 -

ART. 16. Settlement of disputes

ART. 16. Arbitraj

Any disputes which might arise out of the interpretation or of the

performing of the present contract will be settled amicably. If the parties
are not able to settle amicably the dispute shall be settled by the
International Arbitration Commission by the Chamber of Commerce,
residing at , according to its own legal procedures.
The award passed by the Arbitration Commission shall be final and
binding upon the parties.
Orice litigii rezultate din interpretarea si executarea prezentului contract vor fi
solutionate pe cale amiabila, iar daca partile nu se inteleg litigiul va fi solutionat de catre
Curtea de Arbitraj International de pe langa Camera de Comert a , cu sediul in ,
conform regulamentului acesteia.
Hotararea va fi definitiva , irevocabila si executorie.

ART. 17. Final terms

ART. 17. Dispozitii finale

17.1. Any amendment or completion of present contract can be made only

with the agreement of both parties.
Orice modificare sau completare a prezentului contract se poate face numai cu acordul
ambelor parti.

17.2. The contract takes effect only after the advance payment by the
Prezentul contract intra in vigoare dupa incasarea de catre Locator a avansului.

Signed at , in duplicate one for the Lessor and one for the Lessee.
The annex is a part of this contract.
Incheiat la , astazi , in doua exemplare, unul pentru Locator si altul pentru



- Contract 2 -





- Contract 2 -

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