Stephen Brookfield

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Stephen Brookfield


Assumptions incorporated

The need to know

The learners experience

Early life

Born April 22, 1949 in Liverpool, England

Earned his BA from Lanchester Polytechnic Institute. He holds an MA

from Reading College and earned his PhD from the University of
Leicester in 1980

Is a guitarist, song-writer, and singer in a punk-rockabilly band called

The 99ers

England in the19050s-1960s

World war 2 had caused a huge debt in England, but by 1950 most of
the debt was paid and rationing had ended

the1950s and 1960s were a relatively prosperous times and saw

continued modernization of the economy

Unemployment was relatively low, and the standard of living continued

to rise

In 1953 Queen Elizabeth II was coronated

England in the1970s-1980s

The push for racial equality and womens equality grew

Unrest and riots increased due to economic decline and inflation during
the late 60s and 70s

The economy picked back up again in the 80s

There was a large shift in culture that has lasted into todays England


his teaching career began in 1970

worked in England, Canada, Australia, and the United States, teaching

in a variety of college settings

has written, co-written or edited 18 books on adult learning, teaching,

critical thinking, discussion methods, and critical theory

He has also authored over 100 chapters in edited books, published

over 70 articles in refereed journals, and delivered over 40 papers that
were published in juried conference proceedings.

In 2009 he was inducted into the international Adult Education Hall of


Career continued

has three honorary doctor of letters degrees; from the University

System of New Hampshire in 1991, from Concordia University, St. Paul
(St. Paul, Minnesota) in 2003, and from Muhlenberg College in 2010

Has won the Cyril O. Houle World Award for Literature in Adult
Education six times, as well as many other awards

He currently serves on the editorial boards of educational journals in

Britain, Canada and Australia, as well as in the United States

Brookfields core beliefs

Often argues that the attempt to construct an exclusive theory of

adult learning - one that is distinguished wholly by its standing in
contradiction to what we know about learning at other stages in the
lifespan - is a grave error.

the variables of culture, ethnicity, personality and political ethos

assume far greater significance in explaining how learning occurs and
is experienced than does the variable of chronological age.

Contributions to Adult Education

He has been a leader in research and scholarship in four major fields;

understanding the practice of teaching and facilitation across a range of

diverse adult educational contexts

understanding the rhythms of critical thinking as a form of learning and the

dynamics of how best to develop this

understanding the development of critically reflective practice among adult


applying the theoretical concepts of critical theory to the understanding of

adult learning and education

Focus of his work (self directed


He studied how adults set their own learning goals, locate appropriate
resources, decide on which learning methods to use and evaluate their

Argued that a persons disposition to self-directedness is culturally

learned due to variations in patriarchal values of division, separation
and competition

Focus of his work (critical


He argued that an adults ability to think/reflect critically is the key

difference between adult education and childhood education

He named 4 parts to critical reflection


Identifying the assumptions that frame our thinking and determine our actions


Checking out the degree to which these assumptions are accurate and valid


Looking at our ideas and decisions from several different perspectives


On the basis of all this, taking informed actions

Claims that critical reflection is useful outside the classroom as well by

helping you stay intact when any number of organizations are trying to
get you to think and act in ways that serve their purposes

Focus of his work (experiential


Believed that an exclusive reliance on accumulated experience as the

defining characteristic of adult learning contains two discernible pitfalls

Experience is not objective. How we interpret our experiences change

depending on our current mindset

quantity or length of experience is not necessarily connected to its richness

or intensity

Overall impact

He helped develop the similarities between childhood learning and

adult learning

Made major advances in highlighting the importance of critical

reflection/thinking not only in formal education, but in everyday life as

Many of Brookfields studies help us better understand and interpret

some of the 6 assumptions

Learners experiences and self-concept are both influenced by the cultural

context in which the person grew up, as well as their current situation

The relationship between learning and culture can clearly be seen all
throughout the Bible

Jesus incorporated culture and society into his messages to get his point
across (parables)

The writers of the New Testament did this as well, specifically Paul in his

Brookfield, Stephen. "Dr. Stephen D. Brookfield." Dr. Stephen D.

Brookfield. Stephen Brookfield, n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2016.

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