Plant Adaptation Lesson Reflection

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Plant Adaptation Lesson Reflection

During this fun lesson students assumed the role of a botanist. Students have
been learning for the past week about plant adaptation and now its time for them
to put their knowledge to the test. I had students create their own plant. As a
botanist the students discovered a new type of plant and it is their job to provide a
fact sheet highlighting their new plant discovery. In their fact sheet students must
include the following information: name of plant, plants basic needs, how the plant
needs are met, where their plant live, and include an image of the plant in its
natural habitat with a caption explaining the image. Students learned that the
structure of the plant is determined by the habitat in which the plant live in. For
example, a plant in the desert is structured differently than a plant that live in the
forest because these plants have adapted to the environment in which they live in.
Many plants in the desert have thorns to reduce the amount of water they lose
while plants in the forest have large leaves to increase the amount of sunlight it
absorbs. My students truly enjoyed this lesson because it gave them the
opportunity to be creative and apply all the information they have been learning for
the past week.

Students understanding of the information was evaluated based on the

information that they provided in their fact sheet. Students had to be able to explain
their plants basic needs and explain how those needs are met. Students must
understand that there can be a difference in how the plants basic needs are met
based on the environment in which it lives.
Some of the goals that I have moving forward is including the students in the
rubric making process. During this lesson my CT provided me with a great
resource to aid in creating a rubric. Including the students in the rubric making
process will help to guide students as they work on their lesson. Many of the
question that I received while the students worked on the lesson was Is this
enough information? If I had the students use the rubric as a guide it would have
definitely eliminated that question. Another goal that I have moving forward is
making sure that I manage my time wisely. When I created this lesson I thought
that two days would be enough to get this lesson completed but I soon found out
that this lesson would take three days to get complete.
Artifacts Below:

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