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Note the focus area and standard

descriptor/s the artefact /
document reflects

Note the type of

artefact / document

Describe the artefact / document and

indicate the possible impact or result on
teaching and/ or student learning

Describe how the artefact /

document meet the standard
descriptors you have identified.

4.2 Manage challenging behaviour

The artefact presented is

a devised classroom
management plan that
was believed for my
Professional Experience

The classroom management plan was developed

to take into consideration whole school approach
to behavioural management as well as person
approach to behavioural management. The
artefact outlines behavioural management
strategies that highlight consequence pathways
as well as positive behaviour reinforcement
strategies (marble jar, raffle tickets, stickers).

Through the implementation of

this classroom management plan,
challenging behaviours are address
with a choice of strategies to be
used, as well as positive
behavioural rewards to encourage
all students to strive to be the best
version of who they are. (4.2)

Demonstrate knowledge of practical

approaches to manage challenging

Mentor Teacher: Your

management of challenging
behaviour is excellent. You are firm
but quiet about it which has a
calming effect on the students.
University Adviser: Excellent
management of challenging



Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership [AITSL] (2014), Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (Graduate). AITSL:
Retrieved from:

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