Kuantiti DLM Bhs Igrs

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A bar of chocolate (sebatang cokelat)

A glass of water (segelas air)

A drop of sauce (setumpah saus)
A cup of coffee (secangkir kopi)
A cup of milk (secangkir susu)
a cup of tea (secangkir teh)
A jar of jam (sebotol kecil selai)
A piece of cheese (sepotong keju)

A spoon of syrup (sesendok sirup)

A spoon of sugar (sesendok gula)

A bowl of rice ( semangkok nasi)

A jar of honey (sebotol kecil madu)
A jar of peanut butter (setoples/sebit mentega kacang)
A bowl of noodle ( semangkok mi)

A bowl of soup (semangkok sayur)

a bag of sugar (sekarung gula)
A plate of rice ( sepiring nasi)
A box of milk (sekotak susu)
A slice of chocolate cake (sepotong kue cokelat)
A plate of spaghetti (sepiring spaghetti)
A loaf of bread (sepotong roti)
A bottle of milk (sebotol susu)

A glass of milk (segelas susu)

A pile of sand (segundukan/seonggok pasir)
A bunch of spinach (seikat bayam)

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