Lesson Plan - Vocbb

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Student-Teacher: Fatima Ali

Date: 16-3-2016
Primary EPC 2401 Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 2
Grade Level: three(3E).
Subject: Language Art.
Strand: Medium level.
Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):
Understand the vocabulary words.
Read and write the vocabulary words.
Use the vocabulary in sentences.
Board and data show.

Matching cards.
X and o.

The whole lesson follow ESA( engage, study, activate)

Engage: show students pictures of the
vocabulary words.
Study: opening(story and introducing the
vocabulary words.
Activate: Activities that encourage students to
use the knowledge and language they learned
in the lesson.

Preparation (what do you need to do/make before class?)

Prepare the PowerPoint slides.
Get the resources ready.
Review the lesson plan.
Key vocabulary/Target Language
Afford, customer, contacted, raise, earn, figure, block and

Preparing differentiation activities depending on students

level are the key to support students in learning. Also, it
plays a very important role to improve their levels. I planned
different activities ,but all of them designed for the same
purpose and it achieved the learning outcomes.

Time: 10 min

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

Speaking , listening and reading:
Task 1:
1. Introduce the words (engage and explore)
I will read the word and ask students to guess the meaning of the words.
In addition, I will ask them to read the words again.
2. Read story for students.
While telling students the story I will engage them by asking them questions, using voice intonation
and predicting what will happen. As a result, students will pay attention and motivate to learn.
Reasons for choosing story:
Integrate various learning styles which help students to understand the lesson easily. For example,
visual by showing them pictures. Also, auditory when students will listen to the teacher while
telling them the story and finally kinesthetic, when students will act and use body language.
Arouse students interest as a result, they will gain various vocabulary words and understand
Whole class activity:
Online game "matching the words with the definitions"
How this activity will help both students and teacher?
Motivate them to learn because it combines fun and learning.
Capacity to distinguish between the meaning of the words.
Identify the words and try to use them in their life while talking with their family and friends.
Assess her students
Notice her students mistakes and improve their learning.
Make sure that her students understand the meaning of the words.
SLA approach will be integrated throughout the plan

Time: min

Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)

The teacher will explain the activity and students will get chances to engage and explore.
Solve the puzzle (low level)
Prepare different puzzles for the each word such as, figure, block and spreading.
Each puzzle will have 3 pieces of different words. The first piece will be the definition of the word, the
second will be the picture of the word and the final piece will be empty.
Students will read the definition, look at the picture and try to find out the word and write it in the
empty piece.
After finishing one word they will get another one, which will scaffold them in learning.
I will model this activity for them by reading the definition and write the word.
While students doing the activity, I will correct their mistakes if they have and assess their learning.
Reasons for choosing this activity:
Develop fine motor skills and cognitive thinking.
Motivate them to learn because it has bright and colorful illustrations generate interest.
Help them to identify the vocabulary words.
Why I choose this for low level?
Low level students faced problem in knowing all of the words. So, this activity will support them because
they will have one word in each puzzle. In addition, this activity has pictures for each word which will help
them to identify the word.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

Engage, Explore and Explain
Matching cards (medium Level) .This activity will be for two groups.
Cards of the words and cards for the definitions.
Give each pair a set of the definitions cards and the word cards.
Ask student to put the definitions cards face down in a pile and the matching words cards are spread
face down on the table.
Student will take top the definitions cards from the pile and turns over one of the words cards. Then
they will read the word and the definition.
If the cards match, student will keep the pairs .Whereas, if the card dont match, they will returned
the definition card to the bottom of the pile and the word card is turned back face down in its place.
This will help them to remember where the word cards were.
After finishing the cards, students will choose one words and write three sentences about it.
Why I choose this activity:
Improve students listening because each partner has to concentrate while their partner
reading the definitions.
According to Vygotsky, who mentioned that when students work together and have a
chance to discus and share this will support them to acquire language and learn from each
other. In addition, this is "ZPD", because students can guide their partner while doing the
Reinforce students reading, writing and speaking.
Why I choose this for medium level?
Medium level students know the words but they need more practice and support to be able
to reach the high level. In addition, by doing as pairs, they will scaffold and help each other.

Time: 5 min

Independent Experience(small group activity 2)

Explain, Explore, and Engage.
X and O (high level)
Each pair will have a paper for X and O game and cubes
It will be paired activity ,each partner has a turn to select a word ,say it, read it and tell her/his
partner a sentence about this word and finally they will write the sentence in the paper. Then he
/she will put the cube on the word.
Then her partner will choose another word and do like her/his partner, and put the cube on the
If they get horizontal, vertical and diagonal line , they will win.
Reasons for choosing this activity:
Combine fun and learning at the same time.
Help students to understand the meaning of the words more.
Develop students reading and writing.
Why I choose this for high level?
High level students are able to write sentences without getting scaffolding from the teacher and
other students.
In addition, students are able to know all of the meaning of the words without facing any problems.


Make a short review by asking students oral questions.

Ask students to write a story by using these words.

While students doing the activity I will walk around to observe their working .In addition I will ask them Oral
question, such as, what does this word mean?
Moreover, I will provide appropriate feedbacks for them and improve their learning.
In addition, I will use the checklist.

what went well:

The activities are perfect, students were engaged, excited and participated.
Students were paying attention because I keep praising the quite students and who listen to me.
I used several way to teach students the lesson such as, the story, online game, give students opportunity to
read the words and tell the meaning of it and write story about the words. All these ways support students to
understand the lesson very well.
I monitor students while doing the activities by walking around and help who faced problem to do the

Even better if:

choosing a teachers assistant because students were waiting more time to get the resources.
Manage the classroom by walking around, keep parsing the students who did excellent behavior and signs.

Next step in teaching and learning:

Use a reward system to manage students.
Choose a teachers assistant.
Use various techniques to teach students such as, video, games, discussions and activities.

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