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SEC 430 Master Education Exp


SEC 430 Entire Course (UOP)

SEC 430 Week 1 Bus Radio Theft Investigation

SEC 430 Week 2 Elements of Crime and Criminal Liabilit

SEC 430 Week 3 Evidence Tracking

SEC 430 Week 4 Employment Application Critique

SEC 430 Week 5 Team Assignment Theft Investigation

SEC 430 Week 1 Bus Radio Theft Investigation

Resource: University of Phoenix Materials: Bus Radio Ca
se Facts

? Review the University of Phoenix Materials: Bus Radio
Case Facts located in the Week One Assessment section
of your student website.
? Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper, in which you answ
er the following questions from the point of view of the
- What documents, interviews, direct observations, and
additional tactics would you use to conduct the investig

SEC 430 Week 2 Elements of Crime and Crimin

al Liability (UOP)
Elements of Crime and Criminal Liability Research a vi
olent crime and a property crime in your state statutes
or in the US Code (Federal law). In a 1000 to 1500 word
paper, discuss:

SEC 430 Week 3 Evidence Tracking (UOP)

Evidence Tracking In a 1000 to 1200 word paper, discu
ss what you learned from the DNA Initiative Training.

Include the following:

SEC 430 Week 4 Employment Application Criti

que (UOP)
Obtain an employment application from your past, pres
ent or future place of employment. Prepare a 1000 to 1
500 word paper identifying the strengths and weakness
es of the application.
Your paper should discuss the following questions:
Does the application gather sufficient information to c
onduct a background investigation on the applicant?
What waivers does the application contain?
Is the same application used for all positions?
- Is drug testing required?

SEC 430 Week 5 Team Assignment Theft Inves

tigation (UOP)
Write a 1,250-to 1,750-word paper on the following scen

You are the security team responsible for a centralized
warehouse that distributes electronic equipment to a ch
ain of electronic stores. You have received information t
hat employees are suspected of stealing and selling inve
ntory from the warehouse.

SEC 430 Master Education Exp


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