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Misenheimer 1

Will Misenheimer
Deby Jizi
UWRT 1102-028
14 March 2016
Research Proposal
1) The Inquiry Question related to my topic is very simple, but may act as a tree, in which other
questions, or branches, stem from it. I have labeled my topic of inquiry as Gun Rights vs. Gun
Control. The primary question that I have is, Does the right to protect oneself take priority over and
outweigh the opportunity to inflict pain upon someone and commit acts of terror. This question does
not directly introduce the topic of Gun Rights vs. Gun Control, but it introduces concepts that are
pertinent to both.
2) The purpose of this project is to explore.
3) I do have prior biases and prejudices regarding the topic of Gun Rights vs. Gun Control. My family,
myself included, own and enjoy firearms. We have had positive experiences shooting firearms and I
believe that the right to defend oneself does outweigh the opportunity to inflict unnecessary pain upon
someone and commit acts of terror. My uncle, a Shelby City Police Officer, has been shot while on
duty, and still believes that the right to bear arms is necessary. Both of my grandparents, one being a
Vietnam War Veteran, own and enjoy firearms. I have a genetic predisposition for the love and
enjoyment of firearms. Before I began a working knowledge, I had an enjoyment and appropriate
respect for firearms, but I wanted to learn more about the perspective of the other side, those who do
not consent to the citizens right to own firearms. I know that this group has to have a viable
argument, so I wanted to hear it. I am sure that there are components of both the arguments for and
against guns, which is why I wanted to increase my knowledge base and develop a deeper
understanding of the topic as a whole.

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